Alembic Fluoxetine Make Me Sick (Page 2)
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I've been taking a generic green & white capsule of 20 mg Prozac (fluoxetine) for a few years. My pharmacy gave me blue capsules mfg by alembic this time & I am feeling so sick for 4 days now. I thought I had a stomach bug, but I've never had a bug linger this long. I had diarrhea & vomiting on day 2 & 3, jittery sleep, then deep bouts of sleep, bad headache, night sweats & nightmares.

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Same here!! Yesterday I had the WORST HEARTBURN IN MY LIFE! I had to run into Walgreens to grab some antacids (which never did the trick). Now I’m gagging myself with gas and have diarrhea. Went to the doc today and she said IT'S A KNOWN ISSUE WITH THE DYE that ALEMBIC uses. I’m so glad I asked because I was about to stop taking it. She wrote a new script for me for TABLETS and made a note that the tablets were medically necessary. I am going to go to the FDA website to log an adverse event and you all should too. This will bring it to the drug maker’s attention as well as the FDA in case other meds use the same dye.

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I just take my first pill of Mfg Alembic and I just read the reviews I hope not having the same situation I know I used the tablet and is the worst thing it happened to me, Now before I used the white capsule and for me it is the best.... now I need to stick with the mes until I finish the last pills and the pharmacy give me 90 I can’t believe this..... thank everyone to share your story.....

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Re: Pearl (# 5) Expand Referenced Message

I have had the same problem when I was switched to Alambic. I am back to Sandoz and I am doing fine. I was getting anxiety back and panic attacks. No good drug

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Ty90 (# 5) --

This last week I was lucky; RiteAid was willing to order the Sandoz generic for me and I'm so grateful for their help. They worked with me and were very accommodating. Alembic is a dangerous hazard to health.

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Re: Writerly One (# 2) Expand Referenced Message

Yes I have had the same symptoms with the change to alembic. I've never had heart burn before, I couldn't sleep it was so painful it's the worst at night.

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My pharmacy switched to these pills as well and I got sick as well - very sick to my stomach - vomiting, stomach cramps, feeling terrible! It has taken me a month to figure out it was the Alembic fluoxetine. My depression has been creeping back as well. Something is wrong with this medication. Thank goodness I found a pharmacy that carries the white and green generics that I took for years with no problems. I'm reporting to FDA, I've emailed Alembic, and reported to Walgreens and my physician. Probably won't do any good, but at least I know for my health! Hope you feel better as well.

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Re: Verwon (# 3) Expand Referenced Message

I think our primary message here is that we've taken this medication successfully for quite a while and never had a problem until the switch to a particular generic manufacturer, Alembic. I had refills for both 20mg and 40mg. They both made me feel as if I'd been poisoned. I'm in search of another pharmacy (not Walgreens, which is where many of us got this pill) to find a generic that I can tolerate. I did very well on all the others I took, most recently Sandoz. Just to be clear, I'm speaking only of fluoxetine, no other med.

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What are the markings on the capsules in question? Can you please post back with more details?

The FDA does warn that this medication may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, headache, mood changes, and weight loss.

This medication may also be used to treat anxiety, as well as some perimenopausal symptoms.

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Re: GBG (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

I recently got a refill and my pharmacy switched to Alembic generic (dark blue capsules). I took it only about three times and I got the worst heartburn and indigestion I can remember, ever. I felt like I'd been poisoned. It lasts about 18 hours no matter how much water I drink.

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Ditto! I almost puked this am, and have been sick all day. Had major side effects after my pharmacy switched me to blue caps. Was taking Sandoz white and green for years with no problem. I called my pharmacy and requested alternative as I can’t barf every day

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