Amox Tr-k Clv 875-125mg (Page 3)
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# 64 post on 1/30 described my symptoms as dizzness with almost a "high" feeling. Two hours later I had a headache and the skin around my eyes started itching, I had shortness of breath and began having anxiety - I would describe as a panic attack. At 10:30 p.m. I called my sister (R.N.) who thought I was having an allergic reaction and told me to call a pharmacist. I called the CVS pharmacy since they are open 24 hours. By then I had vomited. I spoke with the pharmacist and described my symptoms - he asked if I had a rash - when I looked at my forearms - I indeed had a rash. He then told me that I was having an allergic reaction to the drug - that I needed to stop taking it immediately and call my Dr. in the a.m. He also recommended that I take a dose of benedryl a.s.a.p. No Benedryl in house so I suffered with symptoms all night - blood pressure was up, heart rate was elevated, rash, itchiness and blurry vision, headache and dizzness. Vomit x's 1 after 10:00 P.M. Could not sleep due to anxiety and "feeling in a panic."
Saw my Dr. in the a.m. who confirmed an allergic reaction to the medication and that a "panic" feeling is a rare symptom as the drug "reacts" with the nervous system. Still felt a little strange at Dr. visit and he said it might take up to 48 hours for drug to fully exit system. Blood pressure was high, pulse rate was high, rash had diminished and headache and dizziness were gone by the time I had my Dr. appt. - but Dr. definately confirmed allergic reaction!

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try soada water the bubbles help it go down

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I am having a reaction of dizziness - almost a "high" feeling. Definately not going to drive on this stuff. Was prescribed this med after going to the hospital for stitches for my finger. Started taking it - 1st night no problems. 2nd problems. 3rd pill- started having dizziness/lightheadedness - 4th pill = same reaction. I am calling my doctor in the a.m. Not sure if this is normal - took with food. Has anyone else had these symptoms after taking this Rx?

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This medication comes in a large pill or liquid. Our nurse told us that the liquid is nasty, so we got the pills. Have to dilute them in water to a liquid anyway, cuz my granddauther could not or didn't want to try to swallow the huge pill. So we used microwaved hot water in a little shot glass. It diluted, I stirred it around and she took it once it cooled off. Then downed more Cran-Grape juice. Her mother told her that it was bad to dilute it in hot water, that something happens to the potency. I told her that was nonsense and it was okay the way we did it for the first two weeks of regimen. Does anyone out there actually know the truth about the diluting of this medication in hot water? Please answer.

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what is this use for AMOX TR-KCLV THE NUMBER ON IT 00N7

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I had the same problem. About an hour and a half after I took it I started vomitting and I had it all night. I ate before and it did not help.I have never had an problems with meds before.

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Holy cow, I have been on the toilet ever since I started this pill three days ago. . . woe is me. BUT my lungs, head ache, and sinus issues are gone. Now just seven more days of a lot of sleeping and uhm, pooping I guess. I came on to see what others were finding.

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i took 4 of these at once is that bad

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I took amox tr-k clv for Strep Throat for 10 days. My side effects were nausea and some watery stool within the first 3 days. On the 7th day I noticed some inflation down in the genital area. 8th day I experienced some soreness and itchyness down there as well. I did some online research and have come to the conclusion of vaginitis.
Can anyone relate or help me figure out if this is a side effect please?

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I have been reading through the posts on this website and am frightened that anyone can post drug information and have it taken as the gospel truth. Call your pharmacist if you have questions about your medications, they are almost always available, their advice is free and reliable. Do not rely on the advice of anyone with internet access, make sure you are using a reputable source.

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Ive been on this medication (875 mg x 2 each day) for bronchitis in addition to the prednisone count down pills and all Ive experienced was dry mouth.

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Could this pill be used for allergies?

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iam taking this for only one day my dr gave it to me for a lump under my arm as is could be and infection is it good to take

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actually it does have to be refrigerated if its in liquid form.

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repiy to anonymous posting reply to tdickens. this med also comes in liquid format which requires refrigeration. be kind to others seeking info.

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I broke out in a rash that itch real bad

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i have been taking amox tr-k clv for one week of a sinus infection and when i take one at night it is like i cant fall asleep and it makes me think the covers are so heavy and wont let me breath and i get so thursurty, it makes me feel like another person... also when i take one in the morning and i walk outside its like i start spinning and i have to sit down for about five min. and when i take them i get so dry mouthed and nauseous. Is this normal, or do i need to talk to my doctor?

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have had no reaction to any prescibed drugs in my 61 yrs until i began amox tr -k clv 3 days ago woke up hair wet nauseated and feeling awful i did not take my BP however i could tell it was elevated my ears were ringing something awful.ib did use the crackers and i ate some yogurt to curb the symptoms i am no longer going to take this medicine i will contact my DR tomorrow too many side effects they need to get backto the lab with this one. I never have side effects from any meds i am 61yrs old

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I was prescribed this for a cut which was inflamed and have had an upset stomach and watery stool for 4 days. I have had a varied diet, but have eaten nothing unusual. I have to be near a toilet as I have to go 6-8 times a day.

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Took two does of pill. Broke out in severe case of hives. No previous problems with antibiotics.

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