Adderall Backorder (Page 97)


I take generic Adderall 20 mg for narcolepsy and there is not one local pharmacy that has it in stock. I have never had this problem before. The pharmacies are saying that it's on backorder from the manufacturer. Is anyone else having problems getting their scripts filled?

1964 Replies (99 Pages)

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Re: foster772 (# 1920) Expand Referenced Message

Out of curiosity, why do you say that?

I know nothing about Northstar, and while Teva is a good brand, I personally prefer Sandoz so there could conceivably be other generics out there too that are better.

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Re: Jeno71 (# 1919) Expand Referenced Message

I don't check lower dosages unless my normal 30 mg XR / 30 mg IR combination is unavailable.

All I can say for certain is that the previous two months I had no issue finding 30 mg, and the previous several months I could not but found that most stores in my area had the lower doses (10mg in particular) in stock in plentiful supply.

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Re: BlessedLady (# 1917) Expand Referenced Message

Thanks for this.

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Re: Gk68 (# 1923) Expand Referenced Message

You're Welcome. Hope it helps.

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There continues to be actual journalism on this supply issue, rather than the narrative put out in press releases or anecdotal social media posts. For example.... Recently the DEA said on the record that many if not ALL generic manufacturers DID NOT use their entire annual allotment of active ingredients. They can't "force" a manufacturer to produce, package and distribute. Yet they can't "take away" an allocation once it's made.

Vyvanse is now generic and 20+ manufactures have been given green lights to manufacture it... which could actually be a bad thing and a good thing. Quality control on 20 new NDC numbers...? Not pretty.

There will continue to be issues, period. Availability, distribution, pricing, quality.

With the DEA and the FDA and three National Wholesalers determining supply, what could possibly go wrong?! (Plenty)...

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Re: foster772 (# 1920) Expand Referenced Message

There is simply no way anyone could make a statement of fact about drug quality and/or efficacy when it's a prediction. It's simply not possible. But his/her opinion is totally valid, despite it being speculation. Remember, Teva had a massive recall years back. Anything can happen.

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Re: Rcma (# 1925) Expand Referenced Message

Have you had issues yourself of late, Rmca?

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Re: Rcma (# 1925) Expand Referenced Message

I'm in LA and I was able to get a refill of 90ct of 20mg IR with no problem for the last 3 months but all of a sudden this month my pharmacy said they haven't been getting any Adderall in at all for the past few weeks. Is this happening to anyone else? It feels like another wave of the shortage going around again. I tried calling around and this seems to be the consensus everywhere.

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Re: Jen (# 1928) Expand Referenced Message

Sadly I'm not too surprised, with kids starting up school again. I fill again on Monday so I'll be sure to post here with how that goes, but I kind of suspected schools being out for the summer was in some part correlated to the improved supply. Did you inquire if other doses are available (I feel 20mg tends to be an odd one so may suffer from lower supply... when my 30mg is unavailable, I find the highest dose that is available is 10mg or 15mg)?

I've been saving some pills each month from the weekends & filling at 28 days though just in case. Hopefully this is just an anomaly though...

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Re: tim (# 1929) Expand Referenced Message

Yes, please let us know how it goes on Monday. School starting back up makes sense. I asked about other dosages and they said they haven't been getting in any at all. They said they are having the same issue with Vyvanse. Very frustrating. The last couple of months had me hopeful things were getting better.

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Re: Jen (# 1930) Expand Referenced Message

Fwiw, I spoke to my sister who who happens to be a psychiatrist (she's not my mine because, well, family). She said that from what she can gather from her ADHD patients (many of whom primarily meet with her remotely), the major area of trouble seems to be cities at this time (NYC in particular, she said). She also said that it may depend on the specific supply of the brand your pharmacies typically gets (which is usually in part area dependent). As LA is another monster city, that may be the cause of your issue, although I'm curious what brand you usually get in your area? You might try pharmacies in less populated areas, if that is an option for you.

In any case I will definitely follow up on Monday... I'm located in the suburbs of Philadelphia, but not too close to the city.

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Re: Rcma (# 1925) Expand Referenced Message

Yep, can't believe it but capitalism trumps again. The pharmaceutical companies don't make as much money from generic adderall. So they simply haven't been making it. Combined with the increase in patients taking it, equals ongoing shortage.

I've pretty much given up on returning to my previous adderall treatment schedule. At least for the rest of the year. After taking it for 15 years it's simply not available anymore.

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Re: tim (# 1931) Expand Referenced Message

Tim I think this is correct, my provider is down near Boston and she says she’s constantly getting calls that her patients can’t find the medication. I live up in New Hampshire and I use a chain pharmacy that’s a few miles off the highway and I haven’t had a problem getting it at all since last year.

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Re: tim (# 1931) Expand Referenced Message

Thanks for the insight! That does make sense that it affects the big cities. My pharmacy usually gets in Alvogen and Epic Pharma although it seems to change every time I pick up my prescription (when it's available).

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So I have had better luck than not this past year so far with filling my script but in January I had to go down on my dose because I couldn’t find any 30mg ir in stock anywhere in South Carolina. I am on 20mg ir and I have been able to find them every month but I have had to call around a few months due to the pharmacy running out and not knowing how long before getting any more in. The past two months have been stressful but I figure it is school was starting up again and students most likely drained any stock that would come in or backorders being filled was making it hard to find a pharmacy within the first few calls but with a lot of patience I have been able to find them at a pharmacy just took a while to call around. Last month was the first time I was given my meds from epic pharma and I was disappointed at first but after a week or two I got used to the difference that I got from these rather than the ones from lannett or teva I was used to. This is the second month I’ve been given epic pharma 20mg ir and they do work just feel like some days they work more than others. Given the circumstances of the shortage we have been having I would rather have them than having nothing at all as I am not even able to get out of bed without my medication so I am grateful to have them. I did notice that the bigger cities were harder to find available stock so smaller cities with smaller populations are the better bet. I also noticed that the pharmacy that I’ve had the fastest luck with are ones who are in areas where older people live. Seem to have a better stock since older people usually don’t have the same need for it.

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There has been no new messages since Sept? I’ve been on in in MA up until last week

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Re: Ryelee83 (# 1936) Expand Referenced Message

I haven't had any issues the last few months

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Me neither. Last month, i called with my 20mg x 3 IR 90ct and 30 x 2 IR 60ct scripts. They had both of them in at the same time. I was so happy.

Oh before you guys go crazy, I don't take 120 mgs a day. If my normal 30mg x 2 aren't in, i had a fall back for 20mg x 3. I would only fill one and never early. I had normally been getting the Epic Pharma ones which didn't really work well and took a long time to work. This last time they were Sandoz which seemed to work a little better than the Epics.

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So I have been having luck since august with getting mine and this month I asked my pharmacist if they had any trouble getting a supply lately and she said absolutely not. I hope it stays like this but with the new year being next month we can only hope! Sometimes my pharmacist will hold what I need to make sure I can get my script but they won’t hold anything longer than about 5 days which is fine by me! Only been able to get the epic pharmacy 20mg ir for the past few months and I’ve noticed that sometimes I don’t feel them as well as other days but I have to take drug panels for my doctor and I always have amphetamines in my system so I’m grateful for what I’m able to get.

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Re: Ryelee83 (# 1936) Expand Referenced Message

I've had to switch to an alternative for the foreseeable future. In N. Florida. locally they're still out regularly. I know someone on 20mg ir also in N. FL and they've been getting them intermittently. Usually it's about a one to two week wait from the Walgreens they use everytime they're due for refill. I can't function like that bc I've been on meds for years and need consistency.

It's been addressed recently by a couple congress ppl and one senator. The DEA has stated the manufacturers aren't using their supply of raw materials and they nor the FDA can force pharmaceutical companies to make more. In my opinion, it's going to take legislative change before this gets resolved.

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