Anyone That Can Help Me Find Some Meds In Orlando Fl (Top voted first)


Does anyone know of a doctor who will prescribe xanax in Orlando FL. I have terrible anxiety and awful panic attacks. please help.

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I love your doctor write you wherever you want hit me up

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Were you able to find one? I'm in the same situation.I'm not a junkie or else I would know where to get them. Plz let me know if u were able to find a Dr. Thx

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Write to:xxxxx@xxx {edited for privacy}

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Personally, I think if you suffer from anxiety/depression and need a Benzodiazepine class medication (like Xanax), usually your best bet is to see a psychiatrist, rather than a regular medical doctor. Reason being, is that they are better trained in the types of medications that handle these problems and can also help you treat the underlying cause of your anxiety or depression, as opposed to covering up the feelings and emotions with medication; unless you decide that you're ok with only treating the symptoms for as long as they persist...

I'm stating this based on personal experience with severe depression for over 2 years, and covering it up can help you get by temporarily, but not indefinitely. I find it unfortunate that it is a doctor's job to push these pills on patients, for a perceived lack of other treatment options.

I hope this info helps!

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