Adderall Backorder (Page 3) (Top voted first)


I take generic Adderall 20 mg for narcolepsy and there is not one local pharmacy that has it in stock. I have never had this problem before. The pharmacies are saying that it's on backorder from the manufacturer. Is anyone else having problems getting their scripts filled?

1964 Replies (99 Pages)

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Yes NJ is crazy, my pharmacy of 15 years can't get adderall unless it's Pink 30s which are causing me to go bat s*** crazy.... Can't function nor sleep, very aggressive, extremely angry... Been on Adderall for 25 years, never ever had this issue. I was one of the subjects before Adderall was FDA approved. When I can get it at a pharmacy they're crap or on back order. I am going to confirm with an attorney about a tort civil suit before I go nuts.... Hey FDA could you F******g do something?

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Re: Jon (# 609) Expand Referenced Message

"Final Adjusted Aggregate Production Quotas for Schedule I and II Controlled Substances and Assessment of Annual Needs for the List I Chemicals Ephedrine, Pseudoephedrine, and Phenylpropanolamine for 2017"


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Re: SW (# 627) Expand Referenced Message

Each year the DEA decides how much active ingredients of Schedule II medications manufacturers will be given. This amount was reduced by 25%for 2017. It has also been reduced again by 20% for 2018.

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Re: SW (# 627) Expand Referenced Message

That's weird....I live in Lakewood and am prescribed 20mg 2x a day and I've filled in January and Februry at two different walgreens and had no problem whatsoever......I wonder if this is specific to certain areas of the metro area or certain chains? I tried to use the new 24 hour CVS on Sheridan in December and they said they don't carry it yet because they are a new pharmacy, but they are also notorious for straight up lying about schedule II's (something about keeping schedule II fill numbers below a certain amount) Anyway, it was 11pm and even though it was out of the way, I went to the 24 hour walgreens on Colorado and Mississipi and they happily filled it.

not to say all this doesn't make me nervous though. I've been adderall since 2004 so I have suffered through many shortages, major price increases, generics that didn't work etc. *deep sigh*

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Re: DJ (# 667) Expand Referenced Message

The first couple times I tried calling they would tell me they weren't allowed to give me that info. Then I changed the way I was asking and I haven't had a problem since. Try saying it like this. Hi I'm trying to fill my monthly prescription and I've already been to three Walgreens (CVS etc) and they were out of stock on my medication. Is there any way you can save me the aggravation of running around and check if you have it in stock for me? They will usually ask your name and look in the computer and make sure you have a history with that medication and then usually they have no problem telling you.

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Re: Charlene (# 695) Expand Referenced Message

Yes, generic Adderall is causing increased hunger in lots of people. There obviously aren't actual amphetamines in there, as amphetamine can only affect appetite by DECREASING it.

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Re: Wendy (# 737) Expand Referenced Message

My local CVS was out of stock for almost 2 weeks last month when I had to get a refill. I ended up getting a refill through Capsule pharmacy last month. I’ve never known CVS (or any of my local pharmacies) to be out of stock for ~6 weeks.
I’m due for a refill & just found out both CVS AND Capsule are out of stock. I’ve had thoroughly awful results that low key screw up my life with non-Teva brand generics. I really do not want to chance it with a different brand (it’s not a chance I know they don’t work).
If I’m honest even the Teva brand has been less effective for me this month. I thought it was just me but I’m seeing others have the same problem

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Yes I am! I’ve had to call around and now of course those who have it in, I’m having to ask who their manufacturers are because I don’t want a month of crappy adderall.

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Re: Smith Wagner (# 849) Expand Referenced Message

South FL here and cannot find my 20mg twice daily prescription anywhere. I've called around and they pretty much laugh at me. It's so disheartening and I feel like my medication need is a joke. I've been on this for years and luckily had some 10mg left over from a few years ago but I only have a week left and I'm scared to lose my job.

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Re: Jenny D (# 850) Expand Referenced Message

Same. Southwest Florida is out. Fuccckkkkk.

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Re: FloridaDee (# 955) Expand Referenced Message

Wow. I'm sorry you had to go through all that. Who knows what was actually going on behind the scenes, but intentionally or not, what they did is strong-arm you into paying extra for brand name. That's terrible service. And don't get me f***ing started on the clearly telegraphed negative bias most CVS pharmacists seem to have toward us Addy patients. I know there is a stigma, and there's some valid reasons for it, BUT, I wonder if there's something specific built into the job training that informs this behavior. Because in reading others experiences, it's super common with CVS and Walgreens employees in particular.

Also, an update on my situation, if anyone is curious. Right after posting my rage-induced message on here the other night, I went back to CVS. I never call, I just use the app and go there in person, I quickly learned to not even bother with their dumb ass robo-steve answering machine service. But that's a whole other rant! I was polite, played cute and said I was there to order a prescription, as if I didn't know they were OOS. This was the same pharmacist that I encountered the day before, on my second trip. She said "Oh that is currently out of stock, but we will have it back tomorrow". This was consistent with what the app said, and I was slightly relieved to now have a time estimate. Gave me a little hope that I might be able to get the stuff before my interview. Thanked her and left, honestly I'm not at all combative in these situations, even though I was internally raging. Whether my rage was valid or not, I'm still unsure. It's clear in my last post that I was having some sort of "CVS is out to get me" paranoia. I blame this on the barely-concealed abhorrence the pharmacists displayed toward me, and the extremely stressful prospect of losing my meds in the face of a personally important and busy week.

Based off other people's experiences, I definitely wasn't optimistic about the one-day estimate being true. Lots of reports from people who were told "one day", and then had the date repeatedly pushed back without explanation. Eventually I found an old reddit thread, where a CVS employee broke down the shipping schedule of medication and listed the time windows for out of stock medicine to be ordered and delivered. I held my situation up to this chart, and the one day restock time estimate actually checked out. Gave me some more optimism, but still nothing was guaranteed.

So that brings me to today, I got up and checked my CVS app, and thank GOD, it said my prescription was available for pickup. Ready to go! As much as I love to hate CVS, I can recommend getting the app if it's your regular pharmacy. It does make it very easy to keep up with your meds. More practical than calling, for sure.

Interestingly, the in-app listing showed they had ordered and obtained a slightly different type of Addy than what the app was showing before. Pre-restock, it was "AMPHETAMINE SALTS ER 20 MG CAP". Afterwards it became "DEXTROAMP-AMPHET ER 20 MG CAP". Not a problem for me at all, but I did want to mention it for research purposes.

Anyway, get to CVS, all-new pharmacist this time, she's actually in a good mood and is polite to me. Doesn't make me feel like a burglar. I provide my license and debit card, and boom... I got my Adderall, exactly on time. The other pharmacists one-day prediction was actually correct. I'm shocked and relieved. This also lends some credibility to the Reddit breakdown of the CVS shipping cycle. I can find that again and post it if anybody is curious, it could be helpful for somebody. But yep, good luck out there everyone, try to have hope! So glad I'm secured for the next month. I'm located in Western NC btw.

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So I spent roughly 4-5 hours the other day combing news articles, blogs, and reddit for similar threads and context.

According to some input on reddit, there's a few general sentiments that are consistent.

1) the pharmacists at these chain pharmacies are overworked and terrified of getting in trouble. They're heavily regulated and have regular audits. If they fill a prescription that the DEA deems to be inappropriate, not only will they lose their license but they could possibly go to jail.

2) they have restrictions. As Becky pointed out, they only get so much medication alloted every month. And they also have a limit to how many controlled prescriptions they can fill. Sometimes it's not a stock issue, but more like a limit issue.

3) if you try to get your script filled the day after or day of it being sent in, they prob haven't even checked whether they it and/or whether they have met thier quota. It's best to have it sent a few days before you're out that way they can see it in their system and they should be able to order it if they don't or won't have enough to fill your medication on the day your due to refill it. This mainly applies to those of us having to comply with e-prescription requirements, since your doc can have your e-script sent in early. Most pharmacies will not "hold" paper controlled prescriptions until time to be filled. They will simply give it back and tell you to return at a later date. However, you should be able to still ask if the pharmacy will have your medication and be able to fill it on "xyz" date if you present a valid paper script when you inquire.

4) for those that have found themselves out of meds and are having issues finding a pharmacy with it in stock, many have suggested something called Capsule. If you have one in your area, alot of people have said they've been able to get their script filled through this pharmacy fairly easily and they deliver it as well and have used it as a last resort with good results.

5) your much better off going with a locally owned pharmacy in the long run. They don't have the same constant threat and restrictions from the DEA that the chains have and the cust service is 100 times better. Some pharmacists at non-chain pharmacies will go above-and-beyond to help you as much as they can. However, you may find that a local place might not be able to take on a new adderall client so make sure you call first and ask.

6) be proactive and get your scripts sent in a few days before you run out. Communicate with your doc if you continue to have issues. They can call the pharmacy on your behalf and get to the bottom of the problem should it be necessary.

I hope that helps everyone and gives some clarity into what may be happening behind the scenes.

Fyi, for my FL neighbors, Florida filed opioid lawsuits against the big chains and Teva in 2018. Announced by AG on 30th(march) all parties have settled and agreed to pay settlements EXCEPT for Walgreens who is once again, planning to try their luck in a trial set for April 5th 2022 in Pasco Co. Link to read more: https:/­/­­news/­florida/­2022/­03/­30/­florida-secures-860m-from-cvs-others-to-settle-opioid-case/­

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Re: outofadderall20mg (# 959) Expand Referenced Message

Great posts, glad everything turned out okay. Those without ADHD cannot grasp its impact on every aspect of our life, and how important it is to have our medication on time.

I'd love to see the breakdown of the CVS shipping schedule, or the link to the reddit thread.

There has been an unbelievable amount of tomfoolery within the last decade, and this has gotten exponentially worse in the last year or so. I'm not only talking about people not receiving their medications on time (or at all due to some clandestine form of blacklisting I've read about on this board), but also the lack of efficacy/unpleasant effects/paradoxical effects of various generics as well as various situations where a once-performing as expected generic (or rarely, even brand) becomes inefficacious or has harmful effects.

As to a probable cause of the latter two examples, many people on this board point to poor production in overseas labs in China or India, and I'd agree in some cases. But another possible cause of all three problems I've listed is a last-minute "formula change" necessitated by increasingly stingy FDA/DEA quotas (once again in 2022, they have decreased the allocation of stimulants, opioids, and benzodiazepines from the previous year despite increases in ADHD/cancer/chronic illness/anxiety diagnoses--while for 2022, hallucinogens will be available in a number eight thousand percent higher than what was permitted in 2021, an unfathomable increase!).

I've also seen a few patents for pharmaceutical inventions specifically designed to stop the reinforcing effects of scheduled medications to "prevent addiction". As one cannot separate the reinforcing qualities of scheduled drugs from their therapeutic ones (ie, there would be no pain/anxiety/ADHD relief without involving agonizing non-kappa opiate receptors/GABA(a) receptors/stimulating dopamine release, respectively), it's easy to see how one of these new patents put into the medication would not only prevent addiction but also limit or prevent the actual purpose of the medication-- pain relief, anxiety cessation, or help with ADHD symptoms.

People who need these medications are already looked down upon and viewed with suspicion, so even valid, well-documented, widespread, ongoing and consistent complaints about efficacy (as seen on this board for over a decade)have been easily dismissed. This in spite of the fact that most people, the more so the older they are, have seen or heard of at least one instance of a decline in the quality and reliability of prescription medications over their lifetime.

Quality control issues, though not availability issues, have even started to trickle down to Schedule IVs, particularly the dirt-cheap and off-patent (i.e. no money in it for pharm companies) benzodiazepines.

I've heard several complaints in the last few weeks about Alprazolam/Xanax--from people who had been prescribed the same low-to-lowish dose of the medication occasionally prn/as needed for panic attacks, so they were neither physically dependent, tolerant, or addicted.

They had the strikingly same problem in the last several months having had none prior, without a switch in manufacturer. Among them, the complaints spanned a few different manufacturers (brand name by Pfizer/Viatris, authorized generic by Sandoz, and the much-maligned generic by Aurobindo), but the exact same story: Their new prescription/s offered no mental anxiety relief and a profound sense of unpleasant heavy-bodied exhaustion and dizziness that they had never experienced from Alprazolam/Xanax or any other benzodiazepine.

I know that certain brands of Adderall made me feel extremely odd. I wonder what the hell is going on with the industry, and the designated thought-stopping excuses like "because of CovID/Ukraine/opioid 'epidemic'" won't put me off my inquries. Anyone have any thoughts? Those on Adderall, Alprazolam/Xanax, or any other scheduled med, have you (or anyone you know) noticed any of these issues?

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Re: OutOfMedsANdMad (# 963) Expand Referenced Message

Amen! This situation is really out of control. The entire process has become a status degradation ritual.
I dread the refill day. Promoting unpleasant & anxiety-provoking experiences is a predatory practice, and it seems to be increasing. A neurological disorder that disrupts the neurotransmitter pathways is bad enough, without the gratuitous parlor game of exploiting the vulnerabilities of patients who are in a bad position. Your essay is very helpful and encouraging. Thanks so much, Outof.

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Re: BlessedLady (# 1078) Expand Referenced Message

Still ridiculous. Unethical. Unscientific. Subjective judgements about a person 's value determining treatment? That's just unconstitutional.

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I am having the same problem, they are telling me mid July is when they will have some. They do have different doses, well only 10mg, so my doctor is going to write the script for 90 because I take 30mg. I’m just hoping my insurance will cover it.

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Re: GMC (# 1088) Expand Referenced Message

I called other Walgreens and they told they can not tell people if it's in stock bc its a controlled substance.

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Re: Jiesel16 (# 1161) Expand Referenced Message

Not sure why Walgreens is saying they are long term back order, specifically for the Teva 30mg IR (which I take as well), since I monitor the inventory ABC has and they have over 55k bottles (100 tablets per) on hand inventory in there Ohio DC as of 6/30. Roughly 75% of ABCs core business is sold through Walgreens, so I have to imagine when they say it’s on back order at Walgreens, it’s because ABC hasn’t redistributed it to the other local DC. Hope this helps, I’m in the same boat waiting on Walgreens to fill my prescription, and get frustrated when I hear from them it’s on back order since it’s part of my job to monitor daily sales.

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I want to cry! But tears of happiness. Like many of you, I picked up my prescription last month from Walgreens and never thought to check it before I left. Next day I realized they had given me a brand called Camber. It has been the worst month of my life. I had been dealing with Covid for 3 weeks and a few days after that I was hit with the worst food poisoning/stomach virus of my life. It brought on debilitating fatigue and depression that was no doubt made much worse by this terrible medication! Ima stay at home mom thankfully, but still couldn’t barely muster the energy to brush my daughters teeth or change her diaper..I’ve been taken 2-3 hour naps everyday. Something I’ve never done before. The depression has been the worst of all. Last week I called the pharmacy and explained how bad this med was for me if there was any remote possibility they could either order me only Teva or Sandoz but I cannot take this poison from Camber ever again. They notated my account and said they would try. Two days ago I called again and said my refill was coming up and I wanted to see if they had any luck securing the correct manufacturer. This was about 10 min before closing. She put me on hold to check the safe she said. About 5 min later she came back and said, there was enough in the safe that she would set mine off to the side with my name on it but that they weren’t really supposed to do that though she would for me this time. Today was my pickup day and I was so nervous in the waiting line, I couldn’t stand. They handed me meds and lo and behold! It was Teva!! I feel like such a crazy person being this excited. I just wanted to share to let others know don’t be afraid to be persistent and make sure to explain to your pharmacist what this med is doing. There may not be enough for everyone, but for those that are really sensitive to manufacturers it is worth bringing to their attention so you don’t have to accept something else that is so toxic to your body!

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Big news!

Bloomberg: Teva Is Facing Adderall Supply Disruptions as Demand for ADHD Drug Soars.

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