Alcohol Showing Up In A Drug Test (Top voted first)


Hi everyone! I'm on suboxone and I had a bad cold. So, I took NyQuil. It's the only stuff that helps me when I'm sick. Anyway, I go 2 c my suboxone Dr, yesterday, and, they tell me that I had alcohol in my urine test. I have a perfect record with my Dr, never had a dirty urine in 8 years. So, u can imagine how I felt. There is 10 percent of alcohol in NyQuil, but, I didn't think it would come up positive. I don't drink any alcohol. I explained it 2 my Dr and he was cool about it. Has this ever happened 2 anyone else?

5 Replies

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Hi Cats, Sorry, but thats kind of funny. Of all things to show up. I can honestly say I,ve never heard of that happening before. I guess stranger things have happened. At least your doctor didn,t make a big deal about it.

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Hi Jolter! I guess it's funny now, but, I was Crapping in my pants when they told me. LOL

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I was wondering for an 80 hour alcohol test that they send out to a lab, can it tell gender? If it's a man or a woman's urine? Does it tell if drugs are in your system also?

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Can you fail an etg test if you kissed someone who had been drinking alcohol? I kissed someone who was drinking and took an etg test in the morning and want to know if I'll pass?

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