Adderall Backorder (Page 4) (Top voted first)


I take generic Adderall 20 mg for narcolepsy and there is not one local pharmacy that has it in stock. I have never had this problem before. The pharmacies are saying that it's on backorder from the manufacturer. Is anyone else having problems getting their scripts filled?

1962 Replies (99 Pages)

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Re: Rcma (# 1396) Expand Referenced Message

Outright lies!! CVS and Walgreens not having issues??? Total BS!!! I take generic and couldn't find ANY brand. This is outrageous. They are putting so many people through so much stress, anxiety and suffering unnecessarily.

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Re: Nikki Suits (# 1410) Expand Referenced Message

The IR pills do not last long, especially the newer generics Hence the 4x a day. I am sure one's heart will not explode if the dose was titrated upwards over time. That was a foolish comment

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I had called every pharmacy within 50 miles of my home when a friend suggested I call my local health department. Surprisingly enough, most have independent pharmacies located in their main branches. I was able to get my prescription filled today of 30 mg 90 count (Sandoz) with no wait and no problem.

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What's the point of having each message on this site being checked by a moderator if posts entirely irrelevant to the topic are being allowed?

ADD patients get enough grief from the media and judgmental Jerks for us... can't we just keep this topic related to the shortage and not opinions on Adderall in general?

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Can't find brand Adderall XR 30mg anywhere in North Georgia today 10/19/2011.

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I tried 4 different pharmacies in my area today and all of them said the fast acting Adderall is out of stock until the end of the year. This is absolutely unacceptable. So how is someone supposed to function if they don't have their medicine? Just go through withdrawal until January?

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I live in new jersey. There is a shortage here as well. I have tried everywhere in new jersey and parts of pennsylvania. This has left patients with needs in a vulnerable position and I agree with previous posts about a class action suit. First we need to find who is accountable.

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Yes. What's going on.? I live in Miami. Same thing here.

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yes, i dropped off my prescription on friday, it's tuesday and dont have it in yet.. my pharmacy said i can to get it somewhere else? what? still waiting...

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Filling a script for Adderall this time of year is always a pain in the butt. I've heard different stories of why pharmacies are out of stock. I've heard that the FDA/DEA allows so much a year of the raw ingredients to be made. Another one is supply and demand. And the one I hate worst which I'm sure happens a lot, the pharmacy doesn't want to fool with filling the scripts because of the little extra paperwork they have to do. They all treat you like drug addicts. This is the reason I've switched to Vyvanse, which works better for me. Good luck to all of you trying to fill an Adderall script. Some doctors will write for 3 months worth and it is legal, so I would definitely use a mail ordering service like Costco, etc. Talk to your doctor about alternatives too.

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It's odd that some of us can get it filled and some can't. I don't understand. And I say this out of pure sympathy for you guys that can't get it filled. Wish they'd get this straightened out!

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XR never worked for me , it's like i'm taking nothing at all lol.

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@Kiekee now that I can enlighten you on. Just from my own experience and what I've learned in recent years with this medication, the DEA heavily controls this drug and it's distribution through pharmacies. From what I gather, they restrict or control how much raw material to make these drugs that manufacturers are even allowed to have per quota or whatever, and with supply and demand, it causes shortages.

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I went to my normal cvs pharmacy- one I've never had an issue in 3 years getting a 90 day supply, and I got the same answer. I went to 4 other pharmacies including a hospital pharmacy, and all of them said the same thing. The hospital was the worst- treated me like trash when they saw my script. I take two generic 15s a day. It's not much. Ugh. I'm frustrated.

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Indianapolis has the same problem. Doctors have been writing prescriptions to almost anyone that says they're feeling fatigued. And if you're a single mother you will definitely get a script. The only problem now is trying to find a pharmacy that actually has them in stock. I went to fill my prescription which was 30 milligram IR and the pharmacist told me that they would have to give me double the medication because all they had were 10 milligram in stock. I was also given the option of trying a different Pharmacy and they acted like I was a crackhead.

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I take generic adderall for ADD. Like so many other stories, it was a game changer for me in my mid 30's. CVS should be ashamed, but it's a big business and they can afford to not care. Last time I attempted to fill my script, I visited 11 CVS locations and heard the same story, "It was ordered and should come in by Friday." The local mom/pop pharmacies are much better, they care about their customers. All the other crap CVS sells can easily be found in other places for much less. I shredded my CVS extra care card and share my story with everyone I know. That's the best way to show CVS we care.

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Reference to Post #566 to Kelli (Fri Jun 09 2017)

I was unaware that Mylan was manufacturing any form of Adderall products. If so, my experience, and with my many harm reduction forum members including some chemists, with GC/MS access, to analysis of contents of meds, is only this on Mylan products, in general, all of their benzodiazepines, are very weak mostly due to binders and fillers, and poor bioavailability, such as on USA C-IV Diazepam, and. USA C-IV Clonazepam tablets, (Benzo's). I have had both years ago, and was very disappointed, with Mylan, including alprazolam! If they have entered the market with a generic for Adderall, I am not surprised if you are disappointed, in the quality of the product!!! The next ADDA convention for the year 2017 is in Atlanta, GA, in November of 2017 not a cure all, but my past attendance has given me more data, from guest speakers of medical professionals, with up to date info on product, and, research studies of control groups of rates of effectiveness for those of us with ADD, ADHD, Narcolepsy, and with the more rare Treatment Resistant Depression.

ADDA has their own website, with more details, on the convention day of Thursday November 09, 2017, the 21st year of ADDA conventions, now combined with CHADD convention in the same time frame!!! Atlanta Hilton, 255 Courtland St NE
Atlanta, GA 30303 Registration 2nd floor for a Convention date of Nov 9 thru Nov 12, 2017, Pre-registration, is strongly advised, as, in the past years, I have found a sold out hotel, when it was in Washington DC, some years ago. IMHO just a idea, not a cure all, for many of us, it is more for, up to date, research on studies of results for ADD ADHD patients. Many of their programs are sold on the internet for web seminars, which I have never personally used, so I am not necessarily endorsing, this as a "must attend event" just throwing out some ideas, in this transition time, of so very much conflict in the real world of supply and demand for a quality ADD / ADHD Narcolepsy ethical pharmaceutical!!!

My Psychiatrist, "extensive knowledge with patients", on Stimulants and Pain meds told me, 4 years ago, face to face, he predicted the USA government had a unofficial agenda to put all of the fast acting, (Immediate release stimulants) placed
out of business, with various methods of manipulations. Now from 2013 until now 2017, I see how the dwindling supply of quality Adderall I/R, and of dwindling supply of quality dextroamphetamine, instant release has decreased compared to only ten years ago when I/R stimulants were in great supply in reasonable prices, and good quality! The price increases quite radical on some products, and, the withdrawal of other manufacturers, has been very discouraging for me. "Including some Extended Release products, especially, dextroamphetamine pure, in 15 mg ER"!!!

The price rip offs and quality control is very sad indeed with the poor bioavailability on many I/R adderall generics, especially ! Beware of Wilshire generics of Atlanta, GA, and, so glad Ranbaxy is long out of the picture, a horrible pharma firm in anything they manufacture !! Barr division of Teva, and, Core pharma, has been a roller coaster ride the past 5 years, it appears the generic versions of I/R adderall for both, "citation needed" may soon be off the market, as the choices are becoming fewer and fewer of once a extremely once very effective Adderall from the mid decade of the 1990's until around the crisis of late 2011, and 2012 of the product shortages, and now the, elimination and substitution of poor choices of newer
generic firms, that, I have personally given up on any Adderall, just my 2 cents worth. I used to hoard my Adderall for the unexpected, am down to my last few bottles of Adderall, stored, from back in 2012, 2013, 2014!!!

There are two newer generic manufacturers out there, I have no experience with, for either Adderall Instant Release and/or Dextroamphetamine instant release.

I am not sure of the current status of Roxanne or Ivax....all I know is I have never heard of one consumer happy with Auro Bindo pharm products!!! Once out of Dayton New Jersey, or of the former Ranbaxy Adderall generic products, USA headquarters, Princeton NJ, world hdqtrs in INDIA.

these are just my 2 cents worth of opinions, as, I understand, many people with ADD / ADHD Narcolepsy or Refractory Depression and co-morbid DX's may have a different opinion, as mine is "only one opinion" of many, just again my 2 cents
worth of taking stimulants on and off since 1969!

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The DEA reduced the amount of active ingredients for Schedule II drugs given pharmaceutical companies in 2017.

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Re: Maggie (# 600) Expand Referenced Message

YEP. Past few days other people I know who take them are getting theirs no problem. Seems to be only CVS'S or pharmacies that get that brand. Ya'd think CVS would just get from a different manufacturer but with em not doing so, tells me they're making hand over fist in profit with that manufacturer and would rather wait. Apparently Walgreens has em here in the north eastern Fl area. Wal-Mart, and some others. A lil mom and pop pharmacy that fills one of my meds told me if I want to call em the day before I'm gna fill, see if they have em, and if not they'll order em for me. I'll end up paying a few extra bucks but well worth the few extra bucks than the hassle I had last month when I had thought no one would have it. CVS was telling me I should tell my doctor to try me on a different but similar med or have em change me to time release and theyd be able to fill em. They acted like I wasn't gna find it anywhere and the drug altogether wasn't being manufactured when in reality it is just one company not manufacturing right now for whatever reason. I don't 100% know. I hear cause the hurricanes, and sone other reasons, but I don't know what it is for sure . I did encounter this a few years ago where I couldn't ever get em the day it was time to fill, and went on for almost a year. I'd always have to wait a week to 2 weeks. The past 2 and a half years, maybe more I hadn't had one problem on the day to fill but I knew sooner or later the problem would be back. And it's here.

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Re: BL (# 606) Expand Referenced Message

Now why in the hell would they do that??? It is a prescribed medication for legitimate conditions. It is by far the most effective Rx that I've taken. Dramatic positive improvements and the government has to get involved....geez

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