Abg 60 Morphine With Suboxone
Updatedhow long dose it keep pain away? I was given this by the doctor but i'm prescribed suboxone 8mg. Doesn't that defeat the purpose and will it hurt me if I mix the two? I took 1mg of sub at 1pm and my ABG 60 at 6:30 pm.
2 Replies
Seems stupid. Suboxone fills your receptors full so you never feel a high that how it gets you off the opiates. Taking the morophine is stupid dont do it. Just take suboxone and slowly wean yourself off. Makes no sense to take the morphine when that what suboxone is trying to get you of off.
Tim is correct, the Naloxone in Suboxone is intended to neutralize other opiates, to prevent their abuse, while someone is being treated with it, and the Buprenorphine in it is an opiate that takes a stronger hold on your opiate receptors than the others do, so it essentially kicks them out of your opiate receptors, so they won't have any effect. (It is not, however, intended to produce a high effect.)
Ref: NCBI Suboxone
The FDA warns that Suboxone itself carries the risk of being habit forming, and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, headache, dry mouth, and constipation.
Why did your doctor prescribe Morphine, when you are already on Suboxone?
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