Adderall Backorder (Page 91) (Top voted first)


I take generic Adderall 20 mg for narcolepsy and there is not one local pharmacy that has it in stock. I have never had this problem before. The pharmacies are saying that it's on backorder from the manufacturer. Is anyone else having problems getting their scripts filled?

1962 Replies (99 Pages)

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Re: Rcma (# 1830) Expand Referenced Message

I saw that on reddit yesterday. Someone gifted the article through a share link. Haven't read it yet but saved it. Based on the comments it appears our initial suspicion about the opioid settlements may have been correct all along?

I think I need a couple days before I can read it. I'm already stressed and upset that things are getting worse and not better this far into the shortages. I'm anticipating a hefty copay for this month's refills and it's wearing me down trying to figure out what to do...

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Re: bp01 (# 1831) Expand Referenced Message

ALL this definitely has the potential to make one feel gaslighted, caught in a corn maze with dead ends and no clear way out!

I've suggested that people Google L-Tyrosine supplementation as a way to ease the titration/shortage/ cold Turkey side effects ...or lowering your dosage to extend your script, with L-Tyrosine supplementation.

Also potentially helpful for CERTAIN people.... knowledgeable MDs might advise you about trying Strattera or Wellbutrin to maintain the norepinephrine and dopamine actions of Adderall and amphetamine, in general (ie, if you can't get your Adderall, you're living with a brain that has become accustomed to higher dopamine/norepinephrine levels than when off your meds (very layman description of a complex concept -- only your doctor can comment on therapeutic value or strattera or Wellbutrin 4 u)

Even if, hypothetically, 40% less patients are getting their Adderall, that still means that 60% Rx's being filled. If you're putting a lot of that stress energy into this issue, focusing on how to be one of the fortunate 60% could pay off, so to speak.

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Legitimate inquiry - if 10mg Extended Release caps are available, will dissolving the coated "beads" in water cancel the delayed onset and extended release action... converting the medication to an IR? My understanding is that ONLY the coating delays the onset/extends the delivery. I just want my familiar 30 min onset, 4 hrs action. Not long acting. But only XR and ER is available.

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Re: bp01 (# 1832) Expand Referenced Message

The truth is nobody is going to advocate for you, (us), so we have to advocate for ourselves. It’s 2023 and we live in the United States this ongoing problem of medication being on backorder for extended periods of time, not just adderall either, should not be happening in this day and age. After 6 months it should have been resolved, NOT GETTING WORSE!

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Re: Rcma (# 1833) Expand Referenced Message

I have been able to get my adderall by cutting my dose in half and taking a lower dose if that's all they have, I also call around to see who has it then quick let my Doctor know where they can call it in. I agree though that this is totally unacceptable to be out of such a simple medication in our great USA, it is pathetic and causing alot of people problems.

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Re: Seankay (# 1841) Expand Referenced Message

Especially since it’s a controlled substance and you can’t inquire about a refil until day 30 or maybe 29 of the current prescription you have about seeing if they have any for your next fill literally that day or the very next. Like if we had a few days before to try to find it and get it filled and even if they could just fill it but not give it to patients until day 30 that would be such a big help. Like even if we find any in stock we only have a very small window to then try to get our script sent in before they run out. This is insane and I’m hoping April brings us some relief

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Just wanted to say that the last three months my manufacturer has been Teva. 20mg ir. Generic of course as the name brand with my insurance is still 900 dollars. No 30 irs around me anywhere but I take what I can get and pray the next month will be better or at least the same.

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Re: Mike (# 1843) Expand Referenced Message

Everything about this is wrong and literally complete nonsense and fiction. The most ridiculous hot take I've seen in a minute tbh

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Re: Mauricio (# 1844) Expand Referenced Message

Actually, I usually have no issue filling at day 28 (and have filled on Day 27 a couple times with no issue a couple times when i knew i id be out of town). and even sooner than that, I have had no trouble inquiring about stock with a paper script in hand.

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Re: Mauricio (# 1845) Expand Referenced Message


I've paid out of pocket for brand the last few months for my XR as I haven't been able to find generic (which is more expensive than my IR) and that only runs me a little over 200$... and I know the ir costs even less than that.

Where do you live that it costs you 900$?????

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Re: Rcma (# 1847) Expand Referenced Message

The military used amphetamines widely during the Vietnam war. It caused a lot of problems and they finally stopped using it as widely as they once did

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Re: Mauricio (# 1845) Expand Referenced Message

Refill before last i was able to get 12.5mg IRs. Last refill i was able to get 15mg IRs. With several days or week inbetween. This refill time can't find squat again. I thought it was getting better. Lol who am i kidding. I'm supposed to have 30s.

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Re: Ss (# 1851) Expand Referenced Message

GoodRx in Florida is $450. Nuts

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Re: HCStymie (# 1858) Expand Referenced Message

Very good information in your latest 3 posts - it mirrors a lot of what I've been telling people.

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Re: Rcma (# 1847) Expand Referenced Message

You make some valid points. However the laws/rules don't always comply in the same manner in regards to the United States Government/Military, especially when it comes to matters of National Security. If they label something as Classified or Top Secret then we wouldn't know anything about it until it's been Declassified in 20-30 years - and legally speaking, even if the media knew something, they couldn't talk about it either under these circumstances.

I knew this theory wouldn't be very popular lol, and it probably isn't that likely either (I hope), however according to the two 20+ year career military guys that I mentioned this to, it's entirely plausible. They hinted that this sounds exactly like something the military could or would do in preparation for a potential major conflict. They also said that if an order like this was in fact ever given then us civilians wouldn't see a single tablet until the Military's order was 100% fulfilled bcuz they are absolute top priority in such things.

And to those who say our Military doesn't do this anymore, well I can say with absolute certainty that they're dead wrong, they still provide stimulates to our soldiers, but only in times of war. Our enemies will for certain be on stimulates, therefore we have no choice but do the same in order to level the battle field.

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Re: Rcma (# 1847) Expand Referenced Message

Just to clarify, I meant that we citizens wouldn't see any amphetamines from the (or those) manufacturers fulfilling the potentially multiple million tablet military order.
When all pharmacy supplies dry up all at once, now suddenly fewer manufacturers have to try and resupply all of them at once - it's like swimming against the current to try and catch up! And all this doesn't even account for delays if any retooling of equipment or changes in packaging is needed.

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Re: Mauricio (# 1855) Expand Referenced Message

My doctor is unwilling to prescribe more than 60 30mg IRs a month, but I only proposed increasing from 60 to 90x30mg IR. You think that if I propose the setup that you have ( 60x30mg IR + 30x20mg IR ) that he would be in agreement?

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Re: HCStymie (# 1858) Expand Referenced Message

I was told by a pharmacist @ CVS that prescriptions expire after one month, so even if my doctor were to write and to issue scripts for three months, then only one would be accessible. What do you know about what I was told, was it accurate, did I confuse some detail?

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Re: Bryce (# 1867) Expand Referenced Message

States have different time frames for prescriptions expiring. Put your State name laws governing schedule II prescriptions in Google. Be sure the link ends in .gov. Your state laws should come up.

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Re: Bryce (# 1867) Expand Referenced Message

They write two scripts with future dates on it

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