Adderall Generics Thread (Page 5) (Top voted first)


Hey guys.

Most of us are probably in the same boat--our Adderall doesn't work and it's horrible and we can't function well and it's bull**** and we all know that, but there are other threads/forums to vent frustration. We need a thread with the basics to help us all get going again or to know what to avoid (even though that seems like all of them these days, ha.)


4. YOUR LOCATION (if you are comfortable with that)

Generally speaking, chain pharmacies use the same manufacturer at all of their locations throughout the country and that will make it easier for us to either get a hold of that specific manufacturer's Adderall, OR to avoid it if it's a bad batch.

Replies to other posts are allowed, but please try to stay on topic so that the thousands of people viewing this thread can easily keep track when they are going in for their monthly prescription.

Thanks so much!

114 Replies (6 Pages)

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I am plain miserable as you all are. Right now I am getting Teva from Walgreens. I swear they are sleeping pills! I get headaches & just don't feel good at all. Back in 2009 Adderal saved my life, I had been in a depression so bad, I talked to no one, I went nowhere, etc. My husband & mother died & was so alone missing them and didn't like life. When a Dr. in Madison, WI who gave me these, I felt so much better, it was a miracle. I started exercising, even eventually remarried. Moved to Belvidere, IL, in 2012 Uhg, it took forever to find a DR. to give me them, I take 20 mg 5 times daily. At first, I would drive half hour to Hi Vee store because they had Sandoz, which were the best then. They don't have them anymore and I can not find anything else that works. What can we do? I am almost back to where I started in 2008.

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Re: J (# 56) Expand Referenced Message

Hey there,

I’m also in Colorado (Denver) I was on Teva/Barr 20mgs ir from Walgreens for about a year consistently. I usually took 50mgs a day by breaking 20’s in half and had no issues until May/June 2018 I switched to rite aid for convenience picked up my rx and for the next 2 weeks I couldn’t figure out why they were not working! I blamed hormones etc.
So my pdoc suggested to switch back to Walgreens and go up to 30 mg ir and break them up to get my 50mgs a day. The first month wasn’t bad I actually thought wow I’m calmer on a 60 mg dose maybe that was the problem.
No way. Here it is December with a one month break in September and a few days here and there at 90 mgs and I feel awful. When I try lower dose 40, 60 mgs I feel irritated, I have gained 15 lbs since July and I’ve become a hermit.
There is no way my tolerance went from 40-50mgs one week to 60 then 90mgs.
I’ve had no luck with Teva since Barr was missing from the label, I filed complaint a man from India called from Teva quality control but I doubt that matters.
You metioned Mylan from Sams club? I’m willing to try another generic or pharmacy but I’m now at a integrative pharmacy who ordered these last Tevas so I hate to be changing pharmacies so often. Do you mind sharing which Walgreens you have had luck with? I was using one on South Broadway.
Thank you!!!

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I’ve been on different doses of adderall xrl and amphetamine salts but my dr won’t up my dose of 20mg xrl and it’s not working. It takes maybe two or three to feel it. Does anyone know a dr that will prescribe it in NY or LI?

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You’re forgetting a key component of the process. The distributor. It’s a three part equation not two

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Re: RLR (# 11) Expand Referenced Message

If you take adderall and feel tense , glittery or anxiety , and your not against another Benzos, I recommend asking your doctor for .5mg of klonopin 2 times a day , you can take that at same time , especially if you take 20mg or higher , if you have no tolerances for benzos or are only taking 10mg there is .25mg as well you could take, this does take care of the those side effects without affecting the Adderalls main purpsose.

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Re: Jaime (# 100) Expand Referenced Message

It's the same script. Oddly there are multiple names for generic Adderall... which is ridiculous and confusing. "The generic name for Adderall is dextroamphetamine-amphetamine. It’s also sometimes referred to as amphetamine salts" (per verywell health)

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Re: Rcma (# 101) Expand Referenced Message

Thank you. I figured with different manufacturers that the pill could change color and shape. This helps. Thank you.

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Re: Cody (# 103) Expand Referenced Message

Lol. Sun pharmaceuticals.

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Re: Jay (# 105) Expand Referenced Message

In Los Angeles and can’t find Teva 30mg IR anywhere. I’m stuck with Sandoz 30mg XR at Walgreens. It’s doing absolutely nothing for me. Have taken this medication for over 20 years and have never experienced anything as bad as this Sandoz. No pharmacy around here even carries IR. Teva is by far the best.

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Re: ssw (# 6) Expand Referenced Message

Psych shared that MALLINCRODT NORCO Generic Adderall was discontinued and pulled off the shelf due to quality.

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Re: Patti B (# 87) Expand Referenced Message

ADHD patient my whole life basically. Gonna keep this short. All generic brands have definitely CHANGED but by far and I mean should be illegal is Rhodes. And not just their Adderall, EVERYTHING! They're a Chinese manufacturer if that tells you anything. Taking Global now and it's better than nothing. I can read, play chess, etc. not with Rhodes!!!

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Re: Geo (# 76) Expand Referenced Message

Dead on! ADHD patient for my whole life. Tried them all (manufacturers). Doesn't matter XR or IR. They've all dropped in treating symptoms but RHODES should be stripped from all shelves. How it is even allowed is beyond me. And trust me the pharmacies are MORE than well aware of we are. Rhodes is a CHINESE manufacturer. All Rhodes medications are the lowest quality permitted. Their oxycodone is going through many legal suits. Global isn't what it used to be but I can read and play chess so.... Taking 20 mg. XR twice daily. Mallinckrodt is 2nd for garbage meds.

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Re: Jay (# 105) Expand Referenced Message

Same story except that Rhodes is even worse. Hard to believe.

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Erin (# 8) --

How are you doing Erin? Were you able to get your prescription?

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Jan (# 13) --

Hello, this is Erin (post # 9). And I can almost always get my Rx filled. What I struggle with is finding a form of the generic that is therapeutic. I can definitely relate to everyone else's experiences, cloudy headed, strung out, jittery, anxious. I will be filling my script next week, and will again be calling every pharmacy within 20 miles looking for one that carries the only generic that I've found that works. I did that last month, had no luck and so I reached out for help. Fingers crossed, thanks for asking!

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4. YOUR LOCATION (if you are comfortable with that) : PRINCETON, MN
5. SIDE EFFECTS/SYMPTOMS. GOOD? BAD? These Impax seem to be the best form to use for me as I have has several bad side effects from all others, only now shopko pharmacy has closed and I am having to use yet another pharmacy and another brand. In the past I have gotten the Sandoz brand and these have not worked at all for me.

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I think I'm literally the only one that likes the U31. I think they are much better than the 974s. Call me crazy and I guess I am but the 974s lost most of their effects after 2 days. Got U31s after and they are stronger than the 974s.

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Prescribed 20mg to be taken twice a day

Last fill: Cheyenne, WY Osco pharmacy about a week ago. Received aurobindo (round peach U31 is the imprint I think)
Effects: feels speedy gives me a headache and makes me feel a bit agitated. Have had these before and there is something very off about them. As for treating my adhd, (hyperactive type) they make it worse honestly. Less able to focus...more restless than usual. I generally do not have the urge to take more than my prescribed dose and sometimes I don’t even take my second dose

Prior fill: Walgreens in Denver, CO
Received teva...the orange footballs. To me, these don’t have any adverse side effects and feel like the adderall I am used to. However, they seem very weak and wear off relatively fast. By 2:00 pm I have usually taken both pills and no longer feel any effects, but in order to not run out of my prescription I just deal with it :(

Prior to that fill, I filled at king Soopers and received the same aurobindo ones discussed above

And prior to that I filled at CVS and also got the aurobindo ones. Seems that it is the dominant generic brand available

I am thinking of asking my pdoc to increase my dosage and only filling at Walgreens since the teva ones seem okay other than being weak and having a shorter duration :/

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30mg oval orange pills this month from CVS near Pittsburgh actually seems like a consistent batch. Meds are working while not putting me to sleep, it's a miracle....until next month....this is an absolute shame.

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Re: Karen (# 40) Expand Referenced Message

Check Harris Teeter. I live in Fayetteville and that’s the only place I found them.

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