Alprazolam Replacement (Top voted first)


I am on United Healthcare. I have been prescribed Alprazolam for 10+ yrs. I have nerve issues bmy blood pressure is regular now and I feel more at ease. New PCP besides he quit writing it and said I need a psychiatrist. So I went to urgent care and was told to take 1/2 tab.a day. I was taking 4 times that.
I can't see a psychiatrist for 3 months. What do I do? My heart rate is now irregular and I feel like I am being punished.I live in Az. And I never abused my medications.

2 Replies

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I live in Houston Tx. I know MD's think they know everything but u know ur body better than anybody. Get online u can find legit xanax u need untill u come across an M.D that helps. Legal or not u should not suffer.

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Have you tried anything else to hep regulate your heart rate that your PCP can prescribe?

Clonidine isn't controlled, so he can write for it and it helps with anxiety, as well.

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