Abuse Of Zanaflex (Page 4) (Top voted first)


I was just wondering if anyone out there has over-used zanaflex? I am ashamed to admit I did. I was just so desperate to sleep at night. One or two wasn't cutting it so I started going up to 6, 7, or 8 at I time. I would never ever recommend this for anyone. It was just my own desperation and stupidity. I have always had giant tolerances to everything. Anyway, this stuff would put me down hard, it was hard to get up and walk myself to the bathroom and the other thing was the vivid hallucinations, i have never experienced anything like it before. Everything I was seeing was so real it was scary and I would even see people and hold conversations with them. In the morning i would be completely fine. Thankfully i am in treatment for addiction now to various other substances. I just never heard a story about this from anyone else, it was just so crazy.

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He was getting help you genius

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I was on Soma and of course the pain meds g youet messed up. But really the zanaflex puts me to sleep (4 hrs grrr ). Its not party drug though. You get real sedation pretty fast. And don't get to a buzzed stage. It is the most effective one I've been if that nelps.and walking is the strangest thing ever. I hate it. Ive taken a lot and its weired. Doesn't happen every timr but it sbeaks up on ya!

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I take zanaflex and I can't stop and I want too. It gives me terrible side effects, dizziness, light headness and heart palpitations. I usually don't take more than prescribed but still have the side effects. How do you stop?

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Zanaflex is not an addictive drug, in fact, it is one of the few approved meds for recovering addicts/alcoholics. My Rx was written with unlimited refills. If I take it and stay awake too late, I hallucinate. I take it for muscle spasms and sleep. 4- 4 mg tablets a day. Any medicine can be over used or used wrongly, but there is no danger of physical addiction with this. It does not change or alter the GABBA receptors in the brain.

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Yes very true hurah. To you in glad your holding strong

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Hey fello tizanidine user as well ss... This tizanidine can get you hooked but fear is what I use for my addiction stopper I am using 2# 60 mg oc..... 5 To 6 five and ten milligram valium... And 3 tizanidine 4 mg per day. The tizanidine does not have an adverse effect as the ms contin or norcos... Actually allowed me to cut my 60 mg ocs in half and my valium down to 3 # 5mgs leaving the 10 mg valium untouched .. So you can use it as a calm thinking that most people will not evolve an addiction from tizanidine and if you notice it while taking more then prescribed it actually turns against u and makes back pain worse ten fold. Any questions feel free to ask. If you or anyone needs a helping hand let me know.

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I wanted to tell you that I have exsperinced the samething you have .. my body got so used to it I was taking more to and would see some wild hallucinations to ..I still take it because of muscle spasms in my legs but watch and not take more then 2 now...Mostly it was when I thought I hadn't taken any yet before bed and took more...So now I know...

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I have a friend that over does all her meds. claims she still doesn't sleep and lives everyday like a zombie. she actually looks out of her eyes blank. she is killing her self.i have taken her to pain clinic she fell in door going in.have taken her to Dr that prescribs her sleep aidlike a zombie.why cant they see this ?her pharmicist of 5 years after she fell flat on her face called her two Drs that were writing her ambian and lunesta and xanax and valium all going through Medicare didn't release her just told her to stop both and get just one each. she still gets zaniflex pain Dr and flexril from neurologist. duh??my Dr stopped writing my narcotics for something they knew wasn't my fault.offered to continue writing my maintance meds.has been my ONLY Dr 9years.what is happening. i am just upset and got off subject. i need to find website to answer my question just don't see how her Drs see her actions don't seem to care. guess my Dr covers his. behind better. nurse practioner writing my pain meds till i can get pain management says my Dr wasn't ethical cold turkeying my meds and my friends are overdoseing her.guess needed to get off chest.

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Darling, you're addicted. Your doc should lose his/ her license

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