Alaxan Fr Side Effect (Page 16)
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My right knee feels very painful when I bend it from a straight position and vise versa. It is not swollen. Is this a known side effect of Alaxan Fr?

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I tripped a few months ago and decided to take 2 alaxan Fr because I didn't want to go through the trouble of going to my doctor because I was pretty sure I didn't sprain my foot but couldn't stand the pain. I ended up having myself admitted in the hospital anyway because I am apparently allergic to alaxan Fr and any other forms of it. I have noticed that other people who are allergic to other things such as shell fish or dust, or are severely asthmatic tend to be allergic to it as well. I have been advised to take celecoxib instead for pain because mefenamic acid hurts my stomach because I am hyper acidic as well. It is sad to hear that people use it for contraceptive use as well because I am under the thinking that people should be more responsible with their actions and should use actual registered contraceptives before the fact rather than resorting to getting rid of something that is already there. Just my two cents. Do not abuse drugs. Of any form.

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Since I accidentally hit my right knee with my tennis racquet during one practice games, it has been painful until now. And the pain is sort of going around my knee. What is this? And how do I relieve or find cure of it.

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Is it okay to drink alaxan fr a day after working out (gym)?

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How many alaxan fr can take for one day? It is okay if I take 2 alaxan fr a day?

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im suffering this pain in my hand around the joints and on my feet in almost 2 months, ive already consult the doctor but they prescribe me this medicines diclofenac, etoricoxib, naproxen sodium, and also alaxan but all of this only subsides pain when medication is active after the effectiveness of the medicine, the pain return and it is much more painful, i cant walk properly, what med should i take to make the pain gone permanently?

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do not do sexual intercourse with your gf. do it after marriage.

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when i take alaxan tablet my eyes become swollen.
And now i cannot even take other related tablet like mefinamic acid and decolgen too.

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Is it safe to take alaxan fr three times a day for seven days while taking Aldomet(methyldopa) ?

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Hi, im making a research about the danger of alaxan fr.. it is said that alaxan fr weakens the bones or what we call demineralization... how is that possible??

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hi can i ask wat should i do couse i was taking alaxan fr but i am pregnant 10 weeks wat will i do can u advice me thank you...???

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Echo, that early in your pregnancy, there really shouldn't be a problem, but you should discuss it with your doctor to be certain. They will be the best person to advise you in this manner.



And Anne, yes, the risk is there, even right after your menstrual cycle, unless you know specifically when you ovulate. Are you using any type of contraception?

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do i have possibility to get pregnant if i do have sexual intercourse right after my 5 days period?

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i just have my check up last Monday, to my surprise am three mos pregnant. But am worried because I take in Alaxan FR during the second month of my pregnancy. How it will affect my baby?

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Ton, I am not sure where you are located, so I don't know what's available for you to use. There are some medications that can be used to abort an early pregnancy, such as Misoprostol, but most of them require a doctor's prescription.


And, in reality, if you aren't ready to have a baby, then you should start using some regular form of contraception.


Has she had a pregnancy test, yet?

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so how can i prevent my gf from being pregnant after our sexual intercourse? because i didn't used condom when she has her monthly menstruation? can you give me a medicine that will prevent pregnancy?a good and effective medicine.. because we're not ready yet to have a baby. i searched all around the net and they always saying that i should give my girlfrien an alaxan fr.

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Ton, that is not correct, Alaxan-FR will not prevent pregnancy, nor will it cause a miscarriage or abortion and, trying to use it for such can be very dangerous, because the active ingredients in this, Paracetamol and Ibuprofen, can cause blood thinning. Therefore, if a woman does have a natural miscarriage, it could put her life in danger, due to the risk of serious bleeding.



Is there anything else I can help with?

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is alaxan fr will prevent woman being pregnant during her menstruation period? does it help? because some nurse if anythings fails nd forgot some protection during the sex just give the girl alaxan so she'll bleed..

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Ahmed, the Alaxan-FR contains 325mgs of the Paracetamol and 200mgs of the Ibuprofen, so as long as you don't exceed 8 tablets in a day, you should be fine.

Most over the counter products contain those same amounts and the dosage is usually one of two tablets, at a time.

However, it may cause more side effects, especially the stomach irritation, so you should be careful about that.



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I am suffering from mild insomnia and whenever I sleep less I feel so tired and I can feel it on my legs etc.

I stopped taking sleeping pills cuz it just gets worse and I dont want rely on it. I feel relieved whenever I take alaxan. I take 2 FR actually and its really relieving and it makes me sleep well. But I only do this when I feel very tired and lack of sleep.

Is it bad to take 2 FR at the same time?

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Alaxan-FR contains Paracetamol and Ibuprofen, it is a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory used to treat pain, fever and swelling.

Common side effects may include: nausea, drowsiness, headache and stomach pain.

Learn more:



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