Adderall Manufactured By Teva Not Working (Page 3)
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I have had two refills of Adderall 20 mg that was manufactured by Teva/barr (Teva) and it seems to have much less medication in each pill. Refills by another manufacturer work. This is ridiculous, and where do we report Teva and who can check each pill for amount for medication? I would gladly donate some of my worthless ones to the FDA?

1387 Replies (70 Pages)

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That’s amazing that you find TEVA 20 MG so easily . Pharmacy supplies are scarce for the best manufacturer, Teva . The other manufacturers (sun,Abidino,Nortis , and a new generic out of NJ) contain as little as 2 mg of active ingredient per 10 mg

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I’m having the same problem with my tevas it’s like I didn’t take it

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Re: Optimistic (# 1339) Expand Referenced Message

funny you should mention that, strangely these new batches of teva and sandoz felt very similar to SSRIs rather than adderall.

i haven't heard that many people getting brain zaps from adderall either and my psychiatrist said the same thing. i personally haven't until now but i am certainly feeling them ever since i stopped taking adderall since 12/8/22. there are some websites that mention adderall potentially causing them when i googled it though so i guess it is possible even though it's a rare occurrence.

i think you can get brain zaps from MDMA as well. it's a very strange and uncomfortable sensation for sure but not painful luckily just extremely distracting. hoping it ends soon!

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Re: Walo (# 1326) Expand Referenced Message

The generics don’t have to be identical to the name brand, so it doesn’t matter if you can prove it’s not identical it doesn’t have to be identical it just has to be within 20% variation in strength. Legally. They can be 20% weaker.

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Re: 1984Again (# 1327) Expand Referenced Message

The insurance companies are behind this push. They don’t pay for things like medical cannabis so they would definitely rather have me taking medical cannabis than medication they have to pay for. And I also wonder if some of the opioid companies are behind it as well. A couple pain management providers ago they kept trying to take me off 5 mg oxycodone that was working just fine to put me on fentanyl patches which were way stronger simply because I have a medical cannabis card. These people were literally trying to tell me that medical cannabis was dangerous with 5 mg of oxycodone but it would be fine with a hard-core fentanyl patch strapped on to me. I immediately found a new doctor after that visit that was terrifying to me. So if Insys or whoever is making those fentanyl patches now, can get all the people with anxiety on medical cannabis and then get all the providers convinced that medical cannabis with regular pills will kill you but they’re fine with a fentanyl patch, well damn that patch will sell great won’t it?

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Re: Adam (# 1328) Expand Referenced Message

I get so frustrated when pharmacists or doctors want to pretend that all generics are the same and that 20% wouldn’t make a difference. It’s like saying there wouldn’t be any difference between a 10 mg pill and a 12 mg pill. And that would be a ridiculous thing to say.

Not only that but even if the strength was exactly the same if different manufacturers use different fillers it will hit people differently. For example if they are using the filler that is pretty much from treated wood, some people will be sensitive to that chemical. If they are using lactose, people who are lactose intolerant might have a problem with it. People with celiac have to get medication that doesn’t include gluten. So even if the strength was exactly the same the different manufacturers use different fillers which should be in the different generics are not the same at all.

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Re: Rcma (# 1330) Expand Referenced Message

I think it’s important for you to know that generic medication can legally be 20% weaker or stronger than the name brand. They can legally make them weaker and it’s fine. And a UA won’t show that it will just show that you have Adderall in your system.

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Re: BlessedLady (# 1331) Expand Referenced Message

This is true. I go to pain management and I just had a U/A at my last visit. I plan to make sure there was Adderall in my system, but I know there will be. They won’t be able to tell me if the levels are right because they don’t look at that.

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Re: stephen e (# 1332) Expand Referenced Message

Actually brains apps come from medication is like SSRIs. I wonder if they’re using more SSRI in these to give us that speedy feeling, it would definitely make you sick to your stomach if you don’t need extra serotonin in your life but you’re getting extra serotonin that will make you nauseous.

I don’t know any illicit drugs that give people brain zaps, those come from antidepressants.

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Re: Dee (# 1333) Expand Referenced Message

Nobody’s prescribing ketamine or cannabis for ADHD. Are you on the wrong thread?

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Re: debralar (# 1334) Expand Referenced Message

Sweet, if you actually find an attorney who will open a class action lawsuit make sure you come back here and let us know so we can all sign on.

Doctors aren’t over prescribing this medication, that’s not happening. What’s happening is a whole bunch of people got long Covid from unchecked virus spread and they’re having some serious fatigue issues. Plus people keep breeding mindlessly so every day there are more children who potentially could be diagnosed.

The problem comes from the government only allowing these manufacturers to have a certain amount of active ingredient every year and the DEA is constantly trying to reduce that even though more people are on these prescriptions every year because there are more of us.

Please pay attention and whenever you see one of those online petitions going around talking about how the FDA or DEA wants to reduce the allotment of active ingredient, hop on the government website and leave a comment. Nobody wants to do anything to help the situation they just want to come here and complain about it. I hope you find a class action lawyer who will take this but I’m not sure who you plan to sue.

It’s important to understand that generic medication can legally vary up to 20% from the name brand, it’s totally legal for them to make them 20% weaker than the regular medication. Of course they can also legally be up to 20% stronger but I’m not sure that that’s happening ever. These are guidelines set by our government, please be sure you understand the Republicans who are anti-regulation would prefer there be no regulations about how much active ingredient can be in a medication. I suppose we are lucky they have to be at least within 20% in strength, but keep voting for Republicans and it’s only going to get worse.

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Oh that’s so interesting I recently got a refill that was half Teva half Sanoz. Teva always work best for me so I haven’t tried the other ones yet, but they seem totally fine to me. If you think the Teva are weak I would definitely stay away from the Epic. I don’t think there’s any Adderall in the Epic Adderall.

But you have to go on the FDA webpage and look for FDA medwatch and then report it. It actually helps. I’ve been reporting Aurobindo Adderall for a couple years and they finally discontinued making the bunk pills.

You can also call the pharmacy you received them from, they can’t do anything but they should know, especially if other people are saying the same thing.

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Re: debralar (# 1334) Expand Referenced Message

It is nice you have all the money it takes to file this suit. Although a court probably will not accept it because it is legally baseless. Attorneys only take cases they know they can win. No attorney is going to take this case and not require you to pay for it.

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Re: stephen e (# 1332) Expand Referenced Message

I plan to file a class action lawsuit! For us who have been on Adderall for ADHD, we are getting screwed as none of the pharmacies in Houston I've dealt with have any and are unsure when they will!! Doctors are prescribing to anyone who claims they have 1 symptom! When you are used to taking Adderall and suddenly stop (not because you decide to), it creates anxiety, depression, fatigue, etc. I will see those responsible for the shortages in court!!!

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Re: 1984Again (# 1327) Expand Referenced Message

Yes! Totally agree. I have seen a push for cannabis and ketamine and all the while decrease in manufacturing of actual medicine that had been proven to work or lack of quality there in

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Reporting here for the first time. I have been taking teva/sandoz IR 10 MG adderall almost every single day since fall 2014. up until the shortage, both teva and sandoz worked decently well. I tried sandoz which made me feel sick on 12/2 so I had my doctor re-write my prescription. Luckily my local cvs still had teva. The last time i had adderall was the new Teva (12/8/22).

However, now this new teva felt more like a really strong caffeine pill and I barely felt focused but I felt super lightheaded and shaky. Mentally I felt okay but super extroverted while physically it felt like there was electricity in my veins and I felt really tweaky.

The comedown was super harsh, it felt like detoxing drugs for lack of a better description. I know that Adderall will always be strong again the first few days but this was nothing like the previous times.

I managed to find one last old Teva pill I had so I compared the new and old tablets and I realized that they were completely different: the old one I had felt more compact and hardened while the new one is chalky, powdery, and flat.

Also since Sunday (12/11/22), I have been experiencing “Brain zaps” (electric like jolts in the spine that feels like i'm drunk and the room is shaking as if there was a small earthquake but I am obviously sober) since not taking Teva. I have never experienced "brain zaps" from Adderall withdrawal. Coincidentally you can also experience "Brain zaps" from illicit drugs. it genuinely felt speed-like.

I think I’m gonna try taking Sandoz again since that was way less intense (although completely not ideal) and I think I'm gonna try taking sandoz without any caffeine really early on a slow work day and see how I feel. At least now I know the difference between new and old teva.

Please share if anyone has anything experienced similar especially with the New Teva post-shortage!

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Re: Rcma (# 1330) Expand Referenced Message

Basic u/a tox screens only shows the presence of a drug. A decreased amount of active ingredient would not show up on a standard u/a tox screen.

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Everyone.... Get a U/A from your MD. Your MD will be have empirical proof via a laboratory... U/A's are classic methods used by doctors to determine whether patients are taking (or selling) their ADHD meds. Your urine will tell a story, otherwise the FDA will see your complaint as heresay.

If Teva is messing with active ingredients and efficacy, they'll have class action suits once again... they just paid out $$$ for opioids. Plenty of law firms would be HAPPY to go after Teva with a national class action suit. I'm actually surprised there isn't one already in works for the shortage.

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Yes, I have the exact same experience with a refill from the beginning of December. I told my doctor, not that they can do anything.

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Re: Cyr (# 1323) Expand Referenced Message

I would like to comment concerning the quality of Teva's 2022 Adderall IR after the shortage: The efficacy is horrible.

To the best of my inside knowledge, Teva generic Adderall IR is actually manufactured by Barr Pharmaceuticals.

Many people will read what I wrote above and say....Wait... Barr no longer makes Adderall!

The truth is that they always have and sometimes they even outsource it to a small firm called Duramed Pharmaceuticals - DP

Teva handles distribution.

Here is my argument with FDA's oversight regarding the quality of a generic firm's initial testing of their product. Most people may not know this, but (in all practical purposes) when a generic firm like Teva wants to produce a generic, it is the generic firm, and not the FDA, that performs bioequivalence testing (testing their product on people to prove to FDA that their product is interchangeable).

Here are my problems with this.

1. The generic company invariably selects about 12 to 15 healthy people. I have read case studies where sometimes they have excluded people over 75, or their race distribution might be 80 white and 20% other.

-- This is what is called Poor External Validity --

External validity simply means that what (and who) is tested, truly represents the entire population.

2. The public is not allowed to review the testing methods and results that a generic firm submits to the FDA. Why??

3. The FDA pretty much "takes the generic firm's word" regarding test results. FDA does not oversee a generic firm's testing.

4. The FDA allows a kaleidoscope of "Testing Waivers" to firms that make no sense to me.

For example....

Let's say that Teva has produced results for three different strengths of their product, using statistical reasoning as a fallacious backdrop of deception, the FDA might say......

OK....You do not need to provide testing results for your 30MG product, given the other results provided.

The above consists of true information regarding how generic companies get their products approved, but the most fallacious technique that is mentioned redundantly is this:

The FDA will allow a generic firm to vary from 0,80 to 1.25 (in terms of its product's bioequivalence). Therefore, Teva could legitimately have a product approved that yielded 0.799 - or less that 20 percent from the brand name.

The argument is that statistically, this range has no -clinically meaningful- effect on a drug's bioavailability or bioequivalence. Please!

Now I will conclude with this: It is not in a generic firm's best interest to "fib" or procure negatively the external or internal validity of their studies to the FDA.

Once a generic company completes this grave sin, the FDA will make to so difficult for the generic firm to operate that many decide it isn't worth it.

Think about this:

At one time there was a considerable number of generic companies making Adderall (ie remember Corepharma just as one example)....

I hope this helps people truly understand the testing process of these generic firms and how weak they truly are.

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