Adderall Xr 20mg. Blue Capsule (Page 4) (Top voted first)


Pharmacy recently switched me to new generic brand (blue capsule) of adderall XR. I have never seen this brand and I don't feel like it is effective. I lack concentration and focus, recurring symptoms of ADHD. Anyone else experience this?

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I'm so happy I found this thread! Last month was amazing! My focus was better, my moods were better and I even got ahead in my college assignments. Those pills were orange. I just got my adderall refill a few days ago. These are blue. I *knew* that wasn't the same medicine I had last month! I tried not to think about the difference the first two days, because I am so new to this medicine. By day three, I couldn't pass it off anymore. Something was definitely wrong! That day, my breathing was weird. I kept having to yawn, but couldn't inhale deep enough. The yawning made my body think I was sleepy. Then, I started feeling really strange. My mind was racing one hundred miles a minute and focusing on my homework became even harder than just not taking anything. That turned into anxiety then paranoia. I felt like I was going to have a panic attack! When it finally started wearing off, I told my husband is swore I just had like a bad trip from my adderall. I didn't take any the next day. I was still experiencing the crazy yawning thing, my chest had a dull pain and my mood was on edge. I had to stop myself from bursting into tears several times throughout the day. Those blue pills are nothing but a cheap and dirty disgusting knock off of the orange ones. Like they made me feel what I imagine consuming dangerous amounts of caffeine pills is like. Thanks to this thread, I now know to tell the pharmacy orange or nothing.

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what dose and maker are the orange ones. The blue ones are teva which suck

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I have the same problem. I just started my dosage again after 3 years and am taking the blue pill. It was weird at first but I thought with the 10 dollar co-pay it was a deal. Took it that day and meh not really any more noticeable effects than an energy drink as opposed to the old orange generic that focused me and didnt make me feel laggy. Just extremely different all the way around. Going to the pharmacy to fix this tomorrow. I'll pay the extra 15 dollars to get the right drug.

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Yeah, I suggest calling every place and ask if what company makes their generic adderal. That's what I did aand found that walgreens has them. I'm so happy I. Switched, those blue pills are the devil!! Lol

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I mentioned it to my PCP and the pharmacist, neither of them have heard of adverse reactions and said everyone is different and respond differently. But as this forum shows...that's not the case. Luckily my Walgreen's accepts ExpressScrips again and they have the Teva/Barr generic, my CVS doesn't, so we switched.

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Yes. I think the generic blue is less effective than the orange and white one.

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I agree with with you. I've been taking the 20 mg blue pill (Actavis?) from CVS for the last 9 months. They were out and went to Rite-Aid and got the Teva brand (brownish pills). I've been taking these new pills for nearly 2 weeks and it's like I'm not taking anything at all. I'm unfocused and tired in the afternoons, symptoms that never occurred when taking the CVS blue pills.

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I agree completely!! They are junk pills and I wonder if they are dangerous. Crazy they can even market these as the same medication since they obviously aren't performing the same. Gotta love the FDA -! They could care less to really check the welfare of the public and as seen on the Wellbutrin episode and Ranxbury, they don't care and couldn't protect us timely! Where is the accountability for them to do their job

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Me also! Last 2 scripts of Adderall 30 mg, peach and is the Adderall is Salts so the Dextroamphetamine is in there. Making me sick, no positive effects. Seems to be Activis lab that is the issue. Is it?

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Anyone know where to get the generic adderall xr 20mg made by teva or any other brand than actavis in the Glen Burnie maryland area, really appreciate any tips

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Yes I totally agree this generic by activis is garbage with a capital G

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Yes I too just got my first blue addy's almost a month ago and it is way less effective verses the orange one's I took for years. I thought I was the only one that noticed the difference.

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The Actavis round peach 30mg generic Adderall needs to be recalled, it made me physically ill and did nothing to help my ADD, in fact it made it worse. I had only taken the Sandoz brand for 2 years, the same dose: 15 mg in the morning and 15 mg in the afternoon with no adverse effects. My pharmacy changed the manufacturer they use to Actavis; I thought nothing of it because the listed 'ingredients' are exactly the same as on the Sandoz bottle, so I accepted the meds they gave me. I don't know how they can say this is the same medication because it isn't and I really wonder what I took.

The adverse effects for me were: severe headache, blurred vision, lethargy, extremely tense/rigid muscles, inability to think clearly, insomnia (on top of lethargy, go figure!), breaking out, and GI tract issues: this was after taking 30mg a day for only 4 days. On the 5th day I started feeling so depressed (which has never been a problem for me) that I realized I had to stop taking them and call my Dr. It seems a lot of people are having problems with the Actavis brand of 'generic' Adderall, the pharmacist told me to report it to the FDA.

I've never posted on this site before but I feel it's necessary to get the word out about this 'drug'. I feel like I took poison for 4 days and I'd like to make sure others don't go through what I did. If you've had a similar experience you can report it here:

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I have been on Adderol XR 25mg for 6 yrs, just filled a RX and received Actavis Elizabeth LLC 25mgXR brand of them( light neon yellow)( no beads, powdery substance) I took it with breakfast as I have for years. Yawning uncontrollably, slight headache w/ nausea, yet I felt nothing. I did this for a week. Unless this brand is not as potent as the brand I have been using, I believe these are bunk. Everyone's body is different, and yes I've had generic adderol before but this has to be a joke. no focus, nausea, excessive yawning, extreme fatigue.

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Interesting! I am having the exact opposite problem! I have taken the blue capsules for years and have been doing great. My new pharmacy gave me the orange capsules and i feel HORRIBLE. I feel like I am not taking any medicine at all. I am absolutely starving and nauseated, etc. I feel like I am 100% drained of all energy-like I can barely pull my body up to function.

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I have been taking the 20mg of the blue pills by Actavis for the last 2 weeks. I typically take the orange capsules by Teva. I've felt extreme tiredness, depression, and lack of concentration and focus. I thought it was all in my head. I brought the pills to the pharmacist and told him my symptoms and that these blue generics were basically completely inneffective and I feel worse. He told me it's the only version they carry and that I should either contact my doctor or the manufacturer. He also gave me the whole spiel about the FDA and that if they were ineffective and didn't have the same formula as the brand name, they couldn't sell them. Like I didn't already know that, but something fishy is going on here. I've been taking 20mg of generic Adderall XR for many years and I know how it works and I know how my body responds to it. I am so relieved to have found this thread because everyone keeps telling me that it's impossible for this to be happening.

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So, The blue ones have been shown (depending on opposite color or shade of blue) to exist as 5mg, 10mg, 15mg,or 30mg
I take the 10 mg daily because that's what helps me.

The active ingredient in Adderall is amphetamine salts and dextroamphetamine.

Side effects of the drug do include nausea. The higher the mg (20 is actually a lot for anybody, especially people who arent fully developed, in my estimates would be around 25, give or take but it's not my call to make on that one.

If a person is feeling when the medication kicks in, that means they are receiving some level of the potential high you can get from taking too much.

The kickback side effects are from a significant drop in blood sugar caused by a lack of proper eating with the medication.
Grab a big meal before taking it and it will help, but wont stop the nausea.
Dehydration is also a big side effect from amphetamine use.

Dehydration and malnutrition both link (very visibly) to side effects of lethargy, mood swings (chemical imbalance), induced manic periods (Cleaning everything very thoroughly is very common)

Taking this medication will often make it easier to follow guidelines of staying better hydrated, excersizing more, and improving ones diet, but not doing so will make afore-mentioned side effects much much worse.

Last note i find this medication can often induce a form of constipation in which the user is still deficating regularly yet the body is still retaining waste, which can lead to lower abdominal/back (bowel area) pain, further lethargy, and a hell of a lot of discomfort, for that i personally recommend increasing the fiber in ones diet.

Hopefully this has been helpful or warrants some feedback and we can all expand our awareness of the things we choose to put in our or those under our care's bodies.

Thank you

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my son swears this is the case for him and his teachers have noticed as well.

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I recently went to the doctor this week. I've been taking the orange capsule "amphetamine salts" adderall xr 20 mgs. for the last year. They are great definently help in treating ADD. So this week I recently had my prescription increased to two of the pills a day. I took it to the phamacy, CVS, where they filled it with the new generic. Confused, I tried it and realized its not the same. For some reason you still can't concentrate. I took it and went to school and literally LOST MY KEYS. Just all over the place. So I took them back to my doctor and she wrote a new script for them with "dispense as written" well that was going to cost $1000 so obviously not an option. Now I went back today and am going to try taking the barr which is the tablet form and not an extended release 3x a day. Ugh just so disgusted with it. Does anyone know if you still have the option to get the Orange generic pills?? CVS seriously pissed me off the tech even had the nerve to say something to me about the scripts. When i'm actually losing money because of this. It also seems as though most of the stores are carrying the new blue kind because I asked the Walmart pharmacy and they were as well. This new kind sucks and my doctor said the only thing that has to be the same in the generic form is the active ingredient. Everything else is allowed to be different which is possibly why this pill does not seem to work well for most people because maybe it processes differently with different fillers?? No clue but can anyone help with some information on an easier way to obtain the orange generic xr's. I live in Ohio and we do not have a Publix where I live.

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The orange 30 mg Dr is what I'm talking about. They are made by bar and are the closest to non generic you can get!

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