Akron, Canton, Youngstown Or Ohio Doctors Who Prescribe Opioids For Pain (Page 6)
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Hello. I'm in severe pain. Need doctors from Youngstown Ohio Canton Akron + Cleveland + western Pa. My doctor got arrested now I'm left with no doctor. Anyone know where I could go? Please let me know. Thank you.

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Thank you Keikee, I have not had any luck and am currently in withdrawal. Still searching for a PCP in my area, haven't got one. Thank you for answering my questions, I know there is a law about dismissing patients and medication but was unsure if it applied to me. Everyone in my family has passed away & I do not have any friends. I like being solitary so I do not mind much, however it makes things difficult in areas such as this one and cooking...I hate baking so much, lol. Thank you again, I appreciate you taking the time out to answer. If you need anything as well let me know.

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Notshopping, I'm sorry it seems no one answered your question. I hope you've found a new doc by now! To answer your question about whether your Dr is required to cover you for 30 days after dismissing a patient, the answer is "no". They can dismiss you the day before you swallow your last pill and not fill your script. Sorry! Let me know how you're doing.

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Apologies, I forgot to ask-I have read that when a doctor ends the doctor-patient relationship, it is a requirement to write me a prescription inside of 30 days since I am on a maintenance schedule? They said my appt. for next month was cancelled and no narcotics would be prescribed to me. I don't want to make a fuss or get anyone in trouble, I just want to make sure I know what's going on. I'm from Warren/youngstown btw, apologies for not mentioning that earlier.

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Hello, I was recently discharged from a pain management doctor that I was seeing for the better part of a decade. I was getting prescribed methadone and would like to find a family physician/general practitioner that would write me one last script. I plan on making my primary care physician permanent (unless they're terrible) and am not asking for someone to write me scripts. I only need one month to taper off. I cannot stand the thought of suboxone, I've done all the research and it's not worth it. I would rather get out of pain meds completely and find alternatives, however my current dosage is too high to do that effectively or safely. I do not wish to sign a new pain management contract (I would like to get off them, not start the process over) and the guy can't be a quack. Please and thank you

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I have seen some of your posts, it seems you live in the same nearby area as I do, are you under pain management and if si can I ask who you are seeing and if they are helping you? I am in constant pain, I am ready for desperate measures, I am scared, appreciate an info you have thanks

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I have stage three Osteoarthritis in both my knees. My doc who was prescribing my Percocet is no longer practising at this time. What doc in the Youngstown warren area will keep me on my current medications? I have two little boys and a knee replacement is not an option for me right now!! PLEASE HELP?

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Tim, may I ask who you are seeing now, I am going to be moving at the end of the month to North Benton and I am looking to find a new pain doc, not happy at all with who I am seeing now, I would really appreciate a contact, thanks

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Dr Alex prok...Marion oh...one of the best& compassionate..

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Tim, did you ever find another doctor?

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What is suboxene? I have heard of it but no nothing about it, haven't had time to research it yet. Do they use it for pain control or for withdrawals?

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Hey Eljay,
Good luck finding a compassionate doctor today, I don't believe they exist. I can give you the name of my dr, you would definitely need a referral from your primary, it took me over a year to prove myself that I am a true chronic pain patient, I didn't care for him at first, but I had limited options and I go every 2 months, I am in and out, not waiting hours because they double book patients, I do believe that he could be of help, if you would like his name, let me no, he is located near St Elizabeth hospital in downtown Youngstown, if your interested let me no.

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Keikee, I meant Kratom, I don't no why at came up spelled that way., I have tried different strains,mad some success mostly for withdrawals , not much for pain relief, they say the best is the powder, I could not do the powder because it is the worst taste I have ever had, but the best place I have ordered from was Kratom country, something like that, the local head shops suck. I was curious as to weather anyone else had success with it. I did see my pain doc yesterday, I asked him why the pain doctors do not take each patient and evaluate them on their particular pain situation, his reply because of all the buricrats. I also told him I felt it is very unfair because I myself was a patient of Rinerri that I was flagged, his reply was "LIFE ISNT FAIR". He is right, life isn't fair.

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Margie, I've not heard of Keaton but I have heard of Kratom which has helped many people with their chronic pain. I did some research last year and ended up purchasing a package with a variety of "flavors". Certain ones are better for pain, others for anxiety etc. The Internet holds all the info u could imagine on Kratom. I'll post my experience with it here I promise but I've gotta run to an appt right now. I'll be back...

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I too am in the same place as you. I've been to several pain clinics without success. I have severe lower back and knee pain and have had to go on suboxone while looking for new doc to treat me. I am looking for compassionate doc in western pa, n.e.ohio or wherever I need to go

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I have a question to anyone, has anyone tried the natural but controversial herb
Keaton ? I have tried it a few times different strains, capsules, powder, from what I read, there is certain strains used for pain control, and others used for opiate withdrawals. I am thinking about adding it again to my regime, my dr just isn't giving me enough for pain control, I just hope the FDA stays out of this, the Asians been using it for thousands of years.

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I did their in patient treatment, they did not help me at all, not everyone is able to do a six week program, the nurse that evaluated me said I was dependent on drugs, well no kidding, it is the only thing that has worked my entire life, the problem with most doctors is they think they are God and love that control and ego, instead of having compassion, it is extremely frustrating to me

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The Cleveland Clinic Pain Clinic want you to enroll in a six weeks program. They may or may not give anything for pain but you must enroll be enrolled in classes of diet, exercise, how to manage pain and other classes. You must attend these classes everyday for six wks. and then be evaluated. If you don't live in the area of the clinic you must travel to where ever the clinic is (in my case it is one hr. to one and one half hrs. from my home) Living in Northeast Ohio that is almost impossible especially in mid-winter because of the weather.

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Hi Carol,
I used to see Sawn Donatelli there, he was good until he brought in all these other doctors, then he through me to the NP, I wasn't a cash paying patient that was going to pay all that money to wait hours to be seen, treated like a sub human from the staff, and leave in worst pain and aggravation then when I first went. I was just curious how you are doing now, if you are under another doctors care or are off all Meds now

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That Tiffany Pain Clinic is A nightmare. The one NP witch (Jennifer) is no longer at Tiffany. I have refused to go back. I prayed and ask GOD to take me off the 'fentanyl' without and WD, did a 'cold turkey' and GOD answered my prayers. When I told them at Tiffany what I had done, and I was never coming back because they had made me worse off than I was before I started coming to this place. They were shocked that I had taken myself off the meds without any WD symptoms. I told them they were the worst place I had ever seen and heard. Also told them the only half way decent person (NP) in Tiffany was Stephinia--glad that Jennifer was no longer there but they needed to get rid of everyone who worked at that front desk as well because they were/are the most nastiest and uncaring persons I have ever seen or come in contact with. I pray enough people will complain about Tiffany and they will change or be Shut Down.

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I have been through a lot of the same things you have, seeing the same doctors, when I first moved to this area I was seeing Dr Donatelli, I really, really liked him, then he moved to his own practice he was by himself, then he gets with those other doctors and the NP I wasn't going to pay $70 a month to see that wench for one script. Somehow I ended up with Allied and I got the same BS From the other dr about 80 mg of morphine. It is very sad that these doctors don't care about what people like us with real pain issues. I like you also was a model patient. My pcp told me today a chronic pain patient is considered a drug addict and must prove that they are not, so unfair. I talked to a guy about getting my records as well, I cannot remember if I have his contact info anymore but you can try the sheriffs and ask them where the records are, I think someone gave me that advice. I don't no what I would do if my dr I see now took me off my Meds, I cannot do any normal daily functions without my Meds and he cut me way down from my previous dosage, I wish I had the answers, but I think a dr needs to take each individual case by case and not generalize all of us as addicts, I am tired of defending myself

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