Accutane Long Term Side Effects (Page 4) (Top voted first)


I have a son that took accutane 60 mg a day for six months in a row three years ago. Now after many trips to doctors over strange medical problems, it seems accuatne is the culprit medication that has caused servere joint and muscle pain, severe dry lips, redness in face, eye infections of own immune system attacking itself, systems of osteoarthritis in both shoulders, both wrist and right hand, blood in stool, possible hair loss, abnormal liver function test results in AST and ALT. My son went from being a high school football and track athlete while taking this medication three years ago to someone that is in constant pain just washing a car. After I have researched this drug extensively, I can't believe that the FDA allows this drug originally made for cancer patients to be marketed for teenagers with acne. All one has to do is look online what vitamin A overdose does to someone and then you have the results of what this medication has done to my son. This drug needs to be taken off them market ASAP and the drug companies that make it need to compensate all teenagers that they have possible ruined their future. Shame on them! What is going on here?

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Accutane woke me up in more ways than one....

I originally took Accutane for Severe Scalp Acne/Back Acne/Oily Skin Large Pores, which was "fixed" however...

As a fortunate side effect of taking Accutane in 2009.....

Accutane caused my cerebellar tonsils to shrink, recede OR it adjusted the skull causing my Arnold-Chiari Malformation Type 1 to go away.

From my radiologist scan in 2006, before accutane:

"Multiplanar MRI of the brain reveals the cerebellar tonsils to extend 7mm inferior to the foramen magnum to the level of the posterior arch of C1. Cine CSF Flow studies showed the flow dorsal to the cerebellar tonsils is dampened on all three series"

In 2011 after accutane, my radiologist said I had no more Arnold-Chiari Malformation.

This is not heard of before, this condition can ONLY BE FIXED VIA BRAIN DECOMPRESSION SURGERY.

I am now fixed of my symptoms which included:


-loss of consciousness when bending neck backward or body is upside down

-major headaches and migraines

-chronic fatigue

-leg numbness / falling asleep constantly

HOWEVER: For people that did not have my condition, this is living proof that Accutane makes full physical contact with your brain. There is no debate, this ends it. So you take your risks of acne versus brain damage. Even though it helped an existing condition of mine that I wasn't expecting. What will it do to you?

I quit the drug early because of Knee / Back Pain, Constipation, and Severe Depression and Suicidal thoughts.

When I took Accutane:

Age: 19

Weight: 190

Height: 5'9

Brand: Clavaris

Dose: 40mg twice a day morning and night = 80mg total.

Took for two months before stopping due to side effects.

My Side Effects from Accutane as of December 2014:

-Dry Skin

-Dry Thinning Hair

-Hair Loss ( on and off)

- Changes to Hair Texture: My hair all over my body turn Curly, causing ingrown hair issues more than ever.

-Dry Eyes (sometimes they are in the way, my eyes are never white - always some pinkness or eye irritation)

-Dry Lips

-Eye floaters

- Night Vision reduced (visual snow, Blacks are fuzzy even during day time)

-Older than my age look

- Light Sensitivity / After image burn in easily

-Skin tone is more pale white, hardly can get a tan for some reason.

- Changes in Body Temperature, Sometimes feet are ice cold, other parts of my body are warm.

-Eyes: Staring at a computer monitor for to long I see flicker rate bars on my monitor (no joke)

-Rectal Bleeding

-Hemorrhoids (recently have these removed via Banding, my bowel movements have improved 90%, no more bleeding)


- Receding Gums (teeth sensitive as a result)

- TMJ / Jaw clicking (hurts to yawn sometimes)

- Disc Bulges / Low and Mid back pain. (the biggest side effect, the reason I was able to qualify for Medical MJ)

- Cracking joints such as Knees and thumbs. (loud knee cracks, thumbs always want to crack)

- Low Libido

-Depression (probably because I am dealing with all the above)

-Lack of Dreams (fixed with small supplementation of 1mg of Melatonin)

-Dry Crusty Mucus inside of Nose

-Hand Ecezma, Arm Ecezma, really bad in the winter. (hemp salve works great to moisturize)

-Dryness around Nostrils.

-Dryness patches one or two small ones on beard growth areas.

- Lips always chapped. This might be permanent as no oils have worked yet. Chap stick WILL make it worse.

Diagnostics done on side effects:

-Telomeres analyzed through SpectraCell Labs in Houston, TX: The Telomeres are shorter. I am 25 Year Old however, the read out says I am roughly 30 Years old. (telomere shortening confirmed? Epigentic Changes?!)

-MicroNutrient deficiencies. Which said I was low in Vitamin C, Alpha Lipoic Acid, Molybdenum. For vitamin A it said I had normal levels.

-Semen Analysis: I am fine, I am potent with 130 million sperm count, everything is fine there.

-Ultrasound of Prostate: I am fine there.

-Adrenal Cortisol: Very Low Cortisol levels upon rising, ok mid day then drop at night.

-MRI of Brain done for an issue I had before accutane, however nothing bad was found there.

-General bloodwork came back normal, liver bloodwork normal.

-Analyzed blood for testosterone total and estrogen. Total Testosterone is 600 (I am Age 25) Estrogen was HIGH at 180 points need to get that down by 70 points.

-Tested the Stool: No H. Pylori Bacteria Found, No Celiac Disease, No Parasites - Beneficial Bactera was OK. Probiotics suggested for IBS Symptoms.

-Heavy Metal diagnostic done: No heavy metals, copper levels normal. All levels normal.

-U/A's are fine.

-Bone Marrow Density: I'm fine, perfect density.

-Growth Hormone: I am fine, nothing out of place there.

What I have done so far to help side effects:

-30 Day Juice Fast (celery, apple, kale, cucumber, ginger, tumeric, parsley, cilantro, basil, mint)

-Use a masticating juicer, slow turning, low heat, doesn't kill as many enzymes, more juice yield.

-Topical Cayanne Pepper for Hair Growth

-Avoid Alcohol

-Hemp Seed Oil

-Medical Cannabis Edibles, Medical Cannabis Bud (big improvement in libido, brain chemistry and depression)

-The Master Cleanse 15 Day Fast (Cayanne, Lemons, Maple Syrup)

-Colonics (total is six now)

-Salt Water Flush

-Abstraining from Vitamin A

-$10,000+ dollars on Supplements from Anti-aging Reservatol to Nootropics (brain supplements)

-MRI of spine showing the Disc Bulges

-Ultra sound of abdomen showing no inflammation.

-Colonscopy revealed three Hemmroids which was causing my IBS and Rectal Bleeding, these were banded. IBS has improved by 50%

-Endoscopy revealed Grade B erosive esophogus from Acid Reflux. I believe this was caused by lack of muscle tension in my stomach region.

Still to do:

-Hair Analysis

-MPOD Eye exam (checks for eye protein levels)

-Rick Simpson Oil (hard to find, probably have to make my own)

-Liver Flush

-Kidney Flush

-Gallbladder Flush

-IGF-1 inj's.

-B12 inj's.

-HGH inj's.

-TRT inj's.

-Hulda Clark Zapper

Final Thoughts:

I hope everyone gets well. Our health WAS robbed from us. The cure to all this corruption on Earth is TRUTH.

We are being poisoned in more ways than one. And Accutane woke me up.


More information on my previous condition Arnold-Chiari Malformation Type 1:

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I took roaccutane when I was 16, at the age of 32, within the space of 3 weeks I had to have 3 operations to remove my colon due to ulcerative colitiso, saved myou life.I think that this drug has had something to do with this, but no lawyer will take the case on as it's so high risk. And what's more annoying is they are now supposedly warning you of new side affects, when 16 years ago these were not highlighted. The drug has been taken off the shelf in the US, how much more proof do you need to show that this drug is horrific. It's turned my life upside down. And I really feel I'm owed something from roche. Plus I want t of raise awareness of this drug.

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To all of you people that are still taking Accutane, do your body a favor and STOP before more damage is done! It's true that most of the short term side effects cease once you stop the drug. However, the long term side effects do not go away. I speak from my own personal experience. I took Accutane 31 years ago as a young man age 24. My life has been on a bad health roller coaster ever since. I have digestive issues, including IBS, bone and joint problems, including arthritis. I've suffered periods of depression. It's hard to mentally focus on things at times. Almost like my head is in a cloud. At certain times I'll turn red in the face for no apparent reason. I've got that hollow in the face look that so many Accutane users complain about. Then 2 years ago I developed GLUTEN INTOLERANCE. Many Accutane users have developed that later in life. I'm 55 years old now and sometimes I feel as if I'm 80. Let me tell you taking Accutane WAS NOT WORTH IT!! I would take the acne back in a heartbeat if I could restore my health to what it was before I took Accutane. And incidentally, I still get acne. Stop taking the poison before you ruin your life forever. STOP!!! Don't listen to the voices on here that say Accutane was great for them. They might work for one of the Drug companies selling that drug. Don't chance it!!

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In 1983, I took Accutane in the spring of my freshman year of high school. I was 14 years old when I started taking the drug which I think was about 6 weeks. The reason I stopped taking the drug was because I developed a low grade fever and was sickened. I believe that the dermatologist prescribed too high a dose and basically poisoned me. I've had many of the same types of problems that other have described on here such as joint pain, depression (severe), mood swings, and stunted growth. But what happened to me during my high school years after taking this drug has forever cursed me. The year before I took this drug as an 8th grader, I was an all-around athlete. In fact, that year I set a school record in the 400M dash (stood for 15 years), won MVP with highest batting average in Babe Ruth League Baseball, and was a conference champion in Wrestling. And, in my best sport of football, I was leading rusher, touchdowns, and interceptions on defense. I could pretty much do it all on the football field. My father was a coach and it was in my blood. I was big and the quickest guy on the team. In the very next spring of my freshman year in track, I started the prescription of Accutane. I noticed almost immediately that something was wrong with performance on the track. I would get about halfway around the track and it was like somebody would put a bag over my head, and at that point I could not breathe. I was done. During that freshman season of track, I could not even run the same times that I ran as an 8th grader. Here I was the school record holder in the 8th grade and was completely embarrassed and humiliated because it simply looked like I wasn't 'in shape'. And in wrestling, it was the same thing. I would get about a minute into a match and then my air would be cut-off, like somebody had their hands around my throat. And I had no idea what was going on. I simply thought I needed to work harder to get in shape. That was not the case. I do remember that I had kind of third sense that something was seriously wrong, kind of like a sub-conscience feeling of anxiety. And, going into my junior year seeing my friends grow while I did not, I KNEW something was wrong.

I was robbed of my entire high school growth spurt. I remember trying to explain this to my father but he didn't believe me. Now some 30 years later, I KNOW what went wrong. The drug acutance attacked my endocrine system, halted my growth, damaged the hormone receptors, altered my adrenal glands, pituitary gland, and who knows what else. To the guy on here that said Accutane side affects are not permanent it OUT OF HIS MIND! How could a child's stunted growth not be a permanent side effect? There have been studies that have proven that Accutane reduces or eliminates growth hormones in 99% of patients. Once your growth hormones stop, that's it. They are done and can't be restarted. And the depression? Beyond explanation. I can't even begin to describe the deep despair I've suffered due to the loss of my sports career. Not able to put this into words. But, I'm lucky to be alive right now because the suicidal feelings have sometimes been overwhelming. The biggest physical problems that I have today that really affect my life is still the breathing problem. I am still active physically and I try to stay in shape via weight lifting and cardio exercises. In fact, I am certain that the physical activity has helped keep my joint pain at bay. And, when I don't exercise, my joints such as my knees, elbows, shoulders, and back start hurting. But I still have the breathing problem when I perform cardio types of workouts. And, I sweat profusely. I have to tried to research this problem but haven't found anything. The doctors I've visited were not any help. If anybody on here has had similar problems let me know. To summarize, for any child or adolescent that is not FULLY grown, Accutane could potentially destroy that child's life. A few pimples are not worth that. For a fully grown adult that doesn't participate in sports, take Accutane at your own risk knowing that you WILL have some sort of permanent side effects. If you want to live with those, go ahead. But any doctor that would prescribe this medication to a child should be locked up.

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Straight up this is a chemotherapy drug that changes cell differentiation and inhibits cell proliferation. This is a DNA game changer. Your immediate side effects will be the drying out of tissue. The long term effects are what cells in your body have stopped reproducing and those effects can take a long time to change and show. Look up the drug in cancer reports as that is what it was developed for. The only reason it was started for acne is that the doctors noticed it cleared the acne in their cancer patients. Just think about

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Somehow all of us have to band together and help one another. I recently had an appointment at Bellin neuro clinic for pain help. I tried explaining my history about the Accutane and my problems since with no family history of these problems. These professionals did the same as other docs, and said I should consult my primary. My primary refered me to this clinic for my problems. Rock and a hard spot. I hope you find someone who will listen and help. I can not understand why cancer docs can not help us because it is a chemotherapy drug, and they should know the side effects?

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We need to take legal action for the other illnesses accutane caused or Roche is just waiting us out.

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How do we get the ball rolling Will?

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this is all mind blowing. i cant believe the horrible affects im hearing about FROM AN ACNE TREATMENT!!! i dont think ive heard of a single other prescription that causes this kind of damage. i mean hell, CHEMOTHERAPY doesnt even cause all this, and we KNOW thats poison!! i really hope you guys can do something about this. im not someone who has been affected directly by this, but i do care what happens to you guys, so keep me posted on with what happens. i really, sincerely hope something gets done.

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KJB- The problem seems to be dermatologists downplaying the potential risks as being associated with Accutane, but not being a result of Accutane, in the reported cases of many side effects. There is also the grievous misconception that one must simply stop the drug and side effects go away. ...This isn't fully explained in the warnings.

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I was prescribed Accutane at age 11, and truly believe it caused me health problems years later. I was not told about the possible psychological effects and had a family history of schizophrenia to start. For years after taking the drug my skin was constantly pink and super sensitive. It looked like a sunburn that wasn't going away. The derm was just like wow you have dry skin! and didn't even seem concerned. It was so bad. A few years later I ended up with pretty severe anxiety and depression, so bad I had to drop out of school and homeschool. Im convinced it is what lead to my IBS, I literally can't eat anything without feeling yucky. To top that off, after years of clear skin out of nowhere I got cystic acne in my late teens. Im having to do the work now to clear my skin: Diet, stress relief, hormone balancing with a naturopath, and high end skincare. I would give any $$$ amount to go back and never go on that drug!

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I would appreciate any helpful feedback on this issue of mine. I am a 31 year old male who has been on 2 courses of Roaccutane in my teens. Once at age 16 for 9 months and then again at age 18 for 10 months due to a relapse in acne. It was terrible. Doctors told me about the dry skin and dry lips. Sick joke. The first course I was at school and I almost failed that year because of depression etc. The second time was after school and was horrible. Lived like a hermit for all 10 months with depression and too scared to show my face. Looked like i had a terminal illness.

In the last 11 years (2005-2016) I have had many health problems. Depression, chronic nocturia, insomnia, brain fog, social anxiety, fatigue, aches and more. My life has been hell and difficult to live.

Is it possible that the 2 courses of this drug could have stuffed up my neurological system/liver that could have caused me to have these issues?

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My daughter took Accutane in the med 1990's for severe acne. Everything else failed, antibiotics, facial creams, and the list goes on. She began talking about suicide asking me if she tried to kill herself would she end up in a certain hospital. Let's fast forward to 2017. She is now 32 years of age. She lost twins with a tubal pregnancy, she had a partial hysterectomy, countless miscarriages, gal bladder removed, near appendix rupture, and now a tumor on her liver. She can't afford the needed surgery so here's another prescription for pain. Gee doc another prescription drug addict is just what we need. My heart aches as I was the parent who took her to the doctors every month to get the blood work and needed pregnancy evaluation. The after effects long after taking this chemotherapy pill is dangerous. Stay away from it.

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I took Accutane as a young teen and now I'm a 29 yr old with the same exact problems that you're saying your son is having. I was also a basketball and softball player and that came to an end. Like I said I'm now 29 going on what feels like 89 everyday. My face has also been severely scarred on both cheeks due to the medication so I have to wear makeup everyday/all day and night because I'm so insecure about it. That medicine has caused me so much pain not only physically but mentally with getting and still suffering from depression and anxiety from it. It's ruined my life in too many ways. I empathize whole heartedly with you and your son. This medication is killing people and it should've never NEVER been approved.

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Wrong ! 2 out of 3 of my children took the drug . 1 of them is living a normal full life , the other 2 are never away from the docs with the same symptoms . Anxiety , deppression , aches and pains , in their muscles , bones and joints . Eye problems and many more ailments , too numerous to mention .

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Re: Josh (# 1891) Expand Referenced Message

Josh, you really don't know what you are talking about. Your statement about Accutane being a highly concentrated form of Vitamin A is true but, any vitamin in high doses can be deadly. Do a Google search on Vitamin A overdose or poisoning and check it out yourself. Do you also know the origins of the drug? It was originally used as a chemotherapy drug for people with brain cancer. Have you ever seen people treated for cancer with chemo and how sick the drug makes them? The ones I have seen look all washed out and pale. The drug destroys the bad cells....and the good cells. You and your friends that have taken Accutane may not have experienced ill effects from it yet. I hope you don't. Every person is different. My experience with Accutane began in 1984 as a 24 year old man still fighting teenage acne. Looking back mine was not real severe. It just lingered on from my teens. I was told by my Dermatologist that Accutane was for cases of SEVERE cystic acne. You know, the kind that makes huge cysts on a person that are disfiguring. It wasn't supposed to be for "teenage" acne. That being the case why did he prescribe it to me? MONEY! If I could go back I would NEVER take this poison!! I, like you, had the short term side effects of the drug, i.e. dry skin and chapped lips that went away when I stopped taking the drug. I wish that was all I had to deal with since then. It caused me nose bleeds also. The first thing was sleep insomnia. Next came ulcers in my esophagus which led to severe acid reflux. Another is degenerative disc disease in my neck and back. This was diagnosed within 6 years after taking the drug. As a result of the health issues I became depressed. Most recently I have developed gluten intolerance and am VERY sensitive to dairy products. If I eat gluten products I turn red in the face. It feels like I am on fire! Think about not being able to eat foods with wheat in them for the rest of your life. Or having to be a on a special diet just to get through life! It ain't easy! I'm 57 years old now and I feel like I'm 80! Accutane continues to take it's toll on my body. I'm not as bad off as some of the people here. I only took Accutane for 3 months and 2 weeks. The side effects became too much for me to deal with anymore and I stopped my treatment before the end of the prescribed 6 months. I probably would be dead if I hadn't. Oh, btw, I still get acne periodically. I could go on and on. Did I mention "brain fog"? Having an inability to focus on thoughts, i.e. memory lapses. This can be bad at times. Listening to people talk and not really hearing/ comprehending what they are saying. There's more but, I'll stop here. Hope you think about this man.

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Re: Devi (# 1907) Expand Referenced Message

It's a nasty poison with horrible, debilitating side effects and the rest of us who had our lives cut short deserve a class settlement for pain, suffering, and disability...just like the other classes Accutane settle before it was taken off the market.

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The problem with any medical issue and blaming it on a drug is, of course, actually proving that the drug caused it. This will not be an easy nor cheap process.

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Please remember that I am not a doctor and I am only giving you my own personal advise. Even though you know 5 people that have taken accutane doesn't mean that the next person that takes it will not be one of many who have long term side effects from this medication. My son has seen over 5 doctors and each doctor has a different answer to what he has. As of yesterday, a specialist told him he may have spondyloarthritis and has scheduled him for two different MRI's and a colonoscopy. Please continue to read more about this drug before you decide to take it. There are now many other options for acne than this medication. Maybe by trying some other over the counter meds might help you. Google the top ten acne products and try one first, maybe it will help.Good Luck !

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I started taking Acutane in 1995 when I was 18 for severe acne. I'm now 32. I knew that there was a long list of side effects short and long term but I'd tried everything else and decided to take it. I had the normal problems while taking it like dried out face, chapped lips and sensitivity to sunlight. I could deal with those problems without a problem. What I couldn't deal with was the depression and loss of weight about a year later. The depression was pretty severe to where it controlled every aspect of my life. I thought I had some kind of terminal disease. My fatigue was so severe that I didn't get of bed some days and seem to sleep all the time. My friends and family didn't know what was wrong. I didn't link it to the acutane till recently. I had minor stomach ailments right after taking the acutane but didn't think it was the medicine. Now I have chronic Gastritis which is controlling my life today. I read that a few others have had stomach problems as well. I try not to take any kind of medication if I don't have to anymore. My trust in pharmacutical companies and the FDA is forever shot. I also started getting what is called geographic tongue right after finishing accutane and still have it today.. Was wondering if anyone who took acutane has had the same problem. I'm trying to piece together my ailments to see if its linked to my use of acutane. Thanks you for all the posts. They seem to have giving me some piece of mind knowing that I'm not alone. I've also had what feels like a swollen liver but the doctors tell me liver is fine. Has anyone had that problem?

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