Aspergum - Where To Buy


Aspergum is no longer manufactured, but there must be some places that might still have stock.

114 Replies (6 Pages)

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I haven't been able to find it either. Do you still have an empty box? Perhaps we can find manufacturer or 800 number to call. I don't have a box to look at.

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I called the distributor, Insight Pharmaceuticals, who said it is no longer made -- which we already knew. They said it was a dead issue and there would be no place that still has it in stock. There must be someplace.

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I want to know who the rocket scientist was who decided to stop making it. That was a very stupid decision.

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I suggest we all look at BigLots! They usually carry closeout items for a while after it's taken off the shelves. After that, we are out of luck! It was a wonderful product. I can't imagine why they decided to discontinue it.

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One of the reasons it was discontinued has to do with it being in gum form and thus, children being attracted to it.

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This is message I received from manufacturer: Too bad - this was a great product........

No, there are no plans to bring this product back. It was on the market for over 60 years and our basis for discontinuing was a lack of sales over the last five years.
Best Regards,
Insight Pharmaceuticals
Consumer Affairs Dept.

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Just found out - what a disappointment and frustration.

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I think I found some Aspergum for sale online at canadianpharmacychoice. I placed an order but haven't received it yet so they could claim they are out of it.

This is the only place I found it after hours of internet searching.

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Tawny, please do keep us posted!

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My wife swears by Aspergum when she has a sore throat. I can't imagine why they discontinued it. I thought there might be something wrong with it, but I certainly couldn't find any reports of problems.

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I always kept a box of aspergum on hand for scratchy sore throats. It was a great product. I can't believe it is no longer available.

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Tawny - any word on your order from canadianpharmacychoice?
I'm tempted to order a tub of it!
Please let us all hear what you receive, if anything.

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Perhaps if enough people call Insight Pharmaceuticals (see their phone number in post # 7), they might be compelled to bring it back to market. Although who knows if their reason for discontinuing it is the real one. Something similar happened with Drixoral last year, and many were up in arms about it.

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I haven't received my Aspergum yet but I haven't received a notice that my order can't be filled either.

I will let everyone know if I get it. I know how much Aspergum means to everyone. LOL

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They apparently did send the Aspergum. It had a confirmation number showing that it was delivered but I never got it. Why?

I guess it was stolen out of my mailbox. The Post Office said that was happening in my area lately.
Go figure.

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Heritage was the manufacturer of aspergum. As of 2006 it is no longer being made due to drop in demand/sales.

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I emailed the pharmacy in Canada asking for more info on aspergum - to see if it was really the same stuff. The email was returned - no such email account! Go figure!
When all else fails, just chew some childrens chewable flavored aspirin. It worked great on my last sore throat!!!!! I figure there is more than one way to skin a cat!

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My elderly Mom has coughing spasms. We have tried w/out success to find Aspergum to give her some relief. We can't find it anywhere either. It sure worked! Was around since I was little. Why did they stop making it ?????

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It always worked. Maybe that's why it was discontinued. My mom has a sore throat now and the Cloriseptic drops only work for a while.

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It is was couple of days ago, probably May 26 or 27, on one of the morning Fox News shows where an older doctor gives medical news and advise and it is discussed. Good info! I don't know his name, but they call him Doc---Very interesting and informative doctor...He told about some new info about taking aspirin if anyone is having chest pains that might be a heart attack. He said that the new info is that chewing a piece of Aspergum got the medication into the blood stream more rapidly than an aspirin tablet. And no side effects... Makes sense to we went to get some today...and could not find any. (Aspergum was a must in our house when I was growing up for when canker sores hurt or we had a sore throat or an injury in our mouth! As kids, we weren't given aspirin, but we WERE given Aspergum--and only for those reasons! And my kids were given it the seldom times it was the perfect medication for those reasons. -- The aspirin in the Aspergum would not be sitting in the stomach and apt to cause someone problems who has a bleeding problem from aspirin if it was used for what are signs of a heart attack. What goes??????

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Re: June (# 6) Expand Referenced Message

They should just bring it back! It really works when you have a sore throat. I think it is the best remedy you can buy.

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Re: Steve Stevens (# 102) Expand Referenced Message

Tasted awful but it got rid of a sore throat unlike the stuff they sell now

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Re: June (# 6) Expand Referenced Message

If it was brought back would sell out quickly

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Re: E (# 100) Expand Referenced Message

2022 still nothing on getting this back to market. They think covid-19 is bad, bring back the stuff that works. A relaunch was supposed to have happened over 4 years ago.

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Re: Bonnie Hunt (# 20) Expand Referenced Message

I am a true believer in Aspergum as well. I can't believe we're not able to purchase it anymore... So what can one take in its place??

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Re: Joe (# 75) Expand Referenced Message

I also grew up with it. It was the best sore throat remedy ever until the dentist did it in. Give me a break. Anyone with any sense will see medical or dental attention IF they are having continued sore throat issues. I am tired of the government acting as if they are smarter than it's citizens.


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I just checked on Ebay. There are a few boxes of Aspergum available.

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Re: June (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

I have a old box it doesn’t have a phone # but was distirbuted by Insight Pharmaceuticals Corp. Blue Bell Pa

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Re: June (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

I put baby asprin in gum and chew it. Works for me

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Sounds more like something our new administration would do.

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