Adderall Manufactured By Teva Not Working (Page 6)


I have had two refills of Adderall 20 mg that was manufactured by Teva/barr (Teva) and it seems to have much less medication in each pill. Refills by another manufacturer work. This is ridiculous, and where do we report Teva and who can check each pill for amount for medication? I would gladly donate some of my worthless ones to the FDA?

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YES there is a difference and no it's not in your head!

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Are these the little round blue ones? I noticed the same thing. Something is definitely not right with them! They do need to be reported! You can message me back about it. {edited for privacy}

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Yes. Many posts about it.

What did CVS say?

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my mom's having the same problem. it is a very big inconvenience to say the least. teva should be outted

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I went through this 4 months ago when I noticed the shape of the 30mg instant release was slightly different and the taste went from sweet to bitter. I started going into withdraws where I slept and ate all day. I had been on that med for 10 years or so and they changed the formula. I reported it and Teva contacted me, they took some pills to test and reported to their lab who denied any change in the med formula. I said so I'm having withdraws, the taste and shape is totally different and your saying nothing's changed. He said yep. I switched to corepharma 30 mg instant release, they're pink, not as strong but they work. The Teva do not work they made me sick. Also you can talk to your doctor about setting you up with free by vyvance for a year. You first have to apply to Medicaid or Medicair through the gov who will deny 95% of people, take that letter to your doctor who will submit the papers to the Vyvance company who will in return give you a years supply of the medication free, they send a prescription card in the mail and you use it at the pharmacy. Write back if you have any questions. Nevertheless Corepharma brand works and but not as stron as the old Teva/Barr

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Been on Adderall for 5 yrs. there's only 2 brands I will use, first is adderall xr name brand which is made by shire pharm. yes they still produce adderall! 2nd brand is adderall IR made by sandoz. There is a name brand of adderall IR made from teva bar, it has the initials DP on the pill. I have never tried it but maybe I will in the future! IMO any other heroics suck balls. I've been there where your like wtf I can't fee this s***, I feel like crap, did I even take adderall today!? With these two brands I've listed you will never ask that again! Another thing, adderall name brand is hard to get either Xr or Ir because big chain pharmacies won't order it! I recommend you go to pharmacies in a rich neighborhood as they will most likely order it for you! That is all my friends. I've found ir teva best taken sublingually; all IR best taken sublingually. Xr name brand you have no problems at all. s*** is quality and is the only adderall I take unless I can get my hands on Sandoz, but you get two different feelings on them!

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teva is a joke. they really don't work. they're much weaker. fact

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The 10 mg IR by Teva are just as bad as their higher mg pills. Teva has reduced the main ingredients as much as legally possible. Every pharmacy is switching to teva bc they're cheaper hence bc they are getting away with selling pills containing probably half the active drug....which is how they can afford to sell them to pharmacies at a cheaper price. I don't think the FDA cares. I'm sure they're all making a killing off this.

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Since my previous posts on this thread starting in the spring or summer, I've found my balance with medication. I use Teva 30IR and Barr 5IR (same company/factory). I do actually find them to be effective. I don't feel extra euphoric or exciteable like the first few days of starting them, but they do help me focus, slow down, and I do feel more motivated and happy than if I were not taking any medicine. I fall asleep at a normal time, and have a normal appetite. That for me is exactly the purpose of the medicine, so I am happy! I actually have my prescription written to only allow Teva/Barr when filling.

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Vyvanse is phenomenal; however, you will feel joint and bone pains. And, 30 mgs is enough.

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Are the Teva brand aderrall just not working for patients taking it for narcolepsy?

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I have an appt w a neurologist in 3days and it's my first time seeing a neurologist. I think I might have some degree of narcolepsy or a thyroid issue. But I go to a methadone clinic and take valium, both of which I've been on for nearly 10 years and I'm afraid they won't take me seriously bc of my medications. I've been fine for years up until about 3months ago. I rarely take my valium even so those aren't likely a factor. How do I get this Dr. to see past that? Any suggestions on what to say or how to go about this?

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Adderall Xr name brand is the only one to use. It's made by the original adderall creators! I have not had one problem with it and it's a lot stronger than the teva Barr which makes you feel tired! If your insurance doesn't cover it then ur f***ed but if it does then why aren't you taking the good stuff?! Lol

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Hi, YoungMB! I didn't particularly like the intensity of the Shire XR. It was too much for me! I like the Teva/Barr because I just feel like a normal person on it. It doesn't make me tired per say. I feel happy and motivated, but in a "normal" (for me) way. The regular me lacks focus and motivation, and fights depression anytime it's not bright and sunny out (which in the North East happens a lot through many seasons). The Teva/Barr version helps motivate me through seemingly mundane tasks that I would normally procrastinate with, and slows me down enough to have patience with people and situations while hanging onto my "glass half full" view of life. It's what I imagine non ADD people to be like naturally? I'm happy you have found what is good for you too!! Xo

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My doctor and family just look at me when I have said the FDA is told to turn a blind eye by the DEA about the generic IR Adderall. It's almost as if around 2009 TEVA/Barr (and others) puts 75% L-amp and 25% D-amp. I say that because I ONLY get a increased heart rate, very cold hands and feet and that's it. NO cognitive therapeutic effects. Nothing even close to Shire XR or even VyVance. It's like I swallowed a bunch of gas station stay up pills from the 90's. Not good.

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NEWS FLASH: During all the research I've been doing for my mom on this subject I came across information stating that Teva (made by Actavis)...who's recently merged w/ (ARG) voluntarily called a schedule 2 recall on 2 lots of Teva 10 mg aderrall on July 16, 2015. But the recalled tablets have been being shipped to pharmacies since 2013. I'm still researching more details. I haven't had a lot of time to do additional research/but I am going to get on it asap! I haven't yet found any other websites addressing this recall. My mom's pharmacist said he hasn't been told of any recall. No one seems to know about it!

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My 6th month on Generic Adderall I was given TEVA Brand. When I took the 1st tablet, I felt absolutely nothing. The 2nd tablet, nothing! The entire month I returned to my Pre-Adderall State of Depression, ADD, Fatigue, and feelings of hopelessness. TEVA MEDS ARE USELESS!! I switched to CORE 30mg Pink at Rite Aid, and all the above problems disappeared in 2 days! TEVA may work for a few People, but overall, I'm hearing they are more like Sugar Pills. They stole an entire month of my Life away.

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my mom's having soo much trouble getting any pharmacist to list to her and they keep telling her they can't order another generic bc there's nothing wrong w/Teva aderrall! Even tho I've found out Teva had a recall on 2 lots of 10mg aderrall! They haven't heard about it and apparently it's not worth the time for them to even look into it! Its been 6 months of my mom's life, not to mention he had a stroke last summer!

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JMD- her doctor can write the specific generic dispense as written (DAW) and they HAVE to fill it.

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I have had the same problem with this manufacturer. I can not get the oval orange 30 mg made by Sandoz in any of the pharmacies near me in South FL. Any help???

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