Actifed Cold And Allergy Availability (Page 3) (Top voted first)


I always found Actifed to be the only cold medicine that worked for me. Now I cant find it at any of my local drug stores even behind the counter. Is it still available? Even the pharmacist I talked to thought it was on the shelf and then realized they quit carrying it.

121 Replies (7 Pages)

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All of a sudden (in the New Year) various formulations that include pseudoephedrine hydrochloride have shown up in branded and generic forms in Canadian pharmacies. The formulations differ (a night time version - i.e., drowsy - and day time versions) but they very closely resemble the old Actifed formulation. Not as strong: the recommended dose is double that of Actifed. And not long acting: 4-6 hours, not the 12 or 24 hours that alternatives offer. But given 4 hours that work as opposed to 12 hours that don't, it's a no-brainer.

The mystery is why the pseudoephedrine formulations that ordinary mortals like us take in moderation got mixed up with the industrial volumes of pseudoephedrine used as a precursor for uglier street drugs. Another mystery is why these formulations are now showing up after an absence of years. No matter. They seem to be back. Perhaps not quite the same but close enough to be happy about.

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I've been using RXPalace out of Florida for several months now as a reoccurring order. (See my earlier post for details.) Ironically, I continue to find the WalAct at Walgreens periodically. So, I would recommend that you log a request for WalAct on-line for your store. They got it in shortly after I requested it although it might have been happenstance on the timing.

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I read on another blog that the FDA (in the USA) pulled the use of triprolidine.. due to a liver issues.. I too have been looking for a substitute for Actifed. I have purchased about 10 different medications. and was soooo.. frustrated today that I took 2 different meds at the same time.. and finally voila relief. The two meds are Aeruis and Sudafed.

I will also add that when we lived in California for 2 years, I learned that antihistamines are only sold through prescription!!!! (at that time). So frustrating, I know that Canada has different protocols and do not necessary follow the same regulatory process. Also, that would be very taxing on our public health care system to have to go to the drs just for allergy meds.

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In the UK it is called Actifed Plus and you can get it from most chemists. Only one box of 12 at a time. Of course, if you are in a place like Central London there is practically a Boots every block: the number of boxes you can purchase per day is limited only by how much walking you are prepared to do. The formula is the is the manufacturer.

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The generic substitute for Actifed which is sold in Idaho is called Aprodine - with the exact same ingredients (Pseudoephedrine Hydrochloride, Triprolidine Hydrochloride) as the original actifed.

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Actifed is not available in my area as well. So disappointed. However, sharing some good news for my fellow sufferers. Hydroxyzine is almost better. Yes, it's an Rx, however it is inexpensive. I had a severe case of hives and it was like magic. Being allergic to mold and dogs, and benadryl gives my horrible side effects, almost as bad as the symptoms. Hydroxyzine is excellent. I have no side effects to it even after 1 pill a day for about 6 years.

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Aprodine is a generic form of actifed. You can usually have a smaller pharmacy order it for you, but you are limited to how many in a month plus you have to sign for it.

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Just came from Walgreens and they no longer carry Wal-act. Sorry to see that as it was the only OTC med that worked on my allergies.

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I agree. It was the only product that gave me any relief.

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Re: Ana (# 115) Expand Referenced Message

I just got a packet a week
ago at Walgreens. No indication it was being discontinued unless they were just using up their stock. I probably get a packet (48) every other month for indoor and outdoor allergies and sinus. The ephedrine in it can make you jumpier/irritable especially if there's been several cups of coffee that day. They scan my drivers license.

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If looking for Wal-Act, remember some states don't allow the purchase of pseudoephedrine unless you have a prescription. In those states, if you go to Walgreens and ask for Wal-Act, the pharmacist may tell you it's discontinued/not available. Oregon is one of those states. I had to ask three pharmacists before one explained about the state rule on pseudoephedrine. I have bought it at Walgreens in Washington, Nevada, and Hawaii.

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Re: Marysdottir (# 118) Expand Referenced Message

So far, not a problem in California. Show them drivers license.

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Yes, it keeps my sinus issues under control while I sleep. Not finding it anywhere is very troubling.

I am wondering if it is available under a different product name.

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if anyone can find a good supply and could send it to me i will pay upon receipt and reimbure you its the actifed sinus and allergy meds which contains pseudophendrine which is the ingridient that helps me and always im in withdawal because of no supply..that was not a fair thing to do to consumers who do not abuse it..anyone can help, email me..thats hamilton ontario canada l8v 2v7..thanks so much

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I have tried calling 4 online pharmacies that distribute from Canada. They have none. I have call a US online pharmacy and Actifed exists (both formulations) AND ships from the UK - but NOT Canada. It simply vanished - was never recalled (Canada or US - other than a labelling problem in 2010 - Canada) and appears not to be manufactured anymore. I found a passing reference to an ingredient of Actifed - common to other drugs AND it seems that Actifed could be used in illicit drug manufacturing - maybe. Check the reference to pseud... in the Wiki entry below ... doesn't seem too convincing ... but maybe ...

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12 I tried a web ref ... didn't get accepted here ... so instead do a Wiki search on Pseudoephedrine ...

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unfortunate for me, I am in Ontario Canada and to get to the states is virtually impossible, at least just to see if I can find a walmart, or wal-green store..there are walmart stores in ontario, however, ive yet to see the product. Why these drug companies do this to the lay person who, by all rights, wants the product for good medical use, not really like to thank those heartless bastards who make these least they could have made it available everywhere but through your doctor or hospital medical staff really upset that the cloak and dagger thing is always a mystery to me and damaging

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Response to Avenger: This is very useful. Thank you for the post. I (or members of my family) do get to the States on occasion and will certainly see if the Walgreen's pharmacist will sell to us (if our accents don't give us away...or if we don't ask for 20 packets to sell on the grey market in Canada).

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It's been a long search (and McNeil and J&J, owner of McNeil) have been no help at all BUT if you google "multi-action actifed" you will find that it is manufactured in the United Kingdom - by McNeil - and that you can buy it through Amazon if the price of a ticket to the UK is too much.

We'll try a purchase through Amazon and let you know the results in terms of cost and whether it's the same Actifed we used to know.

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Love this topic, i was using this many years ago, i think even a different formual back then. Things got better for me and i seldom needed sinus meds until several months ago. Tried pretty much every product on the shelf including the tylenol ones. After some severe constipation from reg use of tylenol with pseudophedrine i started ordering the pseudopedrine behind the counter, lucky for me this works, but even though only taking 30mg 3*day, getting treated like i,m abusing it...... Grumble... Can buy as much of the products on the counter and get more ingredients than you need without anyone caring. Definately want to find some actifed again! Keep posting any help.

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