Alpz-1 By Neuro Vision
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Hi there. I recently got my Alprazolam 1 mg refill from the pharmacy. Has anybody tried these alpz-1 tablets by neuro vision? They are small, white and round. Blank on one side, and just a single score on the other.

47 Replies (3 Pages)

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Re: Lexi (# 25) Expand Referenced Message

WHAT! I paid 25 euro for a sheet of 10. It would've been 20 euro cause they're normally 2 euro a pill, but 200 for 1 sheet... I wouldn't even spend that much for 10 2mg bars my friend.

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Re: Donna (# 35) Expand Referenced Message

Please don't worry no matter what all the doom mungerers say on here. Most of the Indian meds just use different fillers and colourings that can make people paranoid because they look and taste a bit different, but when it comes to medical products India has some standards too.

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Re: Rock On 85 (# 13) Expand Referenced Message

I had them tested, and they are alprazolam. But I have to warn you, the brand itself has started being counterfeited.

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Re: Lexi (# 25) Expand Referenced Message

I hope you're joking.

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Re: Rock On 85 (# 17) Expand Referenced Message

Real alps-1 are spot on but I think people in India have starting faking them as well such a pity I got them and the diazepam version for years and they were perrfect if you get any kind of good reputation in India people just copy it just to give themselves a jump-start shame I still love India its the most fascinating country in the world

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Re: knowbothin (# 21) Expand Referenced Message

Rlam are the real deal. I’ve been taking alprazolam for a while and they come correct.

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Re: Rock On 85 (# 17) Expand Referenced Message

How do you get a prescription for them?

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Re: Dizeedizz (# 24) Expand Referenced Message

Where can you fill a prescription for these?

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Re: Experienced (# 37) Expand Referenced Message

What other illicit? I just got a refill of alps-1 So would like to know. Where do you get a kit to test like that?

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Works good. Not as strong as Pfizer mfg but superb. As generic as it comes and highly recommend. I use it all the time

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Nuero Vison Alpz-1: my home test kit indicated they were laced / found traces of other illicit substances.

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Re: Tim Rock (# 33) Expand Referenced Message

I'm getting poor quality xanax from India in my refills. Can u steer me in the right direction as to which brands are the best?

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Are these alps 1 generic xanax 1 mg legitimate?

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Re: Rock On 85 (# 13) Expand Referenced Message

It all depends where you are getting them from. If you go to a legitimate pharmacy like, CVS, Walgreens, etc then you are getting the real deal. If you're going online and getting them from a place that claims they are a pharmacy but no prescription is needed, then you're taking a big chance of getting robbed with prepressed pills with nothing but filler in it, or even worse, laced with fentanyl. Buy at your own risk!

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Re: Rock On 85 (# 15) Expand Referenced Message

I agree with him totally. The ksalol or whatever from other countries are much better. There are literally thousands of Xanax out there.

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Re: Rock On 85 (# 13) Expand Referenced Message

Garbage. I do not know whats in here but they are garbage! Trust me. Go to your own shrink get Clonazepam. Xanax you probably won't get.

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Re: Dani (# 9) Expand Referenced Message

Agreed. This is very true. They are not laced with fentanyl or anything resembling a scheduled drug. Stay away. Far away!

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Re: Kevin (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

Nope, not these either. My company doesn't test these anymore but we got most cheater/operators off of the net.

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They are counterfeit 100%. They have real ones out there from Serbia or India but not these. These are what unscrupulous operators pawn off on ppl like us.

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Re: Dizeedizz (# 24) Expand Referenced Message

Hi mate can u give me a link to your guy my guys gone off line I'm in UK too. Used to get from a guy off line but he's gone now. Do u have a link to some 1 for me please

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