Alcohol And Gabapentin (Page 8) (Top voted first)


Does anyone drink beer or other alcohol while taking this? I start on it tonight, increasing every 5 days to 900 mg total a day. I'm curious as to how much alcohol can be tolerated and if there are any reasons to avoid it completely. I like my Budweiser. Thanks for any input.

177 Replies (9 Pages)

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Hey man I've done the alcohol with this drug, and in high doses just 2 beers will mess me up. Uncontrollable reactions, falling down, can't control coorordination! Be very careful, doesn't take much alcohol to intense the side affects. Be careful my friend!

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I'm have been taking gaba to reduce the pain caused by a cut nerve during chest surgery. Have been on it for 6 weeks, 900 mgs per day, and it really helps with the pain, feel a little fuzzy though. I liked to have 2 or 3 beers after work, rarely drink more than that. Had 3 beers the other night before eating which I really enjoyed but I had a lousy nights sleep and felt crappy the next day, like I had a hand over after 3 beers. This is the 2nd time I've done this and same effect. So for me I'm thinking that the gaba increases the effect of the alcohol by about a factor of 2. I'm going to limit myself to one beer while on this drug - im 65 and hate hang overs.

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Yes there is an answer...STOP TAKING THIS POISON NOW! It KILLED my sweet 49 year old sister. STOP!!! Check out Dr. ROBERT MORSE on YOUTUBE. Get behind real healing people. Stop the CRAZY train. Doctors know NOTHING about nutrition. They study it for 5 mins. in med school. Invest in yourself. The art of detoxification IS the answer. My sister just died a week ago tonight from this bulls***. She just HAD TO MIX IT WITH STUPID ALCOHOL. Seriously PEOPLE WTF??? She never woke up. She rolled the dice and her number didn't come up. GROW A PAIR & STOP IT!

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I have MS & take 600mg of gabapentin everyday. I drink with it & nothing happens. I don't drink a lot, but @ times of a party I do. It doesn't do anything to me. Also I take a shot once a week (avonex) nothing happens.

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In the last 24 hours I've taken 6300 mg of gabapentin along with 2.25 mg of alprazolam (generic xanax for those who don't know) and I've drank two 16 oz beers and I have had no unexpected side effects.

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I started taking gabapentin and was on four oxycodone tens I love it took my script for oxycodone back to my doctor and quit ,yes it was hard but feel fantastic a month and half later , I've had a six pack Corona and no side effects other than normal after a six pack ,just be careful take it slow

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Hi I'm on 300mg and been on them 2 weeks have had a few drinks can't say I've noticed anything different in myself

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Can you take alcohol with gabapentin tablets only on 100 mg twice a day

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It makes me cross as obviously the previous posts haven't been read!

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I am on 100 mg tablets twice a day. Can you have a drink/alcohol?

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I just started this med and am use to drinking wine on the weekend Im with Darren 5 shots of vodka would put anyone under the table lol

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My Dr gave me that too but I'm not taking it. I would not drink at all with this med as you can die from it, be careful.

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I've been taking 900 mg of gabapentin a day for about 2 months, this drug definitely helps with the pain from sciatic nerve damage. I'm 250 pounds and know how to drink, I usually just drink beers and shots. Since being on this drug I have found that it does not mix well with alcohol for me. I find that I can drink and feel great for about 5 or 6 hours and then it's like a light switch goes off and my stomach turns and I better be close to a toilet. After the diarrhea my stomach feels like crap for 2 or 3 days. I'm to the point where it just isn't worth drinking.... When I started this drug I was definitely clumsy and I would have blurry vision in my peripheral, but that seems to have gone away. The pain relief is way more important to me than getting drunk, so now I take my meds and consume cannabis. :)

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I am finding the right blend of 300mg of gabapentin and cognac and methocarbamol to stimulate neuropathic pain reduction in my feet fingers and lumbar nerves while initiating sleep with little hang over results. Tomorrow marks the fourth best of dosage adjustments and I think it will be correct. GOAL: REDUCE NEUROPATHIC Pain in feet fingers and multiple lumbar nerve pain are without heavy side effects of dizziness and drowsiness after sleep.keys thus far: take methocarbamol at least 4 hours prior to addition of gabapentin and Ambien. No more than ,2 2oz glasses of Cognac 4 hours prior to ingestion of gabapentin and Ambien. This designed to increase long term sleep, reduce neuropathic pain and minimize side effects. Expect ,10 hours of sleep. Hydrate well throughout dosing sequences to avoid dizziness next day. Do not eat during dosing. As soon as drowsiness begins stop dosing and let sleep take over. Will report results on Friday. Preliminary has been positive. These medicines work well when properly leveraged.

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Can you drink a beer once in awhile while taking gabapentin 300 MG at night for restless leg disorder.I also have osa &on cpap machine.this sucks cause Im not a alcoholic but I do like to have a beer or 2 once in awhile.&maybe a shot of fireball.s

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I'm on 100mg and can increase at my own speed. I have a glass or two of red wine a few times a week. No problems.

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Don't drink on gabapentin. It turned me into a raging lunatic. I trashed my apt and beat my boyfriend up after drinking too much wine. I'm usually a pretty chill drunk and I just go to sleep when I've had to much. But with the gabapentin in my system, I was violent and mean. I'm lucky I didn't get arrested, but I blacked out and woke up with bruises almost as if I fell down a flight of stairs. Save yourself the humiliation. Drink some lemon water and call it a night. Alcohol and anxiety/mood disorders don't mix. Self control and awareness are far more valuable to me than having a drink. After self medicating with alcohol for many years, I'm ready to stick to my treatment and let the medication do its job, without interference. And waking up after drinking, feeling down, depressed, embarrassed, low, unstable etc. Isn't worth it. And it isn't conducive to healing a mental illness.

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marcella (# 6) --

You need to look up side effects, confusion and a lot more. Google it. The crap will shock u off it.

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How much time should there be in between taking Gabapentin 100mg and alcohol or can I skip my dose for the day when I consume alcohol?

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Re: DM (# 154) Expand Referenced Message

my husband also died last year mixing Gabs and cough syrup with codeine that his doctor prescribed I'm heartbroken

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