Adderall Backorder (Page 6)


I take generic Adderall 20 mg for narcolepsy and there is not one local pharmacy that has it in stock. I have never had this problem before. The pharmacies are saying that it's on backorder from the manufacturer. Is anyone else having problems getting their scripts filled?

1962 Replies (99 Pages)

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The DEA is are the ones that created the shortage! They controll the raw ingredients for the drug!

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Let's be realistic. Do you actually think the president of this country has so much free time that he would put his energy into changing supply of certain ADD medicines? Your level of paranoid thinking is similar to many drug addicts. Do you have a clue how laws are made or how bills are passed? This is not a dictatorship. And there are no fences keeping you in the United States. You are free to go to another country and try complaining about their leader. You might get a wake-up call.

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The post before this was made as a reply to "Blame Obama". Nothing personal to all you sane people out there. BTW: I do believe that the government is doing a terrible job controlling this country, but it's hard to think only the president is at fault.

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To: Molly O and Heather: After just reading the most recent posts here, are you two as shocked as I am? The number of people that actually believe the government is conspiring to keep prescription meds off the street amazes me. To those with paranoid delusions: Ya think maybe the DEA has got enough to do fighting illicit drugs to keep them busy? PS. I just filled my 30 mg adderall script, like I do every month. There was a small shortage due to the unplanned increase in prescriptions. We have a free enterprise system, and if there's buyers, there will be product!

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Yeah johnny. The daily forums just validates what people think about those who take the drug. Honestly this one guy on here inspected all his pills for every difference in printing of the "adderall xr" labeling on each pill and even had percentage stats of the bottle he had in front of him which im guess was nearly empty.

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JonnyBoy 1, that is not necessary correct. When it comes to most normal products, such as computers, cell phones, soda pop and etc. product will be made, as long as their are buyers, but there are different complications involved for prescription medications that are controlled substances.

Based on prior year prescriptions, as well as information from the FDA and manufacturers, the DEA sets a manufacturing limit on all controlled substance medications for each new year. This set amount is then divided between the various manufacturers.

The data used generally gives a good idea of how much will be needed to fill prescriptions each year, however, when we have a year where there are more prescriptions than usual, and/or theft and diversion affect the supply, it can sometimes cause shortages at the end of the year.

Production will return to normal in January.


Are there any other questions or comments?

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JonnyBoy: I'm starting to believe there is a strong chance there have been some misdiagnosises. Delusion isn't a side-effect of ADD or ADHD that I've ever experienced. Obviously there are plenty of us who had no problem filling scripts so perhaps this is all a ploy to get these people on the right meds. If they can't get Adderall, they visit the Dr and he re-evaluates. That's the only conspiracy that makes any sense to me. Besides, don't you think the manufacturer would be MORE than happy to say the FDA is restricting production if it were true? They would be all over the place telling us all to write congress. We just have to concede some people are clueless. Adderall doesn't cure dumb.

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I hear that the shortage will last into 2012 but who knows?
I'm taking this otc supplement called AddieUP and I think it might work better for me then adderall anyway...

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I haev been taking Adderall for well over 5 years now and personally have found that no other medication, lifestyle or dietary change assisted in balancing out the chemicals in my brain which impair me from being able to concentrate for prolonged periods of time. I find it thoroughly unacceptable that this national shortage just comes oput of no where and we, the patients are simply told, ohh well.

As with everything else in this coun try from politics, corporations and pharmecuticals, WHERE IS THE ACCOUNTABILITY???

Now, I am on Paxil, which falsly created a chemiocal dependancy due to its off label prescribing and NOW I am going through the same thing with my OTHER drug.

Something has to be done here and I for one would love to be invited into the meeting where all appropriate parties discuss the resolution for this excalating crisis so i can see and hear first hand how the people responsible account for the shoprtage and what measures are in the works to resolve it and most of all, a time line when i can expect to again receive the medication that has been the building block of my professional and mental well being for so many years.

This has to stop. The Pharmaceutical companies have to be held accountable for their actions, not the patients.

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What exactly is AddieUp and where can I find it? I can no longer concentrate at all. Its disheartening. This hasn't been my year regarding medications. Doctors don't seem to care anymore. I guess their hands are tied.

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Hello :) We order all strengths of adderall on a daily basis in the hopes that one day it will arrive. there is simply not enough to meet the national demand for it. There is also no estimated time as to when it will be back on the market unfortunately. I saw it for the first time in about six months a few weeks ago, however I haven't seen it arrive since. Just an unfortunate oversight!

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fyi - cvs, port jeff station, ny (long island) has just given me news yesterday that they do not expect adderall until after jan, look to foculin. but since i am not happy w/ foculin results (higher anxiety), i am not a happy camper. meds run out today, time to call psychiatrist to write a new rx AGAIN!!

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I got my 12.5 mg Adderall prescription, "re-written, by going to my Psychiatrist, as the entire city of over 650,000 people is sold out of 6 of the 7 milligram generic dose pills formulations of Barr Labs, (now Teva of Sellersville PA) except one pharmacy I found that saved the last one and 1/2 bottles of 10 mg NDC Code
0555-0972-02 of 100 tablets of ten mg "Mixed Salts of Single Entity Amphetamine Product". Only Walgreen's was left with the 10 mg only size of Core Pharmaceutical generic Mixed Amphetamine Salts, and, when I tried Core 20 mg about two yrs ago, the pill bottle said, Ranbaxy, and the pill id was identical to (then) Ranbaxy of India, and, I experienced mood swings, and a headache, and, it did not feel twice as strong as the Barr Labs 10 mg I was accustomed to taking. Here are the official statistics from page 185 of the 2009 REDBOOK Pharmacy's Fundamental Reference for calender year Jan 1 thru Dec 31, 2008 of the top 200 generic RX drugs dispensed according to Verispan's Vector One Reports: No 84th position was Amphetamine Salts Combo with 5,921,355 prescriptions filled in independant pharmacies, chain, food store, mass merchandiser, and deep discount pharmacies. No. 197 was "methylphenidate" with
1,723,049 prescriptions filled. I counted 10 controlled substances that outsold in generic form Adderall, with no 1 the C-III Hydrocodone with APAP @121,265,610 prescriptions filled, and, the top selling C-II prescrition during 2008, was No 18 "Oxycodone with APAP" with 26,243,313 prescriptons filled, we are talking about a 400% + increase in "generic Percocet C-II rx's filled over generic Adderall rx's, and a 20 times fold increase in generic "Vicodin" rx's C-III filled over Adderall. and four (4) more C-II rx's in the top 200 generic scripts that were all Narcotic analgesics, (after) generic Adderall. Obviously, generic Ritalin, has fallen behind in sales from generic Adderall. "In the top 200 selling brand name patent protected stimulants, "Adderall XR" was in position No 30 with 8,799,465 rx's prescribed in 2008, with "Concerta" close behind ranked No. 34 with this many rx's prescribed 7,863,354. and No. 98 was the C-II stimulant, "Vyvanse" with 3,087,613 rx's filled compared to one year earlier, REDBOOK 2007 for calender year 2007, Adderall XR moved up from position # 36 six notches to #30 in 12 months, while, "Concerta" moved up from 2007 #44 up 10 notches to # 34. Finally a comparison to ten years prior, in 1997, from "top 200 brand and generic prescriptions written, "only #106 generic Methyphedidate was ranked by mfg (then) MD Pharma, and #198 "Ritalin Brand Name" by Novartis was ranked in the top 200 combined brand and generic rankings by Pharmacy Times Magazine, 33rd Annual Top 200 Drugs section according to IMS America. It is most interesting to note that out of the FDA's eighteen (18) quality control rankings that Number One ranked Glaxo Smith Kline Orange Book ranking of "AA" consistently was the only amphetamine/dextroamphetamine/methamphatamine prescription drug called :Dexedrine Sulfate (orange hearts embossed E-19) triangular shaped tabs on the market from 1942 until GSK pulled them off of the market in 2009, has not made the top 200 list since the beginning of the BNDD 1970 which morphed into the DEA in 1973, since approximately 1970/71/72. IMHO a real loss to ADD ADHD patients, as "Adderall XR" on page 174 orange book ranking is at the bottom of the list #17 with a EE ranking defined as "This entry has not been evaluated by the FDA at press time, but a rating is not available for this labeler's product" press time for 2009 REDBOOK the first quarter of 2009. ISBN #
97815637063 113th yr of publication by PDR Inc. just like "Fisons Biphetamine was removed from the market place in 1999, and Abbotts 10 and 15 mg sustained release Desoxyn was also removed from the marketplace, due to alleged poor sales, to the booming Adult ADD (long overdue) Diagnosis of the neurological disorder. Adderall was just a Richwood Pharma license purchase in 1993 of the twenty yes 25 year old mixed amphetamine salts formula of "Obetrol" mfg was Rexal Pharma of Brooklyn NY Source: PDR's 1968,1973,1978, 1985, (when methamphetamine was 50% of the formula, and PDR, 1993, when the PDR shows a formula change for Obetrol with PDR' listing change of "the identical formula that Richwood Pharma purchased from Rexar the following year, as the 1993 PDR was based on data from August of 1992, before Adderall was "conceived", in the summer of 1993. first showing up in the 1994 PDR. Just my 2 cents worth.

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? Are you serious with this post? "omg, please i need my adderAll prescirption so i can take it and feverishly type nonsense novel long posts in online forums about it.... Wow its a good thing the world isnt missing your hard work, concentration, and dedication to ABSOLUTLEY NOTHING. Congratulations!

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? Are you serious with this post? This is you: "omg, please i need my adderAll prescirption so i can take it and feverishly type nonsense novel long posts in online forums about it...." Wow its a good thing the world isnt missing your hard work, concentration, and dedication to ABSOLUTLEY NOTHING. Congratulations!

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I will not print a wall of text on this reply. I have a sister who is a Doctor, a Psychiatrist, who I know socially, and his sister is a Psychiatristt in Midtown Manhatten, and, I know my personal Psychiatrists entire family, and two grown children, and, my ex-wife is the Clinical Case Mgr for one of the top ten hospitals on the entire EST -5GMT, complete with its own Helicopter Pad for trauma patients,
and I have in my possession at this moment a set of $700.00 of Martindale the Complete Pharmacopoeia, and a official REDBOOK with the current wholesale prices and the deep discounted prices, for contractual agreements especially used by the big USA pharmacy chains, I will not insult the forums intelligence to actually name the big chains, or the legal contractual agreements that smaller pharmacies can sign by target specific USA ethical pharma mfg's, and, "they are in the small minority"
1. There is no shortage of patented new generation, C-II amphetamines, in 90%+ of the USA. I will amplify what I mean my newer generation stimulants that are C-II.
A. Ortho McNeil Janseen Pharmaceueticals, Inc "Concerta XR" (extended release) methylphenidate
in all 4 size capsules, 18mg, 27mg, 36mg, & 54mg.
B. There is no shortage in 90%+of ShireUS Pharma's
six (6) sixes of 20mg, 30mg, 40mg, 50mg, 60mg, 70mg
"Vyvanse" (lisdexamfetamine dimesiylate sustained release) stimulants.
C. There is no shortage in 90%+ of the USA with the
stimulant "Focolin XR" in all six (6) dose forms of caps
5mg, 10mg, 15mg, 20mg, 30mg, 40mg extended release
D. There is no shortage in 75%+ of the USA with ShireUS patented formula, (like all of the above) of "Adderall XR" in the six (6) variations of capsules......
5mg., 10mg, 15mg, 20mg, 25mg, 30mg patented extended release medication.

2. If you have "deep pockets" meaning if you have a lot of extra cash, the coffers of the pharmacies in all 50 states are lush with the above target specific C-II stimulants.

Examples, from REDBOOK officially "Pharmacy's Fundamental Reference" in publication for over one hundred years. ISBN #9-781563-637063 "that is the ISBN number (publisher PDR Inc, distributed by Thomson-Reuters, a Dun & Bradstreet "listed and rated" corporation.
A. the AWP (average wholesale price) of "Concerta XR" to the USA pharmacies is $$447.43 for 100 tablets of
18 mg capsules and average retail price to the consumer is $536.92 which is $5.37 cents per extended release tabs
Just present your prescripton and pay cash or if the pharmacy takes American Express, Visa, MasterCard, or a personal check, "its a done deal". Source page355 of
the 113th yearly edition and the FOREWARD SECTION explaining the retail mark up formula.

B. ShireUS "Adderall XR" (in all six sizes has a average wholesale price of $654.00 for one bottle of one hundred
(100) capsules, and the extended release 5 mg are the same price as the wholesale price of the final step up size 30 mg. the retail price per capsule is $7.84 cents per capsule. pg 203, however, ShireUS offers a Deep Discount to volume pharmacies, based on contractual stipulations,that reduces the average wholesale price, on every size of Adderall XR, to, $545.02, wholesale, plus the 20% industry accepted markup (see Foreward of REDBOOK) thus, the price per capsule may be in your area, may be only $6.54 for capsule in any mg strength.
Again, just present the prescription written exactly for the Adderall XR, and pay cash, or by personal check, or a major credit card, and it is a done deal.

C. Novartis "Focolin XR" in the 5mg 10mg. 15mg and 20 mg average wholesale price is $446.09 (5mg) for one bottle of 100 caps, $452.53 (10mg) $465.40 for both the 15mg and the 20 mg "average wholesale price" with "no deep discount" available, (source page 449) and it is easy to see that, the price variation, low to high, "wholesale" to the pharmacy, less than twenty dollars a bottle, thus, a example is that with the 20% markup (see Foreward of REDBOOK) for example a mid size 10mg "Focolin XR" would retail for, $5.43 per ten mg capsule.

(to save typing space and to not be redundant or narcissistic, I will let forum members figure out the way to pay, as I state this is REDBOOK official prices as released to the publisher's "wholesale bible by the USA manufacturer".

4. ShireUS "Vyvanse" (lisdexamfetamine dimesylate) in all six sizes, 20mg, 30mg, 40mg, 50mg, 60mg, 70mg. (page 800 of REDBOOK) offers a wholesale price for one bottle of 100 capsules of any of all six (6) sixes for $456.96 and retail for $548.35 for 100 capsules, and, they do offer a Deep Discount to contractual pharmacy customers, who buy either in a certain volume or contractual length of time, etc, of average wholesale price of $390.80 wholesale, or retail to the cash consumer of
$469.06, :which is $4.48 cents retail for any size of the sustained release (slow release) milligram size of whatever your prescription is written for, for a cash customer...again, I shall go no further, with the definition of cash customer retail to any consumer without major medical insurance with a prescription program "I call stronger than death itself" to change the stated cost figures around.

I have only stated facts, and have tried my best to not add any boundary invasive advice, or to comment on the pharmaceutical industries, ways of price changes other than what is published in reliable books, I know more, but I am not going there with this forum topic, other than most people I know who need medication for mental health ailments as described in the DSM-IV by the American Psychiatric Institute, "just cannot afford the above prices per pill, and to I do not personally know of anyone, in my circles that pays 100% brand name prices, 100% of the time, and skips USA generic alternatives, especially those without any insurance, and insurance, that is a whole other topic I am not going there "why the Adderall shortage" I was told crystal clear, since I last posted, but I elect to comment no further on this" by "those in the know, who are both M.D's and Addictionologist's. certified, by the state I live in.

For any forum members out there who have money to burn, there are 33 other countries besides the USA that have the USA C-II original formula for once Ciba Geigy, now, Norvartis, original formula of the mid 1950's introduction of branded "Ritalin" immediate release, in the USA the patent expired many, many years ago, for pure instant release methyphenidate, and, of the 33 countries, listed in the Martindale, published by Pharmaceutical Press by the Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain, listing forty (40) industrialized countries of the modern world....ISBN 978-0-85369-840-1 3,600+pages

that being said, if you only speak English, that reduces the countries to four, that carry the controlled substance
original Ritalin, Canada, United Kingdom, New Zealand, and, Australia, and a fifth country, South Africa, English is spoken by a strong minority of citizens there. No Adderall shortage ORIGINAL FORMULA, problem in 4 of those 5 countries, because "Adderall (formerly known as Obetrol, is only manufactured in two countries in all 5 continents, that is the USA and Canada. So for the desperate, with a lot of time, money,and patience, plan in advance, and buy a airline ticket to a large Canadian city (depending on where in the USA you live, and bring your prescription for Adderall, in its original formula, that first appeared in the USA Physicians Desk Reference, and, rent a car, and buy a hotel room and then try the Canadian pharmacies, and, one must be persistant, as one may very well have to see a Canadian Doctor, to get the prescription re-written, maybe so, maybe not, "I have never set foot in Canada, but with time patience and money or a huge line of credit room on a major credit card, it is conceivable that one could fly from the USA, and bring in a maximum of a 90 day supply, via international treaties, and, the Border Patrol for those driving into Canada across the border have even much tighter restrictions, very much so, and always declare what you have purchased to avoid issues with law inforcement, on both sides of the border.
As I see it, it is more trouble than it is worth, but, with a lot of money, common sense, one could fly say from DFW or Atlanta to Vancouver, or, Toronto, Canada much less expensively, than, to fly to London, or, Auckland, New Zealand, or, Sydney, Australia, or Capetown, South Africa. If you are bilingual or multilingual, then there are more choices, but, the countries are too numerous to list.
Just my 2 cents worth. I may come off very pompous, but, my ranting is seeing the average taxpayer, or, the disabled, in the USA being "bilked" by big pharma and the government regulators. DEA & FDA must protect their jobs, no fun being given a pink slip and unemployment benefits expired, thus a wise man once said the magic word is to "justify"..........................................
"bilked" defined as "to victimize in a con game" Source:
Hustlers and Con Men by Jay Robert Nash, 1976
ISBN 0-87131-188-7

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I think the response's to the person looking for adderall and having a difficult time, were cruel and uncalled for. I have had the same problem finding it for my 10 yr old autistic son with add/ocd and other issues. This med can not be stopped abruptly, I hate (took two yrs for me to relent to medicating my son, but until you have walked in shoes you have been fortunate not to have had to....a little understanding or educate yourself on the issue before blasting someone you do not know..their it has helped..etc.

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I am getting very frusturated due to the fact that I can not find any adderall in stock any where. there are some people that really do need it, unlike other people who use it just for the high or the money they can make selling it on the streets.I need it to get through the day so I can think clearly and not sleep all the time from depression. It is a known fact that when you do not have them to take as needed, it causes more depression. Some people go as far as suicide do to this fact. It's just not right

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I agree, lisa. I hope you werent refering
To me but
I feel like alot of people are on it that shouldnt be. This drug has really changed my academic life and
Now im out of college trying to get
My life and career together in these rough times. I finally got a temporary position, and assuming
Do well, which i am, i can get a good recomendation and
Get another job after this
One. If i dont do well, it will ruin me. Its not like we are saying we need this drug and sound like we will die without it . Like you said IT CANNOT BE STOPPED ABRUPTLY. It really cant. I also have comorbid conditions that will be set off if stipped abruptly. Nobody should have to go through that. In fact, its against the law to stop production of a medication without 6 moths notice. So this is wrong. People really dont understand. It almost seems like they dont have it and they dont want to dispense it anyway. Its awful.

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To Whom It May Concern:
On the front page of today's NEW YORK TIMES NATIONAL EDITION, at the very top of the left hand side of the page is the headline story: FDA IS FINDING ATTENTION DRUGS IN SHORT SUPPLY MILLIONS ARE AFFECTED subtitled "Agencies Split on Cause of Shortage, or Even If One Exists".
I will quote exactly what is stated on all of paragraph 5:
"How each mfg divides its quota, among its own A.D.H.D.
medicines, -- preparing some as high prices brands, and
others as cheaper generics, is left up to the company".

Paragraph 6 "Now, multiple manufacturers have announced that their medicines, are in short supply. The
F.D.A. has included these on its official shortages list, as has the American Society of Health System Pharmacists,
which tracks the problem for hospitals. And the American
Academy of Child and Adsolescent Psychiatry has told the more than 8,000 doctors in its membership, that shortages, seem to be widespread across a number of states, and are "devastating" for children".

Paragraph 7 "Officials at the Food & Drug Administration,
say the shortages, are a result of overly strict quotas, set by the Drug Enforcement Administration, which, for its part, questions whether, there really are shortages, or,
whether manufacturers are simply, choosing to make more of the expensive pills that the generics, " creating supply and demand imbalances". unquote. NY Times
Page 1 continued to page 17. January 1, 2012. National

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