Adderall Generics Thread (Page 5)


Hey guys.

Most of us are probably in the same boat--our Adderall doesn't work and it's horrible and we can't function well and it's bull**** and we all know that, but there are other threads/forums to vent frustration. We need a thread with the basics to help us all get going again or to know what to avoid (even though that seems like all of them these days, ha.)


4. YOUR LOCATION (if you are comfortable with that)

Generally speaking, chain pharmacies use the same manufacturer at all of their locations throughout the country and that will make it easier for us to either get a hold of that specific manufacturer's Adderall, OR to avoid it if it's a bad batch.

Replies to other posts are allowed, but please try to stay on topic so that the thousands of people viewing this thread can easily keep track when they are going in for their monthly prescription.

Thanks so much!

114 Replies (6 Pages)

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Just picked up my script here in South Florida after 2 1/2 weeks of searching for a Pharmacy that had any! There's a shortage going on right now apparently.

I usually use Walgreens but they have no idea when they're going to receive any, so I finally found a mom & pop (Generic Depot) that had my 30mg Adderal IR (1.5 or 45mgs per day) so of course I jumped in my car immediately and picked it up!

The imprint code on the tablet is e506 (Elite Laboratories), it's an orange football shape like the Walgreens brand I normally get but they're slightly smaller. I'm not sure exactly what generic brand I was getting from Walgreens but they always worked well for me (sometimes a little too well if after taking a break ??).

So anyway I took a half (15mgs) about 3 hours ago, but after feeling nada after waiting 1.5 hours, I took a whole tablet (45mgs in total now). It's been about 3 hours as I'm writing this and I don't feel hardly anything! Mind you that I haven't had ANY in 2 1/2 weeks or more since there's a shortage! Usually a half of a tablet is more than enough for me after not taking any in weeks but..

So I guess Elite Laboratories Adderall is garbage! OR it simply takes forever to kick in and I'll be bouncing off the walls in a bit, but I doubt that's the case! I was thinking that any brand is better than nothing, but perhaps I was wrong about that, IDK? The jury is still out..

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Re: Pubmech (# 81) Expand Referenced Message


I was wrong about the 30mg Elite Laboratories Adderall IR, it's actually not too bad. It just took a lot longer to kick-in then what I'm used to, and it doesn't seem to last quite as long as the Walgreens brand, but no big deal. I would definitely get it again if Walgreens can't come through again in the future.

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I have been waiting for over a week to get my D-Amphetamine 20mg filled from Walgreens here in Florida and they have been on back order. I was surprised to finally get a call from Walgreens saying they were ready for pickup. They usually have Lannett and today I got a brand I never heard of, Ascent pharmaceutical, inc... my question is are they any good?. I just took two of them and I will see! Thanks

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I take 5mg twice a day for fatigue and excessive daytime sleepiness. Have been taking Lannett (blue oval - e502 Side 1), filled at Walgreens. Walgreens suddenly seems to have switched to Camber (blue round - T 372 Side 1) This product is WAY worse than the Lennett. Takes forever to work, is weak and poops out after an hour. I feel like a zombie. Will try to fill my next script at Publix or Walmart. Any experience with these two?

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Teva 30 mg Adderall IR
Date: February 2022
Location: Phoenix
Pharmacy: Walgreens
Symptoms: Feels like a sugar pill. My Apple Watch says my heart rate has been 10 points lower since the day I filled. I am struggling

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Re: Friendly Me (# 61) Expand Referenced Message

Best reply of all. 100% on point!!!

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Re: George G (# 84) Expand Referenced Message

The pharmacist at Publix told me when I questioned the manufacturer source shown as Rhodes Pharmce (? correct spelling on my prescription label) They dispense the Generic brand they receive from the main office for Adderall. This brand did nothing for my ADHD and my insomnia became worse. I did research via internet and was shocked at the amount of info.

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Usually get Teva for 20mh IR. My last refill was switched to Sandoz because of supply issues and it’s almost like I haven’t taken anything. Going to be strugglesville this month. Called my pharmacy and they said to call a week before next refill to request Teva to see if they can get it. Otherwise I’ll have to call around other pharmacies in town. Not sure how they can call this generic Adderall. More like pressed orange chalk.

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Re: Patti B (# 87) Expand Referenced Message

Hi. Same here with PUBLIX. I searched for info on Rhodes generic Adderall and surprisingly found little to nothing. What did you find?!
(RHODES is a subsidiary of Purdue)

Yes, ALL major pharmacies have adopted a "no special order" policy. MANY pharmacists have told me "our supplier always had a preferred generic. But we could order a particular brand based on customer request or doctors' orders, but now it is impossible. HQ says whatever the supplier has listed as the preferred is what you will get. And it can is changing.". So PHARMACISTS have been blocked out. CVS went to far as to remove the entire field on the order form says a pharmacist. It's all about negotiating lowest price by bulk ordering.
Publix gets it's meds from supplier AmerisourceBergen. Others use McKesson or Cardinal. These big 3
Suppliers basically call the shots and they are making $ doing it. They squeeze pharmacies AND manufacturers to negotiate lowest prices and biggest profit margin for themselves.

Unfortunately this is something that Congress will need to address federally, or State Legislation, and good luck with that.... They figured out how to give less and make more $. Customer Satisfaction means nothing because we'll take what we get they figure.

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Re: Patti B (# 87) Expand Referenced Message

I got the Rhodes Pharmace brand 30mg generic for Adderall for the first time about a week ago. It did almost nothing. My doctor had bumped my dose up from 20mg to 30mg because the 20mg wasn't as effective anymore. But this Rhodes brand 30mg wasn't near as effective as the 20mg I was taking before.

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I am on 30mg twice daily.
I fill at Walgreens and they always use teva oval b/974 but they are out and on backorder with no idea when they will be getting more. Walmart has stock but they are round orange with T/376, made by Ascent . I am not a fan of these but there are better than others out there.

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Re: Will (# 90) Expand Referenced Message

They put less in the capsules.. that’s why. Hope it helps you, & saves you time!!

{message deemed inaccurate}

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Re: La2Be (# 92) Expand Referenced Message

That's an absurd and unscientific explanation. It's the essence of misinformation. No data or sourcing is provided. And guess what? The medication in question is a tablet not a capsule.

There are numerous reasons for differences in efficacy including body gut ph, binders and bioavailability in the medication's uptake and urine elimination. A urinalysis would provide EMPIRICAL data. And legally they can use 20% less than Brand name and it's not a violation by FDA rules.

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1. Sunrise Pharmaceuticals, Inc
2. 20 mg IR dextroamphetamine. Round peach pill imprinted with N34 on one side.
3. Campus pharmacy Tucson, AZ. September 2022.

This is the second time I have received the generic from this manufacturer and has been absolute garbage both times. It is ineffective - I have to take double my normal dose to notice any difference at all. I first received the sunrise generic a couple months back then got a different generic last month (not sure of the manufacturer - white pill 20mg IR) and it was a huge difference compared to the sunrise generic, i.e. it actually worked. Unfortunately, I received the sunrise crap again this month and now have to wait until my next refill to get a generic that actually works. Avoid Sunrise pharmaceuticals generic 20mg.

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I’m not a scientist, so I will start out saying this is speculation on my part. I know that not peoples bodies can react differently to medication from one another, so I am not saying that because one companies generic doesn’t work for me, that it means it won’t work for anyone else that ever takes it. I am just speaking on my personal experience. I’ve been on stimulants off and on for many years and I can promise you that adderall generics at least all the different ones I have taken have changed in the last few years and especially in 2022 and the last 4 months.

I never had any problems or negative side effects with generic adderall from 2008 to 2017 maybe 2018. Stopped taking it for 2 years. Got back on in 2020. I noticed from my very first dose that something was off. I’m prescribed 30mg 2 times a day IR. Now I only actually take 30 to 90 mg in 1 whole week. So I do not have a tolerance built up. I have never taken the medication daily because I haven’t needed to. So in the past this medication has always worked every single time. The first dose I took in over 2 years did almost nothing. I chalked it up to over hyping it in my mind. So waiting for the next weekend and took 45 mg on a Saturday 1 and a half pills. Basically the same thing. I noticed there was no sense of well being or extra motivation that usually comes with the drug. The only thing I noticed was that it felt like a large dose of caffeine, like I had drank a redline energy drink or something. The experience was therapeutically useless.

So I waited another week and had the same results. So I thought we’ll maybe my body is reacting differently since I'm a little bit older. Then one of my close friends I grew up with got back on his and I asked him what he thought. He said it didn’t work for him either. So I’ve been taking it 1 to 2 times a week for the last year and only about 5% out of all of those doses have I actually felt the medication working. But since it wasn’t something I had to take daily and wasn’t actually negatively affecting my life I didn’t look into it until about 3 months ago or so I noticed that the medication took an even bigger nosedive in quality/effectiveness.

So I finally took the time to look into this out of curiosity because at this point I still thought maybe it was just my body changing or all in my head. Keep in mind I take it even less than I did before so I don’t take any more that 60 mg a week so usually I’ll take 2 doses on Saturday. I thought it was for sure me and I’m probably the only one that is dealing with or noticing this but after a few hours going over personal accounts, discontinuing of products, lawsuits, complaints to the fda, lawyers, etc. I was kinda surprised to see soo many people upset, physically getting sick not with withdrawals but from whatever is going on with the manufacturing or quality control with these meds.

Now again I am not saying these are facts or that this is what is happening but to me it seems like the medication has changed in all of the generics I have taken. They do not work the way they are supposed to and it’s not even like ohh it’s a little bit off or different no it literally feels like instead of 30mg of the active ingredients that are suppose to be in them aren’t and was replaced with some kind of gas station truck stop pill concoction. I do know that the meds should be working I have not built up a tolerance. Take 1 to 2 pills in a week and even goin 2 weeks to a month in a few cases to find out for sure if that’s what it was.

I know I’m rambling and I’m not sure if this has helped anyone but i felt some relief after seeing that I’m not the only one dealing with this. I have taken Lannet 30 IR useless-Mallinckrodt that one was probably the worst or cheapest. The pills would start falling apart just from taking out of the bottle and turn into chalky dust like if I had bought it from an alley. Teva had the same reaction as lannet. And those definitely used to work in the past for me. Not anymore. Sandoz used to work great not but not recently. And 2 or 3 other generics that no longer work for me. Just picked up refill today. They are Yellow circle MP 477 I think North Star or something like that. Haven’t tried those yet. Alright I’m done rambling. I wish I could have found definitive answers but like I said this is speculation on my part and unfortunately correlation doesn’t equal causation.

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For me they were pretty good, no problems with them. I’ve been through many brands recently and so far they are up there but of course nothing like Teva. There are about 4-6 decent brands and 5 you never want to get. I spent some hours and came up with this list, from best to worst:

1. Teva
2. Sun
3. Sandoz
4. Lannett
5. Camber
6. Zydus
7. Core pharma
8. Mylan
9. Alvogen
10. Mallinckrodt

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Re: RLR (# 11) Expand Referenced Message

If you take adderall and feel tense , glittery or anxiety , and your not against another Benzos, I recommend asking your doctor for .5mg of klonopin 2 times a day , you can take that at same time , especially if you take 20mg or higher , if you have no tolerances for benzos or are only taking 10mg there is .25mg as well you could take, this does take care of the those side effects without affecting the Adderalls main purpsose.

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Re: Ashley (# 94) Expand Referenced Message

I started taking the same drug from the same manufacturer as of 2 months ago. I take 40mg a day (which is quite a bit considering I am a slim woman nearing 40, in my opinion but it works well for me and I feel very healthy). I was very curious bc I’d been taking Teva 10 mg three times a day for years. I was shocked I wound up taking this higher dose bc I switched doctors and at first she had me on ER which did absolute nothing to help. I also have Medicaid with United Healthcare and they have this delusional opinion that adults should not take extended release so I was paying out of pocket with charity help for a couple of months. Anyway, my new doctor eventually increased my dose by 10mg after me taking 30mg a day for years. I am so perplexed by this and do wonder if it’s related to the type of generic I am now prescribed… it could also just be that I was a hot mess for a couple of months at work and driving too. No idea.

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Re: Drew (# 95) Expand Referenced Message

@Drew, you need to figure out what works for you and not accept the meds at the pharmacy if filled with one you don't want. I always give them the script and if they have them in stock I ask which brand. If it is one I don't want I ask for my script back and go somewhere else.
NorthStar has 2 formularies made by 2 different manufacturers and they both are horrible. 1 is from Sun pharma (Frontida bought their plant and probably formulary so may see either name associated with it) which is what you got The other is from Aurolife aka Aurobindo. If you look up the pill on a pill identification website, they will usually say the manufacturer and won't mention NorthStar. But, at the pharmacy they will say they are NorthStar. There are many brands that have a different manufacturer make it for them.

Should also mention, some brands have changed their formularies which may account for 1 brand no longer working. I don't recall the dates but sandoz I believe has, maybe Lannett, Teva I think did too a while back when they took over the name brand formulary. I think they switched their generic to the same formulary as the brand.

I was taking corepharma 40 mg before I got out of bed. Then 0, 10, or 20 in the early afternoon depending on how I felt. Then all of a sudden they stopped working. I recall a couple times thinking I may have taken 2 simvastatin by accident instead since there was zero therapeutic value. Kept trying to figure out if a different med I started taking was the reason etc. Eventually I realized the pills were the same shape and size as my other ones, but a different color. Looked the same color with lights off. Finally realizing it was a different brand I looked it up. Aurolife/Aurobindo. I started taking 80mg. Wouldn't get me out of bed. When I did get myself up I took 20 more. In the early afternoon I took 20 or 40 more. Total 120 to 140 mg per day and never got the equivalent therapeutics of 40 to 50 of corepharma. I think corepharma may have discontinued since then :(

Brands as far as my experience, includes no longer made ones.

- Teva
- Shire
- Barr
- Sandoz

Good Enough:
- Mallinckrodt

- Aurolife/Aurobindo
- Sun
- NorhtStar
- Some white pill with the same size and shape that I never identified. Years ago.

My own rule of thumb is, if it is manufactured by an Indian company or has an Indian parent company, it probably sucks. Indian pharma culture is make it quick and cheap. Heard it is not true for all, but the bad ones I tried and the ones with the worst reviews were almost always Indian. Nothing against actual India or Indian people. Just their pharma industry sucks.

Side note, all amphetamine, methylphenidate, methamphetamine medications in the U.S. are manufactured in the U.S. by law.

Some companies create an American subsidiary or just manufacture here. Others get distributed by American companies under their names.

- Aurolife - Aurobindo India. Distributed under NorthStar name.

- Sun India - sold plant and formulary to Frontida. Distributed under NorthStar name.

- Accord - Intas India bad reviews

- Camber - Hetero India, manufactured by Ascent (Ascent hard to follow history)

- Dr. Reddy India bad reviews

- Epic started American, bought by Chinese company. Bad reviews

- Zydus mixed reviews but more good ones than bad. Indian company that bought formulary from Nesher. Think they stopped manufacturing.

Some companies like NorthStar and Prasco make some drugs but also distribute a lot from various other companies from around the world. So you don't necessarily know what you are getting till you look deeper.

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My Rx for 10 years has always said d-amphetamine salt combo 20 mg tab, but my new Rx states amphet/dextr 20 mg tab and they look different and the new ones don’t work the same at all. Are they the same? I don’t understand why this changed suddenly when I’ve always spoken to my dr calling it adderall.

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