Allergic To Sulfur In Suboxone Pills
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Was taking suboxone films and got switched to pills. Now I'm getting sick throwing up. Is it because of the sulfur in the pills?

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Hi. My name is lisa and I was wondering if the pill ip272 has sulfur in it? I took it an now I'm itching really bad.

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Hello, Jesse! How are you? I am very sorry about the problems you're experiencing.

However, without knowing the markings on the specific pills that you're taking, I can't check the inactive ingredients for you to see what they contain. Can you please post back with this additional information?

The FDA warns that this medication carries the risk of being habit forming and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, headache, dry mouth, and constipation.

Cheree, there is no sulfur listed as being in that tablet. However, Oxycodone can cause those symptoms as side effects.

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I got very sick throwing up and bad stomach pain like I do with sulfur drugs. So I was given C230 10mg 325

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