Adderall Manufactured By Teva Not Working (Page 5)
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I have had two refills of Adderall 20 mg that was manufactured by Teva/barr (Teva) and it seems to have much less medication in each pill. Refills by another manufacturer work. This is ridiculous, and where do we report Teva and who can check each pill for amount for medication? I would gladly donate some of my worthless ones to the FDA?

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Re: Sikntired (# 1306) Expand Referenced Message

You're a butcher.

"... there is NOT a generic DRUG VERSION for Vyvanse available In the US as of July 2022 and the original patent has not expired. "
Is More precise.

It all started because you and blessedlady got on a side tangent and you needed to be a smarty pants to her post

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Re: Cyr (# 1305) Expand Referenced Message

You're correct. I was not referring to the INN in my comments. The INN which you referred to correctly as Lisdexamfetamine is the active pharmaceutical substance/ingredient in Vyvanse. In the United States Vyvanse is the trademark/brand name for lisdexamfetamine. Vyvanse is the common name used by prescribers and consumers when referrng to both brand & generic medication availability of Lisdexamfetamine. The active pharmaceutical ingredient/drug of a medication is not used by the FDA, describers or consumers. In lamens terms there is NOT a generic for Vyvanse available In the US as of July 2022 and the original patent has not expired. Hopeful I did not butcher my explanation so badly that it prevents another poster on this topic from catching on.

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Re: Sikntired (# 1303) Expand Referenced Message

Lisdexamfetamine is the International Nonproprietary Name (INN) and is a contraction of L-lysine-dextroamphetamine.

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Re: Sikntired (# 1303) Expand Referenced Message

"While drugs may have different brand names, the generic name describes the active ingredient of the drug and this is a way to identify the type of drug."

"A generic drug is a medication created to be the same as an already marketed brand-name drug in dosage form, safety, strength, route of administration, quality, performance characteristics, and intended use."

She said name. Not drug.

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Re: Rcma (# 1302) Expand Referenced Message

"Vyvanse is the brand name of the drug. Lisdexamfetamine Dimesylate the generic name for Vyvance."

I'm definitely denying that. So please forgive me if I'm wrong, but did she not say in the above quote that the active ingredients are the "generic name" for Vyvanse? ??

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Re: Sikntired (# 1301) Expand Referenced Message


blessedlady never said Vyvanse was available in generic. Read her post. It was correct. She was simply saying what the active ingredient was. That's it. So you're assumption was incorrect.

This all started because someone said Adderall was made by a company called Vyvanse, which is absurd. No such "manufacturer". exists.

This entire thread should be deleted. .it's a disaster. Imo.

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Re: BlessedLady (# 1299) Expand Referenced Message

Incorrect. Lisdexamfetamine Dimesylate is the active ingredient in Vyvanse. Vyvanse does not have a generic available.

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Re: BlessedLady (# 1299) Expand Referenced Message

What is your point? You're simply repeating what I've already said. The whole point here is that someone said Vyvanse and Adderall were the same, which they aren't. Your reply seems inattentive.

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Re: Rcma (# 1298) Expand Referenced Message

Vyvanse is the brand name of the drug. Lisdexamfetamine Dimesylate the generic name for Vyvance.

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Re: BlessedLady (# 1297) Expand Referenced Message

... and Vyvanse isn't even a brand! It's a drug (Lisdexamfetamine)

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Re: Soyyomml (# 1295) Expand Referenced Message

Shire was the first company to manufacturer Adderall. So Shire was the company that made the brand name Adderall.

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Re: Soyyomml (# 1295) Expand Referenced Message


VYVANSE is a COMPLETELY different medication and chemical compound than ADDERALL.

Vyvanse is Made from Lisdexamfetamine.

Adderall is Dextroamphetamine Sulfate with 25% mixed amphetamine salts.


VYVANSE Is Is under patent and is not manufactured by TEVA.

Yikes. The stuff people come up with on this thread is way out.

Please do basic Google research before posting nonsense.

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Re: Grace (# 1289) Expand Referenced Message

Just a heads up. Teva Adderall is actually the original Adderall from Vyvanse. Vyvanse is the original manufacturer. Started selling it as a generic with Barr and then Teva. So it’s actually the original brand name medication. Never had a problem with it. But I do when I switch to other manufacturers.

Having issues getting it this month. CVS can’t get it even with special order. They gave up trying. Could not get it from Teva.

Has anyone heard of there being anything affecting its availability or having trouble getting it?

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Re: Grace (# 1289) Expand Referenced Message

I agree , I was switched over to teva because of the shortage and I have to take higher does because to get any type of affect which doesn’t last long. I’m also way more tired.

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Re: Pamela (# 1252) Expand Referenced Message

I notice this same thing, they 'work but the duration is so short I literally don't understand. My metabolism is a beast so I'm used to experiencing the lower end of the spectrum in terms of duration.. i.e. if something is said to last 4-6hrs for me it will be 3hrs.
When it comes to adderall in recent months, it seems to wane even earlier.

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These generics are awful now. The, did all change back in 2013 or so. Before they all worked very well but after a certain time they started changing the formulations of the generics making them much less effective. I've changed to adderall xr so I has access to the name brand and they are still pretty effective. This month walgeens says they can't order the brand name so I'm going to have to get a generic and hopefully it's not too different. I did try the lannett IRs before and they were my favorite ir so hopefully I get that brand for my xr script.

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Re: RMR (# 1288) Expand Referenced Message

A friend of mine has been taking Adderall generic for over 25 yrs. She has Never had a problem getting her medication. For the last six years, she has mainly used Walgreens. I think a lot has to do with where you live. She lives in Louisiana.

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Re: RMR (# 1288) Expand Referenced Message

That's so awesome and you're so awesome. Bye

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I’ve always taken my prescriptions as directed. I am sensitive to medication and so I try to stay with a pharmacy that’s consistent with generic. So far Walgreens has been the only one. This last time they ran out and I waited 5 days. The pill looked the same but I don’t remember my last bottle saying (by teva) and I feel very different when I have taken it the last 2 weeks. Like almost more tired and super irritable which is not normal or I wouldn’t take it. Anyone else have this experience?

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Re: Somebody (# 1279) Expand Referenced Message

LOLOLOL THIS is all a bunch of lies! I’ve been getting teva adderall for over 15 years and there is absolutely nothing wrong with it!

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