Adderall Backorder (Page 96)


I take generic Adderall 20 mg for narcolepsy and there is not one local pharmacy that has it in stock. I have never had this problem before. The pharmacies are saying that it's on backorder from the manufacturer. Is anyone else having problems getting their scripts filled?

1964 Replies (99 Pages)

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My update from N. Florida. My doctor switched me to vyvanse bc of the shortage. I don't like it as much and it's expensive but it is certainly better than nothing at all.

I do know someone 2 hours away who was able to fill for 20mg adderall xr this week.

My thoughts on vyvanse for anyone interested. It's feels pretty similar to XR adderall. I much prefer being able to spread my doses throughout the day so my doc agreed to let me go with 30mg vyvanse twice a day instead of increasing my dose once a day. I had to get a pre-auth from my insurance because my insurance has a qty limit on vy. My doctor was not hopeful that they would approve it, and we agreed on a backup plan at my appt just in case, but they did and I'm able to get 60 qty each month for the same co-pay for the next year. It's something and was worth the small headache(figurative.)

From what I've seen on reddit recently it seems the shortages are becoming more regionally concentrated but they shift around too.

Haven't seen anything new from the DEA with one major exception. It appears because of the massive amount of public comments received they have submitted to pause the end to telehealth prescribing of C2s. So, not great news imo.

Take care everyone.

PS thx for your continued updates Tim!

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Re: Ken (# 1899) Expand Referenced Message

Hi Ken. Just thgt I would share my thgts with you.

When I was working a job that repeatedly overworked me at points, I would frequently do exactly as you described. Im talking like-working 4am to 5pm 4 days in a row with sometimes 2-4 travel drive time exhaustion. I would try to take 15mg adderall IR about an hour before I had to wake up and leave. Sometimes 30mg. Had it not been for my spouse or my cat waking me up eventually I could very easily sleep through 10 alarms in a row out of pure exhaustion. Meds or not. Not sure if that's similar to your situation but just wanted to share that.

Needless to say I no longer work there(and I did that for like, 10/hr LOL.) No job is worth your health. Take care. (:

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Hello again, friends.

As this thread has been a ghost town for weeks, I had high hopes going into my refill today. And yeah, at least in the Philadelphia area, this month showed considerable improvement! For the first time in months I was able to find generic XR, and while it took me a few pharmacies to find 30mg IR, the lower doses seemed abundant at every pharmacy I checked.

Hope everyone else is finding similar luck in their areas.

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Re: tim (# 1903) Expand Referenced Message

Yea. I saw my doctor 3 weeks ago. I had a prescription left over for the 30 IRs. I was able to get 20 out of 60 IRs. I told them to go ahead anc do the partial refill. I told her that i got 20 30mg IRs and asked her to call in 80 15mg because they apparently had.a ton of then. She called in 120 15mg IRs. I was surprised because she wont give me over 60 mgs a day. I am hoping to get 30s next time unless she called in 15s. I had asked her to call in 30s for the other 2 months. The Walmart has Epic Pharm adderalls which really dont seem to work well. Still no Tevas.

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Re: Ken (# 1904) Expand Referenced Message

This is about opiates but Teva also makes Adderall. There are a number of drugs Teva makes that are impacted.


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Re: BlessedLady (# 1905) Expand Referenced Message

Nobody has posted here in a while. I searched, and it still said shortage was still happening. I called pharmacy, and they actually had 30 mg IRs in stock.

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Re: Ken (# 1906) Expand Referenced Message

Nobody posting here is a good sign, for sure!

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Re: tim (# 1907) Expand Referenced Message

Unfortunately I've been unable to get my prescription filled here in South Florida - it's been over ten work days already. Hope you guys are getting your meds in time and to finally get this backorder ordeal over for good.

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Re: Rob (# 1908) Expand Referenced Message

What pharmacy and in what area? Have you tried other pharmacies?

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Re: tim (# 1909) Expand Referenced Message

Walgreens and Dade County - I'm in Miami Beach. I'll try to call other pharmacies tomorrow since I'm running short of pills.

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It's been out of stock for over a month here. Estimated restock date is July 17.

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WINDER LABORATORIES LLC is now entering the supply pipeline. Anyone have any experi with their generics?

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Re: Rob (# 1910) Expand Referenced Message

I’ve had excellent luck with Wallgreens up in New Hampshire through the whole shortage last year. In December they gave me some weird epic brand that was pretty awful, but they’ve had a Teva again for months.

Also CVS mail away had some through the whole shortage last year they were just kind of weak but better than nothing.

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Re: Bp01 (# 1901) Expand Referenced Message

WTH??? This is terrible news! When will anyone see the role telehealth played in the amount of Adderall (and other controlled meds) we are having problems obtaining? It's like the DEA has a box of rocks for brains! I'm losing faith quickly... When will COVID stop being the excuse for EVERYTHING???

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Personally, Ive found the supply in my area to be pretty good in the last couple months. Had some trouble finding 30 mg up until last month (doc had to write x90 10mg instead), but the pharmacies I tried all seemed to have the lower dosages in good supply. And last month I found my 30 mg tablets first-try.

Don't know if I'm just lucky but I figured with how dead this thread has been that things are actually improving.

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Re: tim (# 1915) Expand Referenced Message

I found my 30s for the past two months on the first call. Walmart had Lannett I believe it was. They were horrible. I know they have a high and low threshold the active ingredient has to be within for generics. They were definitely and purposely putting as little amph/dextro as allowed by regulations. Unfortunately, this last time they had any 30s. I was able to get my doctor to call in 90 20mg IRs. Fortunately, they were not Lannett this time, and they were Epic Pharma. I think these are a little better.

Anyone know anything about mail order pharmacies? I still see my doctor in north MS, but I moved to Indiana not long ago and bought a house. I travel back and forth a lot between MS and IN. She cannot call my stuff in a pharmacy here in Indiana being out of state of course. If they dont have them in, I'm leaving without them and have to wait until I go back. I usually get my sister to get my script and meet me halfway if it's going to be awhile.

I read mail order pharmacies can ship 60 or 90 days of ADHD medication to your home. Since I'm basically in two states, does anyone know if I can see the doctor in MS and have her call them in to ship to me at my residence in Indiana? I don't have time to try and find a doctor here in Indiana. I hate Indiana's state regulations. I thought the south was conservative, but they don't have anything on Indiana. Lol.

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Current and Resolved Drug Shortages and Discontinuations Reported to FDA:

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Re: Ken (# 1916) Expand Referenced Message

Picked up script of 30mg Northstar Adderall earlier in month.

They we’re much better than Teva.,I was happily surprised as I’ve tried them all.

Clearly, the generics are - or below - the 20% leeway they have with brand but these were decent.

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Re: tim (# 1915) Expand Referenced Message

Are you finding that more doseages are available or more stores have items have them in stock on a regular basis?

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Re: Hamster (# 1917) Expand Referenced Message

There is absolutely no way Northstar could ever be better than TEVA...

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