Adderall Backorder (Page 2) (Top voted first)


I take generic Adderall 20 mg for narcolepsy and there is not one local pharmacy that has it in stock. I have never had this problem before. The pharmacies are saying that it's on backorder from the manufacturer. Is anyone else having problems getting their scripts filled?

1965 Replies (99 Pages)

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Re: Lady ADHD (# 1080) Expand Referenced Message

The thing is, Adderall and Mental health medication should be no different than any other kind of meds. All this talk about mental health but in the end it's just lip service! I have been waiting a week for the pharmacy to have my 20mg XR and my 10mg IR Adderall. This is the third time in six months they have been out! They were supposed to get it today at 6pm but when I called they said" We were expecting it today but it wasn't in the order. Try back next Tuesday after 6pm". I have to wonder if the pharmacy tech if we were talking about Insulin of some other medication.

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Re: Kru98386 (# 1416) Expand Referenced Message

Right? Totally agree. Every pharmacy in NYC has been out for weeks now. Chains, small independent pharmacies, delivery services, everywhere.

The frustrating part to me isn't even it being out of stock, it's that no one can answer when they'll be getting more. Everywhere I call is, "I don't know. It's on back order. I don't know when we'll be getting more."

Meanwhile the Teva spokesperson being quoted in all these articles that there isn't an issue, the big chain pharmacies claiming that "all of their customers needs are being met", everyone is just lying through their teeth so their company stock prices don't drop. It's infuriating.

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I'm finally getting it filled at a local Walgreen's as I type this. I guess the backorder/shortage is over with....for now lol. Just letting you guys know in case someone has given up getting theirs filled, might want to go check again.

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Yeah, it's brutal to try and function effectively without them , i dread those days.

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I just had to settle for this CVS generic they had imprint U30 orange round Aero something. Makes me feel like a zombie. Can't concentrate. Just makes me feel like crap.

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once again April 2017 and something is extremely off with my adderall prescription. any one else having this issue?

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Re: Ridgerunner007 (# 692) Expand Referenced Message

Thanks for the info. I went back & read your post #638 from about a year ago which puts this all in perspective. I too have researched some of this same info in the past week after being unable to fill my prescription for Adderall for 3 weeks now. I have been prescribed this for many years (I am 60 yrs old & honestly it is very hard to get through my 10 hour physical work day without it). I do it, but my focus sucks, anxiety high, & just the enjoyment of working hard & getting the job done has waned without my meds. I also like you, have taken breaks with these meds through the years, so as too not be too dependent on them- but knowing that I can’t get them at all ANYWHERE now is just crazy! Maybe I should just ask my doctor to switch me to what you are taking (Dextro-Stat?) or is that included in the “FDA crackdown” & also impossible to get? I just don’t feel like searching all over town everyday after a long day at work, going from pharmacy to pharmacy (like some drug crazed junkie) to find my medicine that I know I need. I’m not doing this anymore & none of us in this situation with valid prescriptions should have too. I appreciate your helpful info though, thanks.

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Anyone in south Florida who can't fill 20mg - my pharmacy has it in stock, just filled mine last week…It’s called Prescription Pad Pharmacy…it’s in Plantation (Broward). Pharmacist Chris told me the supplier that big chain pharmacies use are all on back order.

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In south east Florida and It's been a month now and Walgreens still can't fill my script. This is getting ridiculous there is zero transparency on what's going on. There is a serious problem with this system if patients can't get their medication and our doctors and pharmacists can't or won't give us any answers as to why or when they expect new shipments to arrive.

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I’ve been going to the same CVS for 7 years and rarely ever had an issue getting my prescriptions filled. I live in Atlanta. My treatment is to take 40mg adderall XR (two 20mg) in the morning and 1 10mg XR in the afternoon.

As of January of this year I’ve had an issue filling my prescriptions each month. I’ve been out of my 10mg for a month now and they were only able to partially fill my 20mg prescription which I will be out of on Tuesday. The CVS has been completely out of stock for a month now of all adderall. They supposedly get their shipment in this coming week. A google search revealed that a lot of patients throughout the country have had issues starting around January of this year getting their prescriptions refilled at CVS and Walgreens. Someone posted a few weeks ago suggesting that CVS and Walgreens likely implemented some policy limiting the amount of s2 each pharmacy can order each month because they were sued for opioids or something in Ohio. I'm inclined to agree with him.

I’ve been medicated for my ADHD for over 15 years now and there’s been manufacturing shortages in the past but there has NEVER been an issue where pharmacies intentionally fail to order the required inventory due to some arbitrary monthly ordering quota their corporate HQ instituted. This is absolutely ridiculous. We should all start contacting our local news stations and tell them about what we’ve been experiencing. Pharmacy Corporate policies that intentionally prevent pharmacies from stocking the medications needed by patients that have been legally prescribed by licensed physicians is f***ing ridiculous.

We have a physical neurological issue that requires medical intervention to treat so we can function normally. when I don’t have my meds it’s extremely difficult, if not damn near impossible, for me to focus and get the things done that people without ADHD have no problem doing. It severely impacts my daily life. The hoops and laws regarding s2 meds don’t help either… the prescriptions are electronic so I can’t have them transferred. I can’t even call or go around to different pharmacies to find out if they have it in stock because they won’t tell you unless your getting a prescription filled, which means I’d have to have my doctors office call it in first to find out if a pharmacy has it or not. My doctors office has been useless in the matter and I can’t really blame them… they shouldn’t have to sit there and call around to different pharmacies but I’m pissed off that they haven’t made the issue any easier. I’m so frustrated because there’s literally nothing I can do other than switch doctors and hope they hire enough employees on their pharmacy team to compensate for pharmacies like CVS and Walgreens failing to do their jobs.

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Re: BlessedLady (# 1092) Expand Referenced Message

Absolutely true. But absolutely, the vague answers by pharmacists will continue.... The manufacturers and suppliers need to get calls!

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Re: Cyr (# 1096) Expand Referenced Message

You're breaking through the wall! Excellent job. Ok, now you have actually started the conversation. Whenever that happens I see their name tag and say "thanks Jen, you have been like the pharmacy angel I've been looking for, this has been a really difficult time. Please, is there anything you can do? What if my Doctor calls in a small order for only 10 30mg tabs? That would help me concentrate on important responsibilities that I've been unable to accomplish"...

This makes you into a real person, with responsibilities, who needs help.... not just a stranger. And it shows you're a reasonable person, even 10 would help etc.

As for supplier, it's not confidential. I ask like this: "Are you folks using AmerisourceBergen or Cardinal?". They give me the answer or say "Neither, we are with MCKESSON".

If they ask me why (which never happened) I would say "because I need to take my script to a pharmacy that uses a different supplier if yours is backordered. I'm sure you can understand... And my doctor is concerned about maintaining my treatment plan."

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Re: J (# 1085) Expand Referenced Message

Same here (Hempstead). At this point, I basically just aim to have some left over each month because I almost expect to hear it's backordered. I have been on this stuff for almost 15 years - never once have I ever not been able to get it filled. In the past 4 months, it's happened every time. Ridiculous

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Re: Debbie M in California (# 1290) Expand Referenced Message

This is just awful. Suggestions that have worked for me:

1) DUMP Walgreens if they aren't working for you. For every pharmacist who is cold, unhelpful, uncaring and useless (been there done that), I have found 10 who are caring and genuinely helpful m Especially the women... get a new pharmacist! Develop a relationship.

2) Ask about every dose. I hear no no no on 30s. But when I ask about 10s or 15s suddenly they say "yes I have Teva in 15s". !!! Unreal. Ask them to check everything from 5s to 30s. Even Teva who said they shipped.... What does were shipped?

3) Ask your doctor for generic Zenzedi/Dexedrine if your pharmacist can get that medication in TEVA/Barr.

My heart goes out to everyone because I have been using MALLINKRODT and Rhodes for a few months and despite having OK and not so OK days ...on the whole I look back and say "no, it's been a really unproductive and more challenging few months and I'm getting to the point where I assume I'm not going to have energy or mental focus."

So sorry you are losing quality of life because of ignorance and profits. As I said to my doctor once - it's a bimonthly nightmare of humiliation and anxiety to get a refill. It's like medication refill PTSD.

I have also felt off for months, like I have early onset dementia and at times chronic fatigue - like I can't wake my brain up, or just put off errands and phone calls because I "can't find the energy or be bothered.". It's really a major quality of life issue.... any stigma around this medication is shameful and pharmacists should be reported and called out for unethical behavior.

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Re: carol (# 1372) Expand Referenced Message

This is a response from Teva Customer Service to me. I have been without medication for well over a month. I am glad they responded this time and the other time they told me they had sent a shipment to the warehouse and to go to Walgreens. I did and they said it was on back order then too. I really am not sure I am willing to take anything but as time goes by I really am and still cant get it. I take 20 mg tabs. They are not as common as the 30 mg tabs and the 10's. I did ask the pharmacist if they had any other strengths and they did not. My son gets 30 mg generic brand that do nothing to him so I will just go without for now (that may change soon).

From: TevaCS
Fri, Aug 19, 12:54 PM (5 days ago)
To: TevaCS, me

Good Afternoon,

Thank you for contacting Teva Pharmaceuticals Customer Service. Unfortunately, all strengths of generic Adderall are currently on backorder. The approximate date is 9/2/2022, but that dating is subject to change. Please check back with us at that time for an update on the status of this product.

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Re: tim (# 1398) Expand Referenced Message

Tim's suggestions are spot on. I've been saying similar things for a few months, but #1398 Is an excellent comprehensive plan. Bravo!

The reason why CVS and Walgreens don't have stock (vs other sources) is because the corporate policy has been that their pharmacists can't do inventory and keep it in stock. Many told me that even if they're all out.... Until a new Rx is in their system, ordering is forbidden. So it's the equivalent of running out of milk and the grocer can't order milk until a shopper says "got milk?". No joke.... This is also why they say no,. often, ro a random new customer. If "John" and "Jim" are waiting, their scripts are entered into the system and they're told come in on Saturday.... The pharmacist will not give that order to "Sally" who just happened to walk in that day. This has been verified by many pharmacists to me.... they can't over order to meet demand. They have to order only what's in the system. It's a catch 22 because the shortage makes you want to shop around but unless your script is entered into their system they can't legitimately order and if somebody else's script is in their system that's somebody else is going to get the meds not you.

So 100% agree about relationship building with a pharmacist.

Yes this is a totally insane way to live when a medical doctor is prescribing a medication for a neuro divergent patient. Most Neuro divergent patients are still often stigmatized... Yes, it's dehumanizing at times. But that's the reality.

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tim (# 1819) --

FYI, because of my brevity an incorrect assumption was made regarding my post, which was NOT intended to opine or comment on a person's appropriate dosage. I can see how it *seemed* that way because I did NOT include the earlier thread information, which was specifically about the online FDA dosage guidelines; and how, UNFORTUNATELY for all of us, the DEA is using THESE guidelines when they decide annual production limits. So... To be clear.... *I don't have any opinion, nor is it my business, about any dosages decided between a patient and a doctor.* Not my business or concern.

Now, what I SHOULD have said (my bad) is that *according to the arbitrary FDA guidelines and the moronic decisions or the DEA (not according to me), anyone taking over 40mg for ADHD or 70mg for narcolepsy is "over medicated.". YES, I am 100% in agreement that it's between a doctor and the patient.... and the FDA and especially the DEA should NOT be meddling in private medical decisions for Americans. So, again, my poorly stated point was that the DEA would consider it over medicated.... and the DEA establishes the annual distribution limits nationwide. By their incorrect calculations, there is enough being distributed to pharmacies. But they are basing it on 40mg max. Hopefully this clears this up. Earlier in the thread we were discussing FEDERAL dosage limits and how that is adding to the shortage. I absolutely have zero interest in other people's treatment plans.

Can we all communicate without automatically assuming the worst in someone? Yes, my message was brief and ambiguous; no I wasn't getting into anyone's business; yes I was attempting to point out how the DEA sees dosages. Peace out. May everyone including myself see an end to this Federal mismanagement of medication distribution. It's been horrible for all of us. Sending good vibes everywhere....

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Re: Mauricio (# 1840) Expand Referenced Message

I'm dealing with this too. And the messed up thing is most doctors don't have a dedicated staff member that can call pharmacies all day, looking for ADHD medication for all their patients medications and doses. A doctor writes the prescription. You buy it from a pharmacy. It's the patients job to find the prescription. But you cant get stock information for a controlled medication, and they can't transfer you prescription. And the doctor can't write you multiple doses and tell you to get whichever one is in stock.. it just hurts. I don't mind that it's a controlled medication and they need to be careful. Im on board with it.

And i understand with all my entire heart how bad the shortage is. I get that too. But even during the toilet paper shortage i could go to a store, see or ask what they had. And buy what i wanted. Quantities were limited but everyone was able to wipe themselves with something.

With Adderall you don't know who has what and you'll never know until you send them order in. There's no one coordinating or helping. And we are the group of people on earth who CANNOT COORDINATE OR PLAN OR FOCUS on ask these complex things.

I just want us to have a point person. Someone who can call or navigate the red tape. We as patients cannot get the info the doctors don't have the time or resources. It's just stupid

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I'm in San Angelo, Texas. The HEB has them in stock, 180 pills @ 10mg is $435.00. At the Walmart its $432.00 and thru MHMR its $179.00. I'm on a fixed income and I used to pay $28.00. So these new prices don't help me. Might help someone with insurance. Also, I'm now on Ritalin, but it seems to be harsh on my stomach. Hope all find relief soon.

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The last drug shortage update was done on 7/12/2011. I called Shire, XR is supposed to be available everywhere.
There is a number to call the FDA to report drug shortages. I had to leave a voice mail, waiting for callback.
Everyone needs to start reporting!

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