Accutane Long Term Side Effects (Page 4)
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I have a son that took accutane 60 mg a day for six months in a row three years ago. Now after many trips to doctors over strange medical problems, it seems accuatne is the culprit medication that has caused servere joint and muscle pain, severe dry lips, redness in face, eye infections of own immune system attacking itself, systems of osteoarthritis in both shoulders, both wrist and right hand, blood in stool, possible hair loss, abnormal liver function test results in AST and ALT. My son went from being a high school football and track athlete while taking this medication three years ago to someone that is in constant pain just washing a car. After I have researched this drug extensively, I can't believe that the FDA allows this drug originally made for cancer patients to be marketed for teenagers with acne. All one has to do is look online what vitamin A overdose does to someone and then you have the results of what this medication has done to my son. This drug needs to be taken off them market ASAP and the drug companies that make it need to compensate all teenagers that they have possible ruined their future. Shame on them! What is going on here?

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I feel your pain. Although I always had anxiety before this drug, it's nothing like I do now. I have to say I feel my mental and isolation drf stems from this drug. I look so different now and feel different.

What side effects do u have still? Some stuff can improve mentally.

I've had Insomnia myself for a decade now.

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I would appreciate any helpful feedback on this issue of mine. I am a 31 year old male who has been on 2 courses of Roaccutane in my teens. Once at age 16 for 9 months and then again at age 18 for 10 months due to a relapse in acne. It was terrible. Doctors told me about the dry skin and dry lips. Sick joke. The first course I was at school and I almost failed that year because of depression etc. The second time was after school and was horrible. Lived like a hermit for all 10 months with depression and too scared to show my face. Looked like i had a terminal illness.

In the last 11 years (2005-2016) I have had many health problems. Depression, chronic nocturia, insomnia, brain fog, social anxiety, fatigue, aches and more. My life has been hell and difficult to live.

Is it possible that the 2 courses of this drug could have stuffed up my neurological system/liver that could have caused me to have these issues?

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I took this poison in 2009. I'm almost 28. And still have issues to this day. I have facial flushing dry dry eyes skin nose mouth scalp
Sleep issues, Cold extremities, Acne comes and goes. I have to apply olive oil all over my face and it's still dry. I scrape it all the time.
Restasis failed and xiidra doesn't work. Eye plugs. Sjorgens was told I don't have every symptom yet. I'm a male mind u. Spent 6 years housebound after this drug. Was told I had thyroiditis from an ultrasound in 2013. Levothyroxine made me go from 150-119 pounds, so I stopped that med and was told my thyroid was normal lmao. Medical mystery. On a gluten wheat egg dairy free diet. See no improvements 4 months into it. I am depressed everyday and anxious OCD bdd now. No meds work. I've been on soooooo many NT to mention I refuse to have more issues from meds. I think we should all meet up and ambush the Accutane company and force them to do something. My heart and gut says nothing will ever get better. I mean the older you get the more u age. Pray for all of us, this is bulls***. And I'm sorry so many of u have lost lives or know ppl who have took their own life from this poison.

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I tested negative for bladder infections for over 2 decades. Finally, a urologist diagnosed me with Interstitial Cystitis, which is inflammation, not an infection. I believe it is a similar effect to what happens to Chron's disease patients in the GI tract. Of course folks who took accutane and developed Chron's had a legal case against accutane and won. So, I'm awaiting litigation for Interstitial Cystitis, which has left me permanently disabled with multiple debilitating illnesses which began after accutane.

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Accutane causes Degenerative Disc Disease(which I was diagnosed with after a scan) in the back according to my back surgeon.

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I too wonder and stress every single day if I did the wrong thing by putting my son on Accutane. He has been off of it for 18 months now and is 16 1/2. He was 15 when he started on it and begged for it because it was supposed to be the miracle cure to acne. Not only was his skin slow to react (he still has acne but it's better), he experienced severe irritability and depression. He confessed to me after a few months off of it that he cannot feel it when he has an orgasm. I'm certain this was extremely difficult to tell his mom. Pediatrician said it was all in his mind, eventually sent him to a urologist who ran a few tests and said they were normal..go see a psychotherapist. He did that and is still not better. Took him to another urologist....normal tests and now waiting for an endocrinology and neurology appt. He thinks that this is going to ruin his life and is devastated over it, as am I. I would do anything and take him anywhere for treatment. He is a gift to me and all I want is for him to be happy. Anyone reading this and has answers or suggestions, please reach out. Thank you.

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My son is 19. Had severe acne at 15 and we tried everything to avoid accutane. He needed relief and several trials of accutane cleared him up with minimal side effects at that time. He has some acne back now at 19 and some lymph node inflammation; some depression; other things going on and I have wondered if some things he never tells me about. I'm a nurse and researched all that I could about accutane. I am afraid I did the wrong thing. This drug is so harsh and with all the politics behind meds, there is no real protection. When acne is cystic and severe, something has to be son is the gift in my life and I'm worried something is wrong. He also has some hip issues that developed, I believe, as a result of accutane. He was a happy 13 y/o...he is doing well in college now; loves writing rap; he is a good young man. But I am very worried accutane has done some harm. I relate to what you are saying. Look up for more natural interventions. We also were involved with that....

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I was on accurate for 6 months when I was 29. I am now 46. For years I have had what doctors have always suggested as bladder infections and blood in urine. I am curious if this is experienced with anyone else out there?

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But! I am not saying it isn't harmful to your gut that is a fact. Just that in many cases things snowball if the gut doesn't repair which it is able to, but lifestyle gets in the way. No one to blame.

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It's quite a notion for everyone to believe that Accutane is for sure the main cause of their GI problems. Many people have similar problems who never went on Accutane. Diet , lack of water, lack of fiber can be factors too, and antibiotics can cause significant gut symptoms that may be persist for a long time. I think there are a few people in denial when saying Accutane is EVERYTHING that created a problem for them.

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I am 37 and took Accutane when I was 19. I dealt with constipation, IBS and infertility for a decade. At 30 I became so ill with abdominal issues and severe headaches and joint pain. They figured out I had leaky gut syndrome and a bad candida yeast infection. I could no longer tolerate gluten, dairy, or yeast. The leaky gut and infertility definitely due to Accutane. You should see a naturalpathic doctor. Mine saved my life. Research leaky gut syndrome. Oh and Accutane has been linked to ulcerative colitis, Chron's and other issues. Luckily I don't have those, but I continue to have unexplained abdominal pain all the time. My digestion is all messed up. Still chronically constipated. I too had the gall bladder removed at 24 because of a stone. Now I'm showing signs of Sjogrens. Got to get tested for that next. Accutane wrecks us!

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Hey it been a year later since i too acutane and ibeen getting a geographic toungue too i am scared i been trying to figure out if this acutane is the cause

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Why would you be here visiting this page if everything was alright .....except to promote this drug ? Out of all the people around me that took accutane, 100% have permanent side effects years later (me included) and it will be worse with years. Most of them have aged prematurely , have stomach problems and very dry eyes 20 years after taking the drug. I would say the lucky ones are those with a very oily skin. Talking about myself, i had depression straight after ending accutane. and still suffer from this. But except that, everything was ok. Unfortunately side effects started to show up noticeably 10 years after taking accutane. l lost my hairs , have severe dry eyes, lung, nose, throat...everything is so dry. my skin looks so stomach burns, my bones are very fragile. Because side effects start to be very noticeable only after 10 years many people won't relate accutane with that....that's why doctors think that not anyone has side effects. Unfortunately...this is wrong.

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I should mention that there is also a bacterium that causes minute fractures of the lower spine and causes the low back pain. This cannot be determined on a regular x-ray. The bacteria is called P. acnes. It's hard to get rid of but taking Sulfameth & Tmp tabs or doxycycline hyclate are good for it. I would not be able to walk if not for these two antibiotics. The back pain in the upper area is helped with the aloe vera.

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I have had the pain in the liver, stomach and back for many years after Accutane. Turns out it is gas trapped in the stomach and causes pressure on many organs. I have used inner filet organic aloe juice and it really helps gut problems. I am thinking that, all the tissues in the body are dry and the mucous membranes do not function properly. The aloe vera provides a slick coating and the gas is expelled more easily.

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Happy to hear you found something that works for you! if it makes you feel happy then I think it's great progress :) some people do very well on low carb diets! Not Impressed with who just shot you down for sharing

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Being seriously ill in every way possible from this medication for the past six years I am finally feeling a million times better. Some may not like how I got here but if it helps anyone this is how I did it. First I went on Citalopram which is an anti anxiety. I did this because the bodily stress I was under was causing me a lot of pain and this helped me start to heal in some ways. Then I stopped eating breads, cereals and anything with processed carbs. The only carbs I eat would be in some veggies after I cook them but no potatoes!! I started drinking lots of bone broth you can make it or buy it. And drinking raw goat milk. I go to the butcher and buy my meats lots of organ meats like liver and hearts are great for you. You can do chicken or turkey breasts and brats are great. It should only take a couple weeks to feel much better. I hope this helps! My email is {edited for privacy}.

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You were lucky to have access to all that information . Many of us didn't and trusted our doctors and dermatologists . More full you !

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I have had two back surgeries more to come and every other bone problem osteoarthritis etc ..... Need a good lawyer ! do not go on this ever! someone please give me a lawyers name :(

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I must say . If you tell someone they are going to get bad side effects, the stress of those comments if they are already on the drug has its own effects. Telling someone they are 100 percent for sure going to come out with serious health problems is irresponsible and incorrect unless we know their health personally. Many of us have had negative side effects and At some point we all learn from this mistake, I hope they get rid of the drug someday! But our role as adults now is to inform not force and scare. That has its own health effects. The mind is so powerful!

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