Allergic Side Effect


I started my 3rd week on the 21st and on the 24th i was awaken around 2:30AM with a bad itchy rash on back of my neck and ears. Went to the Dr and he had me stop Contrave and put me on steroids, as it may be an allergic reaction. On the 26th my hands were so swollen and red, and even hurt/burned when touched. my right eye was also swollen. Is it possible it could be due to the increased dosage? I want to get back on it, as it works very well. no other side effects till this. I've lost 9#;s since the 7th.

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Hello, Steffy! How are you?

No, your doctor is right, those symptoms do sound more like an allergic reaction, which most likely means you won't be able to go back on this medication, since such reactions usually tend to get worse repeated exposure.

However, there are other weight loss medications you can try that contain different active ingredients. Many people have had great results with Belviq, so you may want to ask your doctor about trying it.

The FDA lists its typical side effects as possibly including headache, dizziness, anxiety and depression.

Is there anything else I can help with?

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I had an allergic reaction, too, and took myself off of Contrave. This stuff is the DEVIL. I was at a vulnerable place when I allowed my doctor to convince me to take it. (I suspect she gets a kickback for prescribing it.) I don't have any drug or alcohol additions, never have. I don't have depression. I don't think I needed either drug and am concerned about what taking something I don't need can, will, and did do to my body. I called my doctor's office the day after spending part of the night in the E.R. with my allergic reaction (burning/prickly/tingly skin, tingling/swelling lips, fluttery feeling in my chest, raised blood pressure, and feeling faint/dizzy). I'd had nausea from day one. The allergic reactions with my skin started on day four, and got worse on day five with my lips starting to swell and tingle. This was a big red flag for me because this (in addition to my throat closing) was what was happening when I found out I'm allergic to Sulfa drugs.

It's been two days now since I stopped taking it. In the E.R., they gave me Benadryl nearly immediately and followed up with steroids. After monitoring me and seeing that this was starting to relieve my symptoms, they sent me home with a prescription for steroids, allergy pills, and a stomach soothing medication. I still have a little itching and red skin, feeling really tired and almost like I'm going to faint at times. What I'm wondering is how long it takes for this horrid medicine to work its way out of my system so I can start feeling "normal" again?

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How long has it taken for your allergic reaction to clear? I woke up this morning with the ichy neck and have hives all over my arms.. praying this stuff exits my system quickly!!

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I'm still not feeling right. I still have the itchy, tingly skin, very tired, etc. I'd set up a consultation with an allergist before any of this came up. I see him on Tuesday and I hope he has some answers/solutions for this.

If I find out anything helpful, I'll be sure to share.

Best wishes everyone!

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Hello Verwon,
I am much better, ty. My dr. gave me a steroid shot and prescribed steroids, which i finished today. He has recommended i stay off the Contrave for 2 more days and then start up all over again, as he wants to confirm it is the contrave and not the new detergent i had switched to. So i will start back up on Wednesday 9/2, and if i again break out, we will be trying another pill.
Thank you for you feed back and concern. I really do love this pill, as it was helping me extremely.

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The itching rash is delayed uticardia. It has been reported previously. People do not realize it is the Contrave because the rash does not start at the same time that you start taking the drug. You can look at the ingredient in Contrave called Bupropion, it is a side effect of that drug. There are other weight loss drugs out there without this problem. You might want to discuss them with your physician.

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Even though I stopped taking this last Wednesday, I still ended up in the ER again yesterday (eight days later) with the same feelings of going to faint. They put me on oxygen almost immediately. Apparently, I wasn't getting enough. I still have hives around my shoulders and neck. None of the folks I dealt with at the hospital this time had ever heard of this crazy combination of drugs. The doctor thought it was completely insane!

He also said that it takes AT LEAST five days for the antidepressant part of this infernal Contrave to leave the system and that I was still dealing with an allergic reaction to it. More Benadryl, more Rx for steroids and another anti-histamine, plus he added Flonase.

This has been a VERY costly mistake for me. Missed work, $300 in ER visits, plus about $30 in meds (luckily I have good insurance). At every opportunity, I will be speaking out against this abomination and the dangerous doctor who prescribed this.

I did verify that, indeed, my doctor IS taking kickbacks from Takeda for prescribing this junk. I'm livid about this whole situation.

There are better ways to lose weight. No more shortcuts!!

Best of luck to you all!!!

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