Actavis And Teva Diazepam 10mg. No Actavis 10 Mgs In Pharmacies (Page 2)
UpdatedI've been getting Teva 10mg blues filled in the central belt of Scotland. I am prescribed Actavis 5mg valium from my GP and get 70 x 5mgs a fortnight, or 35 a week, 5 a day. I've NEVER seen or been prescribed blue Actavis and the people I know who work in the pharmacy have told me that they give out Teva for 10mg recipients. However, I take these Tevas and feel the same gouch on them as all other blue versions.....I really think the Actavis are snides and would stay well clear of them. Teva tastes, dissolves and react identical to the brand name.
Re: RocheLover (# 13)
See its a**holes like the guy who made the original comment who get 70 pills a month and he still seeks more. He's doesn't need em for anxiety, he's a junkie. Probably lying if 70 isn't enough for anxiety. I'm an ex marine who has seen some horrific s*** and I only get 2 mg per day prescribed and I have severe ptsd from my time in the military. This guy sickens me as I need them for a medical reason and he's clearly wanting them for a buzz.
Re: Bazza (# 21)
Isn't that at the very least, slightly hypocritical? The person you are slating could very easily have their own complex trauma/CPtsd and are self medicating, yet you just dismiss them as a "junkie".
I'm on 24mg daily diazepam, when I collect from pharmacy (Boots) sometimes the box is marked Almus and sometimes its Accord. 14 to a strip one I've got right now strips are marked
and I would agree if you put them all under your tongue they have a slightly sweet, milky taste.
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