Adderall Generics Thread (Page 4)


Hey guys. Most of us are probably in the same boat--our Adderall doesn't work and it's horrible and we can't function well and it's bull**** and we all know that, but there are other threads/forums to vent frustration. We need a thread with the basics to help us all get going again or to know what to avoid (even though that seems like all of them these days, ha.) PLEASE POST THE FOLLOWING: 1. MANUFACTURER OF YOUR RECENT ADDERALL PRESCRIPTION 2. XR OR IR? HOW MANY MG? COLOR/SHAPE/IMPRINT? (if possible) 3. ***PHARMACY NAME*** AND MONTH/YEAR OF SCRIPT 4. YOUR LOCATION (if you are comfortable with that) 5. SIDE EFFECTS/SYMPTOMS. GOOD? BAD? Generally speaking, chain pharmacies use the same manufacturer at all of their locations throughout the country and that will make it easier for us to either get a hold of that specific manufacturer's Adderall, OR to avoid it if it's a bad batch. Replies to other posts are allowed, but please try to stay on topic so that the thousands of people viewing this thread can easily keep track when they are going in for their monthly prescription. Thanks so much!

114 Replies (6 Pages)

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XR 25 mg - orange and white capsule w/writing on it
Walgreens - California

GERD, chronic hives, insomnia, drastic weight gain, headaches, unmotivated, no focus, anxiety, body aches.

Terrible experience with this horrible generic brand of Adderall XR from Prasco. Had to to switch from brand to generic due to insurance issues. First had meds refilled at CVS (I think their generic brand was Sandoz?). Started in Jan. 2018 to April 2018. It was okay - nothing like the brand but didn't have as much of these bad side effects from Prasco. From April 2018 to Jan. 2019 I’ve been on the Prasco from Walgreens since I wanted to save a little more out of pocket. My doctor was the one who actually brought this to my attention as the possible reason for my side effects. Tomorrow I go back to the brand name Adderall XR and will post updates (hopefully good) soon.

For someone that has been on Adderall sine 2005, I can honestly say that there is a huge difference in side effects and drug efficacy between brand and generics. Same is true between comparing one generic to another. They sell some trashy generic brands out there and the effects can be astronomical. Cost is definitely a factor and it is sad that regulations are not all that fair. Be careful and know what you are taking.

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Re: Dee (# 10) Expand Referenced Message

Make sure those Percocets are by Rhodes which is Perdue ! They cause more pain when they wear off making you feel you need more and more then pain is awful!!! I didn’t think they come in 15 though 5 and 10 only ! It’s a mess don’t go to cvs period ! Those $5 reward bucks aren’t worth it

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Re: T (# 3) Expand Referenced Message

Hey! Was wondering if you called Sandoz bc I called them a week ago and inquired about the generic adderall IR I thought was Sandoz E401 imprint and the lady in the phone said they don’t make them anymore so I checked the pamphlet that came with my prescription and it said Eon labs which I thought was a subsidiary of Sandoz. These are the only IR adderall that has worked for me in months (have had Aurobindo, Teva, and Northstar and they were awful especially northstar) anyway, I’ve searched high and low and have found no way whatsoever to get in touch with eon labs. They seem to be affiliated with Novartis and I can’t find info on how to contact them either. I’m really frustrated. Due to fill tomorrow and have been treated like an addict for asking what generic they carry and I don’t wanna play adderall roulette again. Running out of ideas

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1. Actavis
2. 30mg XR
3. CVS-Dec. 2018
Used to have Teva generic, have had Actavis at least past three years (diagnosed 12 years ago at age 38). Slowly, I have gained 20 lbs (some due to age I’m sure), but lethargy is terrible. Decided to try one of my daughter’s 10mg since it was a different generic, Sandoz, instead of my 30 mg. HOLY COW....I am now calling pharmacies to get my new script filled with ANYTHING other than Actavis. Sandoz made me feel normal, focused, not irritable and I actually got stuff done. All equal...I call BS

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Re: Pistol (# 27) Expand Referenced Message

I actually agree. I've had just about every generic. And U31 aren't the most effective I've had... However, it's the only generic that works CONSISTENTLY in my case. All others seem to literally change effectiveness from prescription month to prescription month. However, certain people metabolize certain "fillers" differently.

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Today I picked up my adderall IR 20mg x 2. I opened up my bottle like usual and noticed the peach color was way lighter color than my normal teva brand and the next thing I noticed was the taste?. It's not the sweet taste like teva its more chalky!.. its made by Lannett pharmaceuticals. Never heard of them before. Since it's late afternoon i decided to try one and see what's up ¿. Humm two hours now and not much has happened. So i will wait a bit longer and update. I was just on a different blogpost page and read that some people actually liked the one by Lannett pharmaceuticals better than teva, but still prefer the sweet taste of adderall!. My question is has anyone else had the experience to try this newer generic version and what's you're opinion. Remember these are the same shape, just a lighter color and they are marked with a 2/0 (e). I don't know what the (e) stands for ¿?

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I’ve been on different doses of adderall xrl and amphetamine salts but my dr won’t up my dose of 20mg xrl and it’s not working. It takes maybe two or three to feel it. Does anyone know a dr that will prescribe it in NY or LI?

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Adderall XR 30 mg
HEB in Marble Falls, Texas
July 2021

There are No beads just white powder and has 0 effective on me. Is it normal to only contain white powder?

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You’re forgetting a key component of the process. The distributor. It’s a three part equation not two

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This thread is old, I know but gonna answer the question in case someone needs this information for any reason. Currently, I'm taking Adderall XR 20 mg. Once in the afternoon, and I take Vyvanse 70mg in the mornings. But the Adderall are generic and they are Orange capsules, used to be blue. I live in Louisiana and I get them from a small family owned pharmacy.

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Sounds like you are trying to gain “control “of the situation
Is this your job ?

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I stopped going to Rite Aid (NH) because they only buy Aurobindo brand and I swear they are no good. I take 10 mg but when I took their 20 mg they did not work. I only use Walgreens because they have Teva ovals and they work great. The Mallinckrodt I tried seemed to be real but REALLY weak. I'm not joking when I say I am really sensitive to meds, and if I take an afternoon dose I take half a Teva and it’s good. The tiny circles with the M, I had to take twice as much.

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Re: Optimistic (# 72) Expand Referenced Message

No u27 Aurobindo

Nausea, vomiting, headache, bloating, breast tenderness, swelling of the ankles/feet (fluid retention), or weight change may occur. Vaginal bleeding between periods (spotting) or missed/irregular periods may occur, especially during the first few months of use.

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Re: Nancy (# 5) Expand Referenced Message

Actavis is absolutely junk. I contacted the FDA this junk needs to be banned

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Re: Kf3355705 (# 70) Expand Referenced Message

I take the orange capsule 30mg XR withe the imprint m amphet salt and 30mg. Walmart has these and work the best for me in generic

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I have taken:

1) Actavis 30mg XR imprint r-3061 total garbage

2) Elite Laboratories Inc 30mg XR imprint Eli-515 total garbage

3) Global Pharmaceuticals 30mg XR imprint m amphet salts and 30mg. This brand works good for me.

The first two cause me chronic cough and chronic phlegm in my throat. Hope this helps someone.

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Walgreens gave me lennet brand and it’s pale blue 10mg and it’s not working….

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Re: CTbaby (# 77) Expand Referenced Message

That brand should be removed. It’s ineffective.

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I’ve been taking IR and XR Adderall for 15 years. Never had a problem with any generic manufacturer before. Until Aurobindo aka Northstar aka Aurolife 30mg IR. This is sold in Arizona by Albertsons/Safeway and CVS. It puts me in the nastiest mood and gives me a headache. I switched to Walgreens because they carry Lannett and that doesn’t give me problems.

Aurobindo is a terrible company.

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Bensalem PA

January 2022 Sandoz 20 mg CVS has in stock or will order it. Dr wrote Sandoz do no substitute on my script. Round orange pill with 401 imprinted on 1 side & 4 scores on the other side.

Sandoz is by far the best I've tried.

December 2021
Teva 20 mg
It was ok

November 2021
Aurobindo 20 mg
Giant Pharmacy

October 2021
Epic 30 mg
Giant Pharmacy
Pink round pill.
Worked well, then Giant switched to the generic sugar pill by Aurobindo.

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