Alprazolam (almee 2) India (Top voted first)
UpdatedWhat does a 2mg amee-2 (alprazolam) look like? What color are they?
Re: richard 1018 (# 6)
I'm looking for a pill called ALPZ-1 1MG Alprazolam. Do you know where I could get my rx refilled with this brand?
has anyone tried ALMEE 2 from india, have you had the tested, they seem to only make me tired.
They are a white and round pill.
Re: richard 1018 (# 6)
I just got my ALMEE-2. They are white & really small with no marking. The package was sliver with a red and black stipend and the other side was in brown bubble wrap. Are these effective?
I just got alprazolam 2 but they are different. They are small round brownish pills. Has anyone else gotten these?
Hi Jan (post #3),
Depending on where you obtained your pills from, it seems to me that they could either be counterfeit or foreign. If they're anything like the one's from India, I've heard some people mention that you should be looking for a distinct "bitter" taste that is indicative of real alprazolam. Unfortunately without a marking though, only a lab analysis could truly verify its contents.
Do your pills have an imprint of any kind to help determine who manufactured them? Or is there a box it came in from the distributor/pharmacy with more specific details we can look up?
Small, whitish-brownish, round, no imprint/score. 2mg extended release. Blister packs are very small and have the red line indicating for export. Tax stamp on the bottom looked legit... Unlike the Pex-2 which seem to be fake a lot, and have a counterfeit tax stamp, at the bottom, I've had good results with these. However not many vendors sell them that I've seen.
If the blue stamp at the bottom doesn't show the tax info paid and the suggested retail (MRP) in Rs, it's probably fake.
I've been a panic-patient since age 16. Now 51. I go off and on because my panic improves then something sets it off. For the first time my India pharmacy did not dispense the 2 mg bars! Also scored and come in blisters. I know blisters can be faked - don’t be that naive. Notice the Almee-2 are small round white more than ¾ smaller than the bar! 2mg fits in the tiny pill? I was upset cuz they know I prefer the bars. If bars are not available, then do not substitute. Would you substitute a pair of boots? Or your favorite chocolate? No! Almee-2 I find is extended release, not instant. It may be alprazolam but when your benzo tolerant like me, may as well get baby aspirin. They’re real but won’t admit they’re time released. There’s a reason. You can have panic attacks requiring instant help or take one to two time-released a day to keep at bay. If keeping at bay doesn’t work for you then neither do the extended release. They’re lying... not admitting why they’re not only so small but hard as a rock. That is so someone who needs instant relief cannot tamper with it. So 2 mg extended relief vs 2 mg instant are huge in the big picture of panic disorder — India pharmacies may hook you in initially and slowly as they get you to trust them, they come loose! And that is scamming the patient.
Re: Pearl (# 9)
I thought they were brown too at first but that is just the packaging. If u take them out they are all white. All the Amlee 2mg pills are white.
Yes I got them as well. They seem to be OK and seem to work. You can clearly taste the Alprazolam in them for sure. I got 60 2mg pills. They are white. I'm just not happy with the change because I wanted the bars and expected the bars but these white pills are 2mg and made by Amlee. I tasted them and they taste like the real deal, and like I said I have no problem if they work. I just was expecting bars. I don't like it when they change my prescription. You have to be careful cause a lot of pharmacies will change what u get and tell u it's the same thing, but duhh it's not the same thing. If I order a truck and get a van instead that's not the same damn things or buy a red vet and get a blue one it's not the same thing cause it's a vet. Anyway u know they are still different, red and blue. Duhh... Damn, it pisses me off when they do that.
These almee-2 pills are BS bunk medz.they don't have the chemical composition the real ones do.Damn shame, pay all that money, tell the company they're not real anf then they want you send pictures of the medz before a decision will be made.Of course they already have my $$$ and they're in India, whatcha gonna do. Before they sent the RX. I know it's bunk, they know it's bunk and it not the same RX they've sent us the previous 2 orders. This is a piss poor way to do business with a good customer.
They are 2mg alprazolam. They are made in India the 1mg are green the 2mg are a tan type color or light brown. I think they are good.
Re: Jan (# 2)
Mine are small brownish too. The taste is just like a Xanax. I just took one. I'll know shortly if it's real or either I'll be dead!!! ??
Re: Christy (# 13)
Did u find? I got some today in my refill. Wondering if they're supposed to be any good?
Re: richard 1018 (# 6)
I filled a prescription for Xanax 2 mg from India and I received dark brown packets with 10 lighter brown pills in each. When I released the pills from the foil they are white small round tablets. The name on the aluminum packets says ALMEE-2 in large print. Above that it says Alazoptam tablets I.P. Underneath it reads “each sustained release tablet contains alazopram I.P. 2mg". They are manufactured in India. Can anyone tell me what I actually received based on my description?
Re: Steven (# 14)
They can be good, if real. Made by Neuro Vision, scored on one side, nothing on other. White. Blisters have 5 sets of 10 tabs.
Re: richard 1018 (# 6)
How much did you pay? I just got them and they worked for me!!!
I need something for my anxiety and for sleep. Was hoping the Almee-2 were the answer. Just received them and took one then an hour later took a second one. I feel as though I’m on xanax but it bothers me that they have no markings so I can’t look them up to verify what is in them.
Little round white pills, no numbers or identifiers. It just says Almee-2 on the foil.
I'm on xanax for insomnia. I received Almee-2, but they are not helping at all. Is there a specific time you should take them? When do they reach their peak effectiveness?
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