Actavis And Teva Diazepam 10mg. No Actavis 10 Mgs In Pharmacies
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I've been getting Teva 10mg blues filled in the central belt of Scotland. I am prescribed Actavis 5mg valium from my GP and get 70 x 5mgs a fortnight, or 35 a week, 5 a day. I've NEVER seen or been prescribed blue Actavis and the people I know who work in the pharmacy have told me that they give out Teva for 10mg recipients.
However, I take these Tevas and feel the same gouch on them as all other blue versions.....I really think the Actavis are snides and would stay well clear of them. Teva tastes, dissolves and react identical to the brand name.
Re: Bazza (# 21)
Isn't that at the very least, slightly hypocritical? The person you are slating could very easily have their own complex trauma/CPtsd and are self medicating, yet you just dismiss them as a "junkie".
I'm on 24mg daily diazepam, when I collect from pharmacy (Boots) sometimes the box is marked Almus and sometimes its Accord. 14 to a strip one I've got right now strips are marked
and I would agree if you put them all under your tongue they have a slightly sweet, milky taste.
Re: RocheLover (# 13)
See its a**holes like the guy who made the original comment who get 70 pills a month and he still seeks more. He's doesn't need em for anxiety, he's a junkie. Probably lying if 70 isn't enough for anxiety. I'm an ex marine who has seen some horrific s*** and I only get 2 mg per day prescribed and I have severe ptsd from my time in the military. This guy sickens me as I need them for a medical reason and he's clearly wanting them for a buzz.
Re: jilly (# 9)
No, they get it for alcohol withdrawals.
Re: jonal (# 1)
He's obviously not using them for anxiety. He gets 70 pills a fortnight and he's still acquiring more. It's ****s like them that stop ppl who are really in need of them for being prescribed. This ****s probably a junkie, he said it himself. He's taking them just for a buzz. Hate ppl like him.
Re: Vlad76 (# 3)
They are not zopiclone. I take zopiclone quite often. The effect is nothing like zopiclone.
Re: GmanzalreadyAg1 (# 11)
It's as good, if not better, in my opinion.
Re: RocheLover (# 13)
Can I ask where you fill your prescription?
I just can't get them filled.
Re: Shemp (# 2)
How then shemp just wondering where you got your 2mg (90) teva and how much did you pay for them pal?
I'm in the same place. It's only 5mg I get. 2 a day for 10 years! So I do need to find them somewhere but online it's only bensedin. I need to get a test kit.
Re: GmanzalreadyAg1 (# 11)
Can confirm. According to wikipedia, Etizolam is technically a thienotriazolodiazepine, but still acts on the same receptor as a benzo.
"Etizolam .... is a thienodiazepine derivative which is a benzodiazepine analog. The etizolam molecule differs from a benzodiazepine in that the benzene ring has been replaced by a thiophene ring and triazole ring has been fused, making the drug a thienotriazolodiazepine.
Although a thienodiazepine, etizolam is clinically regarded as a benzodiazepine because of its mode of action via the benzodiazepine receptor and directly targeting GABAA receptors"
Re: T Stewart (# 7)
Do you know why
Accord diazepam 10mg are boxed by Accord, but are also boxed by almus diazepam ?
Re: Vlad76 (# 3)
Some people get it for treating alcohol dependence. Not sure if it will help them.
Re: jonal (# 1)
For a start etizolam is NOT a benzo (it is a thienodiazepine derivative which is a benzodiazepine analog [1]). Sorry when folks like you post fake news it can be harmful. Get the facts before you post inaccurate information. Thanks
Teva actually now Actavis. In 2016 Actavis sold to another company or merged with other company. They're now called Accord. The boxes are the same they just got a different name (Accord Healthcare not Actavis). But Teva M.A. is the holder and are still called Teva. But I'm sure the company Actavis sold so much of company to an India or Pakistan company, as Teva Actavis have factories in Britain, India, America, and in main Europe. The Martin Dow made in Karachi Mumbai are under dosed, and I'm sure they're part of Roche or where sold, the factories in India Pakistan are not always so stringent with there doses.
Re: Android (# 5)
Re: jonal #1 (18 Dec 16) Re: Vlad76 (3 Oct 18) lol. FYI imo there is a difference in the class of "Anxiolytic benzodiazepine's and the class of "hypnotic's" thus I plead to differ, imho.
FWIW: imho: the best hypnotics are the following: (as of 2017/2018) the following trade-names are not necessarily in order, relating to scoring perfect "score" but are top rated: from my experience, & friend a chemist from Glasglow Scotland, & from the Martindale Extra Pharmacopoeia London UK (2017)
generic Flunitrazepam (mfg Centrafarm) Netherlands, Brand Name Vulbegal (mfg Coup Pharma) Greece, Hypnocalm (Luxembough), the rest all Flunitrazepam mfg are all by Roche and are name brand Rohypnol, ( the infamous ethical pharmaceutical): Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, + Switzerland, South Africa. Also in target specific 3 cities of Mexico (only stocked & dispensed in MX hospital pharmacies & only written usually by M.D's for patients in hospitals in those cities, by special certified MX M.D's. (thus HTF in Mexico) (after many flights to all over that country) lol
Next "hypnotic" Triazolam, (mostly made by brand name mfg Pfizer) "Halcion" (Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, Italy, Mexico, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Greece, Hong Kong, South Africa, Thailand, USA. + mfg Pharmacia Ireland. not sure about 2020, but was still available (2016) in Australia & New Zealand.
Next "hypnotic" Zolpidem Tartrate, (mfg Sanofi / Zentiva) South Africa, (mfg Gador) Somit, many of the rest are by mfg Sanofi, as either USA Ambien, or as brand name Stilnox or Stilnoct in (2017) in a huge list of countries...(too many to list) ....In exactly 39 total countries in the modern industrialized world, and by almost 75 to 80 protected proprietary marketing names.
+ of course Zopiclone, (again too many protected proprietary names for me to list) again I est. in another 37 countries, & these are only the proprietary brand names, (not including the vast number of generics) on both Zolpidem & Zopiclone. Note there may be a few others, but not that I have any direct personal experience with or very limited experience with: examples: Chloryl Hydrate syrup, (sp? or, Sodium Oxbate, "Xyrem" (mfg Jazz Pharma) or Alcover (mfg in San Remo,) etc etc. (USA for Xyrem and much of Europe.....and Alcover for Austria, & tiny municipality of San Remo, in country of Italy.
Sorry for getting off topic about "Diazepam, Clonazepam, and Alprazolam" (could type a super long list of names for those Benzo's, (first two) by (late Leo Sternbach) of Hoffman la Roche, but will now end my "wall of text"...... yes I most assuredly do miss the "good old days" !
(sorry not edited for spelling errors).
Re: Vlad76 (# 3)
Hi Val, you are bang on. Back in the day you never got ripped off, now most the time I’m paying top dollar. Take it easy.
Hello Weeman,
I'm getting slightly turned around in the post as there is a lot going on. Are you asking if the Teva pills that you are being prescribed are legitimate or are you simply stating that you like the Teva brand that you are now being prescribed?
I just want to help you if you have any questions. If this was simply an informative post regarding your experience then I'm happy you found something that works well for you, that's not something that many people are finding these days.
Re: jonal (# 1)
They aren’t hypnotic meds. That’s z class meds like zopiclone etc. Some of you don’t know much at all not just you or this topic anything off the street is counterfeit and usually a different benzo. In the 90s certain meds were great, it’s all crap now!
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