Alcohol And Gabapentin (Page 8)
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Does anyone drink beer or other alcohol while taking this? I start on it tonight, increasing every 5 days to 900 mg total a day. I'm curious as to how much alcohol can be tolerated and if there are any reasons to avoid it completely. I like my Budweiser. Thanks for any input.

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For the self confessed alike... I'm an alike too. I no longer get cravings because I no longer drink daily. I do binge and gabapentin has helped keep that to one day. My demon is vodka, that I'll squirrel. Wine I can drink at a somewhat normal pace and naltrexone helped. However I must eat first or puke like crazy and if it's PMS time, nal plus drinking then equals migraine next day. It wasn't helping that much and the side effects are worse for women. Gabapentin helped me be less grumpy from withdrawal, happier, less thought of stopping for vodka. I do get serious nasal congestion, stumbling and fogginess on a whole 600. And dizziness. 300 helps me be 120 percent instead of just kinda grumpy sober.

As for baclofen as B4A, wasn't crazy about the ridiculously high dosage. It's supposedly not addictive so I've used it intermittently with valium for anxiety. Look into it now, it's been largely criticized and shown to be addictive but not as bad as benzos

I'm atheist or for the faint of heart humanist, so two hurdles in AA for me. Trying to fool myself into having a higher power, turning my will over to something like Santa to me. It's hereditary, it's a chemical dependence. I'll take science thanks. I've had success stopping daily, no cravings since. I still drink so the "one drink and its the downward spiral" isn't true. It's true I don't stop til drunk in one session and don't know that could change.

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Yes.. No more than a twelve oz beer if you must. All kinds of crazy stuff can happen with this and alcohol. Today after work I did my usual Friday three IPA's. I weigh 280 lbs and can handle my liquor so no big deal usually.
I've been on a schedule increaseing my dose every four days. I'm now at 1200mg a day, and my alcohol tolerance took a severe decline. I was vomiting followed by diarrhea, and more vomiting. My wife is disgusted and sleeping on the couch. I felt like I drank a half a bottle of hard liquor. I thought I was going to OD and die.

I'm gonna stop all alcohol as long as I'm taking Gabapentin.

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Hi I've been using gabapentin for 5yrs i take an excessive dose every day after a leg amputation.
I have always drank alcohol (spirits & beer)
I'm not an alcoholic lol
I've never had any problems mixing them with alcohol, i think it can cancel out the power of them a little. I think everyone taking gabapentin should be aware that these tablets like many can effect people differently . Best advice is to just have a very small amount of alcohol, find out your tolerance, never a good idea to drink too much while on medication, but its a social thing and being in pain is hard enough to deal with without being isolated from social situations.
Just be careful, go steady but live!!!!

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definitely talk to your doctor first I'm sure you know but you just can't stop taking it.

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I'm taking 300mg of gabapentin 3 times a day and after asking the doctor if it was okay to drink on it I have drunk and I was fine however I did get drunk slightly quicker than usual and get very emotional on the multiple occasions that I have drunk

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I just started taking gabapentin and just upped my dose to 1200 a day. Waiting to see the outcome. That's mgs by the way, i,m also taking naproxen 500mg, twice a day, cocodamol 30/500 four times a day, 30mg lansoprazole. This is because i have scoliosis. I,m hoping they work cos sometimes the pain is horrible. I drink about 3 cans of cider a night. Is this safe

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I used to be able to drink all night. Then my gabapentin dose increased to 900 mg three times a day, and I now black out halfway through my 2nd drink! I hate it. My IQ also goes down to nothing if I drink while on the Gabapentin.

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Oh boy I just took
ibuprofen 800 gabapentin and I'm drinking alcohol I don't even realize what I'm going to feel like later

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I'm on Gabapentin 9oo m/g Hasent helped an old back injury i'v had for a few yrs. is there any thing for an old injury such as that,No Coors or Budweiser Please

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How does alchohol and gabapentin 300mg work

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That head pressure and dizziness will stop as you adjust to the drug! This is an awesome drug relieves RLS and shingles in me! It will cause nausea while drinking alcohol for me especially if have not eaten! I drink wine and do fine on it.

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I am 30 yrs old and was just put on gabapentin about 2-3 months ago- being on 900 mg for about 6 weeks now. I always drank, and at times pretty heavily, since I was 19 yrs old ( even while on other mecications like anti depressants, etc) and never noticed any side effects. Last weekend, I went to my girlfriend's and had just 4 glasses of wine ( which normally this is fine for me) and I ended up feeling so drunk, like I was out doing shots all night - and I ended up throwing up.. And felt so horrible. I actually had to have my boyfriend pick me up and told him that I thought I needed to go to the hospital!! ( I think I only ever felt that way 2 other times my whole life- and trust me- those nights involved numerous shots and beers all night) this gabapentin stuff if wicked when mixed with alcohol- I wanted to post to caution people. Like I said I had 4 glasses of wine over a 2 hr period, one moment I was fine, and then next moment, I felt like I drank 3 bottles.. It was so scary!! Be careful!! It seems like at first when u drink on this you feel ok, but it seems like an hour or so later, whatever u drink intensifies and more than triples.. I used to be a party girl, and this is the first time I've been scared to drink... Don't drink on this!! Or if u do.. Be very careful n start out literally with one or two drinks- then stop and sit a few hours to make sure it doesn't intensify!! I hope this post helped.. And I'm glad I ended up ok and not in the hospital over 4 lousey glasses of wine .

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Thanks Matt, glad to know I'm not the only one who enjoys beer thirty!!

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I have been on 900mg a day for 9 months, and when I drink beer, I have swelling side affects. I am thinking of cutting out alcohol til I have surgery to correct the problem of neck/nerve pain. I really feel different while drinking and the next day seems worst than before.

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I've been taking gamapentin for about six months now, up to 700mg per day. Now I don't drink that often, but I have found that any more than two or three drinks and I'm sick and vomiting for hours. And if I don't take it because I want to have a drink, I get really bad headaches. I also found that I felt more intoxicated after only one drink. The gamapentin helps my pain so I'd rather take it then not, but I can still enjoy a glass of wine with diner every once and awhile.

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Hi reading about gabapentin it says it seems ok but at 900 mg I'd be very careful to limit alcohol at only a couple pints incase

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Thanks I am also a recovering alcoholic , and I hate aa, so I will be looking into this!

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Hi. (I'm on 900mg gapapentin a day fro over a year. I haven;t changed my drinking habits (several beers several days a week) and have had no problems.

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I am an alcoholic. I hate AA and the 12 steps. I am taking naltrexone because I believe it will (and has) helped. My doctor who is giving me the naltrexone also wants me on 2 gabapentin each day ( I do not have dosage# handy)' It has really made no discernible difference and I wonder why so many people are taking it when nada has been proved conclusively and there seem to be so many side effects. I am taking it as a nod to my current Dr.
More than anything, I want people to look up the
Good research there. A good alternative to AA garbage.

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I'm 60 years old and other than when I'm very sick and when I was taking a venipuncture class because my hands shook when I was taking blood, I drink everyday. The gabapentin does nothing to me when I take it along with the wine, which is what I normally drink. However, I drink pretty much a 750 ml bottle ever night. Even with my years of drinking, 5 shots of vodka and I would be trying to beat up all my friends. Of course, I would be unsuccessful as always.

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