Adderall Generics Thread (Page 6) (Top voted first)


Hey guys. Most of us are probably in the same boat--our Adderall doesn't work and it's horrible and we can't function well and it's bull**** and we all know that, but there are other threads/forums to vent frustration. We need a thread with the basics to help us all get going again or to know what to avoid (even though that seems like all of them these days, ha.) PLEASE POST THE FOLLOWING: 1. MANUFACTURER OF YOUR RECENT ADDERALL PRESCRIPTION 2. XR OR IR? HOW MANY MG? COLOR/SHAPE/IMPRINT? (if possible) 3. ***PHARMACY NAME*** AND MONTH/YEAR OF SCRIPT 4. YOUR LOCATION (if you are comfortable with that) 5. SIDE EFFECTS/SYMPTOMS. GOOD? BAD? Generally speaking, chain pharmacies use the same manufacturer at all of their locations throughout the country and that will make it easier for us to either get a hold of that specific manufacturer's Adderall, OR to avoid it if it's a bad batch. Replies to other posts are allowed, but please try to stay on topic so that the thousands of people viewing this thread can easily keep track when they are going in for their monthly prescription. Thanks so much!

114 Replies (6 Pages)

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Re: Kf3355705 (# 70) Expand Referenced Message

I take the orange capsule 30mg XR withe the imprint m amphet salt and 30mg. Walmart has these and work the best for me in generic

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Walgreens gave me lennet brand and it’s pale blue 10mg and it’s not working….

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Re: CTbaby (# 77) Expand Referenced Message

That brand should be removed. It’s ineffective.

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Re: Will (# 90) Expand Referenced Message

They put less in the capsules.. that’s why. Hope it helps you, & saves you time!!

{message deemed inaccurate}

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Re: La2Be (# 92) Expand Referenced Message

That's an absurd and unscientific explanation. It's the essence of misinformation. No data or sourcing is provided. And guess what? The medication in question is a tablet not a capsule.

There are numerous reasons for differences in efficacy including body gut ph, binders and bioavailability in the medication's uptake and urine elimination. A urinalysis would provide EMPIRICAL data. And legally they can use 20% less than Brand name and it's not a violation by FDA rules.

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Re: Ashley (# 94) Expand Referenced Message

I started taking the same drug from the same manufacturer as of 2 months ago. I take 40mg a day (which is quite a bit considering I am a slim woman nearing 40, in my opinion but it works well for me and I feel very healthy). I was very curious bc I’d been taking Teva 10 mg three times a day for years. I was shocked I wound up taking this higher dose bc I switched doctors and at first she had me on ER which did absolute nothing to help. I also have Medicaid with United Healthcare and they have this delusional opinion that adults should not take extended release so I was paying out of pocket with charity help for a couple of months. Anyway, my new doctor eventually increased my dose by 10mg after me taking 30mg a day for years. I am so perplexed by this and do wonder if it’s related to the type of generic I am now prescribed… it could also just be that I was a hot mess for a couple of months at work and driving too. No idea.

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My Rx for 10 years has always said d-amphetamine salt combo 20 mg tab, but my new Rx states amphet/dextr 20 mg tab and they look different and the new ones don’t work the same at all. Are they the same? I don’t understand why this changed suddenly when I’ve always spoken to my dr calling it adderall.

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Re: Stepheb (# 96) Expand Referenced Message

When you say Sun are you referring to Sunrise?

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Re: Jaime (# 102) Expand Referenced Message

Remember that different colors and different shapes indicate different ingredients. Don’t be fooled that they are all the same. An oval will never be a circle.

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I've been taking/prescribed generic IR Adderall for over 10 years. Ingested alot of different manufacturers at all different doses. (Costco Pharmacy) Whether it's Barr/Teva, Sandoz, Elite, Core, etc etc, they are all alittle different. Same drug in each tablet, but what's different are the binding agents used by manufacturers to help you absorb it. Only one I've ever had an issue with was Core.
It was like hippie speed. Jittery,
Anxious, not at all focused.
My doc told me to never fill with "the pinks" . Core tablets have a distinct darker color.

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Re: CC (# 109) Expand Referenced Message

Finally! I hope Rhodes is next. Seems someone cares a little.

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Re: Dee (# 10) Expand Referenced Message

Make sure those Percocets are by Rhodes which is Perdue ! They cause more pain when they wear off making you feel you need more and more then pain is awful!!! I didn’t think they come in 15 though 5 and 10 only ! It’s a mess don’t go to cvs period ! Those $5 reward bucks aren’t worth it

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Sounds like you are trying to gain “control “of the situation
Is this your job ?

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Re: ssw (# 6) Expand Referenced Message

Russian olives are a delicacy in Turkey and plentiful in Wyoming. Eat from trees and make jelly, juice, cider when they are grey and bitterly ripe in late September. You will accumulatively build and immune and heal all scars and grow hair if balding and no more tummy troubles nor anxiety stress panic attack.. amazingly God has been shoving these trees at us for years..I feel stupid for not looking up natural bio facts on the russian olive oleaster commonly known for it's antioxidants and cancer reversing inhibitors.

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