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I believe the medication being referred to was Ativan, which contains the active ingredient Lorazepam, it is a Benzodiazepine that's used to treat anxiety and nervous disorders.

And yes, it can be habit forming, as well as cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, headache and irritability.

You can learn more Ativan details here.

The proper way to stop if, after being on it for so long, would be to taper it very gradually. It would be very unusual for seizures to occur if this was done, so I am very concerned about this person's daughter and what might have happened.

Seizures usually only occur with a sudden withdrawal. I certainly hope she is okay and didn't suffer any permanent ill health effects.

Is anyone familiar with this happening after a slow tapering?

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My daughter's physician presecribed 4X the normal dose to my daughter for her anxiety disorder for 5 years in spite of her telling him that she is to have nothing addictive. She took herself off gradually when she learned of its addictive contraindications. Now she has become very ill and now has symptoms of ensephilitis. I want to know more about permanent damage and how much danger that she might be in and how to control her symptoms now that involve siezures and migrane headaches.

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