Alprazolam 0.25 Mg Manf. Pfizer, Sandoz, Greenstone, Apotex (Top voted first)


I'm prescribed 0.25 mg of Alprazolam for MRI, CT as I have severe panic attacks. I've been getting Caraco brand. I didn't have any problems, and they worked for me. My pharmacy can no longer get that brand. I have multiple med. allergies, and chemically sensitive.

After research on inactive ingredients I've narrowed it to brands: Greenstone, Apotex, Sandoz, Pfizer. Anybody have experience with these? Thanks.

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Hi. I have been on 1 mg Alprazolam for 28 years. Mine are shaped like a football and are blue, sometimes green and I have tried to come off them many times and have seizures, bad ones. Last time I didn't know anyone, I was like a baby for 3 days. Then the hospital crushed one and put it in my mouth and in 20 min I was fine. I'm really scared of it happening again.

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Yes, I am having major problems with the Alprazolam .25 mg manufactured by DAVA. I am having a nightmare (they are none coated) which puts me into A-Fib causing terrible anxiety. I had no problem being on Alprazolam .25mg, (MFG) Greenstone coated. My pharmacy lied & told me I could no longer get that MFG. He told me they no longer make the Alrazolam (Greenstone). I called Greenstone where they MFG them and she told me that they most certainly do make .25 mg. If I don't get off of this brand (DAVA) non-coated, I will end up in the hospital. It has also caused my hands to tremor really bad, and I am having esophagus pain. I have been on Greenstone generic for over 15 yrs. Now, suddenly I go down to the drug store to have it filled. And wham! They told me they no longer make it. I will be calling Greenstone again & find out if I can get it direct from the manufacturer. In the past I have been hospitalized for esophageal spasms caused by other meds. I will fight this. I hope you folks will too. We have to find out where the blame falls. I am going to check with my health insurance on Fri. I dread going to bed the nightmares are so bad. I never had this problem with Alprazolam (xanax) .25 mg. and I have to take it at night to be able to sleep. And 1 in the morning (sometimes a half of one) in the morning so I won't have anxiety thru-out the day. I will see what the side effects are for this brand. And this brand is causing irritability. Which I have never had. I don't know what I am going to do. I am an 80 y.o. female.

P.S. I have tried several other drug stores & they are saying the same thing. I get no answers from any of them, except they say they no longer buy from Greenstone. I wonder if they would let their loved ones suffer like this. So sad right now. :(

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Re: Dale (# 3) Expand Referenced Message

Coated Xanax? Perhaps Xanax XR has a coating. In any case you can't order from the manufacturer unless you are licensed to do so. If you want the purest Xanax available on the market ask for Brand Name Xanax. It will cost much more, will not be covered by most Insurance, and may contain some of the same fillers. Have you narrowed down which ones bother you?

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This was a year 1/2 ago & if you were just getting an anti-anxiety drug for a medical procedure then this is of no use. However, I've never heard of Caraco or Apotex. Pfizer is the creator of Xanax, so their product is the purest, Greenstone is their subsidiary, but they have added fillers over the years. Sandoz is the best generic in my opinion but it has become too expensive in my area for pharmacies to prescribe. My question to you is, if you see this, where did you go to find out the inactive ingredients? The company website?

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I was on xanax for 22 yrs and needed to come off and had the WORSE withdrawals ever. Seizure included. 15 months off and just now feeling like I'm alive.

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Re: Dale (# 3) Expand Referenced Message

the best if you can't find greenstone would be sandoz I have same problem tried em all I am 66 years old auronibdo and Brekenridge just make me want to sleep but with sandoz I've found u can actually take less for same calming effect they must have less filler more alprazikam so for ur problem try sandoz brand I get them at cvs

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Re: bird (# 7) Expand Referenced Message

Thanks for that information I just got sandos and im hoping for good results. I was on beckenridge I thought they were good maybe I was wrong we will see .. Thanks

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Re: Dale (# 3) Expand Referenced Message

sometimes a Walgreens will order what you need if not try Walmart but if you absolutely cannot find greenstone try sandoz they have less fillers I can tell cause it's beginning to take less for me 66 year old female and I did ask cvs for greenstone but they didn't have them but one month only one it said greenstone in the bottle so I'm thinking it was the pharmacist working who doesn't like me gave me other kind anyway try to get some special ordered at your favorite pharmacy they certainly do still make greenstone alprazlolam good luck

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Re: Lynn (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

don't ever stop ur meds under supervision once I was taking sooo much Xanax I wanted to quit so got psy histrist to help you have to dose down very very slowly took 8 weeks I was taking approx 2mg daily for at least 5 years so it took some time but he weaned me off nice and easy yes you need help doing that cause if you try to dose for urself ul say oh a little bit more just this once naahh get help good luck

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You get Xanax for MRI & CT's? I don't know how you narrowed down the fillers in these fine brands. Best to stay away from Xanax and CT's too, too much Radiation

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