A Peach Pill With 3605 On One Side And V On The Other (Page 7)
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I have a teenager and i found an oblong peach pill with 3605 on one side and a V on the other side - help
Imodium. I heard it works really well but u gotta take more than it says.
I've been taking pain killers for 10 years anywhere from 6 to 12 in a day I've tried to quit but then again I was not strong.
The withdraw had me in a chokehold can anyone give me some remadiesmy knees feel like someone stabbed me and also my back feels like my spine is going to crack in half. PLEASE HELP my family needs me and I need to get my life back in order don't laugh this is worst than I thought
I am at the same stage as you. I would love to talk to you and give each other ideas to stay clean and away from triggers. Email me at {edited for privacy}
The question she asked was what the pill is. Its hydrocodone and tylenol. She asked for help cuz it is her teens that she found. Being no one is being of help. I will try to answer the best i can. I am a recovering addict. Ive only been clean for a couple months. The main thing that is keeping me clean is suboxone and support. An addict can not be forced intp recovery. They have to be ready. Like the people on here who are saying they are addicts. The last one saying they see no problem with it. Even if it wasnt a law, it is still a problem. I woke up needing something tp get out of bed every morning. If I didnt have anything, I was bedridden. I lost my job, my car, my home, my dignity etc. Addiction ALWAYS leads to jails, institutions, or death or all 3. Usually some one needs to hit rock bottem to start recovery. If your teen is having issues, sit down and talk to them without getting mad. Try to understand why they may have an issue. Something in their past is probably bothering them. Try to get them to go to rehab. The county in your state will pay for their stay. I didnt pay a dime when i went and i had no insurance. Locking them in the house will only make it worse and they will still find a way to get stuff. All in all your teen needs a support. Maybe try talking to a counselor and see what your options are.
I am a addict because I choose to be..... life sucks and it helps me cope. People say the pills are the problem and their personal choices have nothing to do with it. If they were not so expensive and illegal would it still be considered a problem????
I became an addict of opietes when my fiancé was diagnosed with liver cancer. Our relationship had its up and downs . Even though he knew how bad they were he gave me one cause I had an headache and you know how that ends up. It was a control he had over me I used oxycodone for nine mouths start until he died . It was rough losing him the father of my three kids and withdrawing at same time . Of course I relapse , even though I'm a great mom who don't live on welfare and support my kids. I own our house and work hard to give them everything they need I lost them my mother has them now. Ive done my share of drugs but opietes control you mentally and physically .
He may be going to a clinic to get them because those are used to ween people off of oxy and hydro.
gateway, I am always open to talk. you can email me if you dont want to talk in here. {edited for privacy}
im glad your wanted to talk and I am glad I will have someone to talk to as well. some.people in the posts can be very judgemental and talking openly is hard to do here sometimes. please email any time
This is to tthe person who told this lady to just flush the meds. NEVER should you flush any meds down the toilet , they meds can actually end up in the wayer tems. Take it to your pharmasist and they will disspose of it properly .
I came on here to check on a pill I found, I saw your post. I relate to you on every level. I have been trying to find people to talk to that are going through the same thing as I am. Is there another forum that you are on that we could talk? Is this the best one?
I am speaking to anyone on here...I have no one to talk to and haven't found anyone at NA that hasn't been clean for less than like 15-20 years. I really need help, someone to talk to that is at the same place as I am. I am not abusing the way I used to, but I do still have to take medication for my PTSD. Please help...
Haha...I love the responses cuz everyone just knows it all. The lady asked what the pill was cuz sheI was aftraid her daughterin was abusing itthe and got the answer immediately. Im sure she knows about addiction. Cuz that wasnt part of the question. Then someone assumed that she was finding out so she could take it herself. Flushing it is not gonna get into our drinking supply, it would go into the septic, if it did, 1 pill into an entire septic is gonna break up and spread and have absolutely no effect on anyone.
Dude we flush s*** And your worried about pills smh way to go college grad
I would nip this in the bud, because an early years habit could set the standard for the rest of her/his life, it starts with pain pills, then stealing for pills then its heroin. Heroin will kill your children, think about that. Not just abusing it but the lengths that some addicts will go to is astounding. If you nip this on the bud you can avoid a life long struggle that is opiate addiction
DO NOT FLUSH ANY MEDICATIONS DOWN! it gets back into our water supply you fools, look it up and do not EVER recommend doing that to OUR water. Yes, OUR water, no yours to contaminate with pills from your pill mill doctors thinking its safe, when its far more dangerous than any herb or liquor.
I was addicted also. It is a powerful thing. They I quit was first I had to make up my mind that I was quitting. Then everyday when I started really craving them I made myself get out and walk. And when I say made myself I mean it. But once I got outside and started walkin I felt so much better. Walkin or any kind of excercise will release a natural adrenaline that will simulate the pain pill buzz. Of course it's not as intense but u will feel better. If u can get passed the first 4 days you can beat it. You will crave and think about it everyday for at least 2 or three months but this is only mental. Your physical cravin will go away after the first 4 to 6 days. I hope this helps someone. And as the other one posted. God speed!!
go to certain Doctors, unless they get pills!
An addiction to opiates is no joke. I have been addicted for some years now. I currentely work for the department of corrections and i manage to get through the work day clean but i have to take a norco half way home. I do suffer from fibromyalga and the pain can get intense sometimes but i feel that it may be in my head sometimes. Almlst like im making up the pain to take a pill. On my days off i seem to take a lot. I only take one at a time...i know people that have to take two or three of them to feel the affects because they have abused them fo so long. I used to think that i coukd quit anytime until i didnt have any left and i started withdrawals. It is bad...i coukdnt think straight at all and was a lot of pain and head restless leg syndrom.horrible. i agree its best to try to help anyone when you find pills they shouldnt have espeacially our. Children. I know how easy it is hide as no one knows im addicted and i have been for years... not even my husband. Please help everyone u know a.nd im glad these post exists i get alot of usefull help and people seem to really care here. Thank you guys...
I understand how you feel and what you are yoi are going through. I too battle woth the exact same thing. When I posted earlier I was taken the wrong way. On no high horse...just know and can relate to addiction from my pwn demons. Godspeed to you on your journey.
It is a losing battle, I got hooked on opiates a few years ago after a routine gallbladder removal. I ama mother of 2 children, a combat veteran with 2 tours to Iraq, a senior in college with strait A' s. Looking at me you would never believe I suffer this addiction, but its so powerful. I tried so manytimes to get clean and relapse everytime. Problem is my husband and everyone I know has them. It is so important to help the kids, if this can have such a hold on a disciplined person like me I can't imagine a kid dealing with it. My shrink thinks it connected with my PTSD. I think she is right, I use them to numb myself, to forget all that I seen and done while overseas. Please don't give up on them, and please understand that addiction to opiates is a struggle.
I, too, just found a few of these pills tucked in a duffel bag at home. They were obviously hidden there by one of my sons. When I googled to find out what they were I found this site. Both my sons have been known to abuse pills or whatever they can get their hands on. As a parent it just seems that we are fighting a losing battle over these illegal meds that kids abuse. What they can't buy locally from friends who steal them from family, they can buy on the net. I just can't believe how stupid kids can be, even supposedly smart ones. These pills are dangerous at best.
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