Adderall Vs Vyvanse (Top voted first)
UpdatedI've been taking adderall on and off since 2009 for college. However I started noticing the bad come downs so my doctor switched me to vyvanse 50mg. That didn't work out too well. The dose turned out to be too high for me, causing me to be really anxious, over analyzing everything, and getting nothing done. I switched to 30mg vyvanse and I've been taking that on and off for a few years. Some days I think to myself, "thank god for this stuff". And then there are other days where I regret taking it- very weird. For example today I took one capsule for the first time in a few weeks. I felt great this morning, all my worries went away about starting this new job of mine, I felt focused and got things done. Then after the first two hours or so I got very anxious and on edge. I was craving cigarettes and started worrying about pointless things. Basically over analyzing everything. Then shortly after I was dead. I felt so unbelievably tired that I didn't want to do anything- like at all. I almost felt as if my brain was burnt out. I remember another day I took it and I felt similar effects. At the beginning I felt extremely motivated, and then crashing so hard that I didn't want to be bothered with anybody or anything. I'm thinking now I should switch back to adderall? Or maybe I need to up the dose? However last time I had a higher dose I got nothing done at all. I just sat in my room and played on instagram all day long. Does anyone else have these effects with vyvanse? If so please share your story!
5 Replies
I recently was prescribed Adderall 30mg xr and they are not working for me so I called my dr and she gave me a prescription of vyvanse 70mg. My question is... if I just filled the Adderall xr 2 weeks ago will they fill the vyvanse now? I don't want to keep taking the Adderall for another 2 weeks I want to change to the vyvanse immediately. Will they allow this since they are both ADHD meds? My dr dated the new vyvanse prescription to be filled now. I just don't want the pharmacy to deny it and make me wait.
Rose, that crash can be a normal issues with stimulants, according to FDA reports. You may also experience headache, nausea, nervousness, and weight loss.
Marcie, you should be able to get the new one filled, though the pharmacie might double check with your doctor, first.
How are you both doing, now?
Re: Marcie (# 2)
I found that extended release did absolutely nothing..when I told my Dr. she said other people have said that & for some people it doesn't work. I take the immediate release & it does just fine in helping me feel so much better. Hope that helps!??
If Adderall no longer works well for me, been prescribed 10+ yrs. Do you think trying Vyvanse is worth a shot?
Be careful using any type of amphetamine as it is really no different from illicit methamphetamine. It will cause you to have high energy at first but after a couple of hrs anxiety sets in along with other negative symptoms. Then you want to crash... it's highly addictive and can cause psychosis if you don't get adequate sleep. Some people use this drug well and get wonderful results but I would recommend starting at a low dose and titratie yourself to higher ml. If needed, but be safe using both RX's. I have seen many people use this drug only to have their whole personality change and not in a good way. I hope and pray it works for you and gives you exactly what you need while staying happy and healthy. After all, that's what we are all trying to active and pain free lifestyle.
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