A Peach Pill With 3605 On One Side And V On The Other (Page 6)
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I have a teenager and i found an oblong peach pill with 3605 on one side and a V on the other side - help

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I also raised two boys on my own with no child support. I'm still here and my boys have turned out great! I have had bad health from the day I was born. Totally relate to your story. Again, I would never go without Pain Management. Nobody can tell you whether you can or should or ought to do anything. Again, personal choice. Good luck and do what your gut tells you. Not what others tell you. Your answers will usually be the right ones and if not, we are human and born flawed, prone to error and that's OKAY! Peace

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I've been on pain management for 10 years. I'd never go without. Because my quality of life sucks without them. Those are personal choices you have to make. No one cane make them for you. I feel and understand though. It's easier to stay on regimens of what your suppose to take each day than those withdrawls each month. They are the worst! I hope you find your answers and never here to judge. Most people In here have been quite supportive as for those who are here to judge, or condemn, your in the wrong site.

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If you've been to a pain clinic, you should have been prescribed pain meds, I've never heard of anyone walking out without them. They specialize in pain. I suffer cluster and migraine headaches, mine are triggered off by bad disks in my neck but I've taken the. Since I was 16. Ever try Imitrex? It's non-narcotic. If that doesn't work you can get the shot in a pen and IV yourself. I do both depending upon severity of migraine. I've tried yoga, stretching, physical therapy etc. you name it, I've tried it. Do what you think is best for you. But I would never survive without Imitrex.

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I've been on all lortab and I've never seen a lortab with that marking. You can go to pull identifier on the web and enter the numbers. Usually if they have a V on them they're a muscle relaxer. Stephen? Do you have kids?

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You don't ever flush pills there's a proper way to dispose of them

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Correct check any pill bottle you haave it says DO NOT FLUSH...

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U shouldnt flush pills u should just take them and see what they do when you find them its the responsible thing to do jerks try smoking them or put them in your rectum

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Try talking to your child..that is hydrocodone /acetaminophen 7.5/325 a strong pain reliever for moderate to severe pain. .try to educate him/her on the consequences of using prescriptions that arent rx for them csn cause liver damage to death, see about getting help before it gets too bad!!

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I had a brain aneurysm rupture last year almost killed me..I was put on morphine and oxycodone I also have chronic migraines 16-25 a month..lose my vision and throw up for days..I finally was able to see a pain specialist and he told my primary to titer me off...so besides severe chronic head pain..got a dr saying I dont need pain meds. ..to do yoga and my pain will go away...any ideas about what to do..ive forgotten to take them before and my BP was 160/125 because of the pain..and thats on 2 bp meds. Which I have only needed since my subarachnoid hemmorage and stroke...the pain causes my bp to sky rocket...ohh and I have an inoperable aneurysm still untreated so run a risk of rupture...any ideas?

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Yes these are hydrocodone 7.5...it seems as though they are changing a lot of the appearances of this substance. I myself am am an everyday user..I find that they help me get through the day and give me the overall energy I need to do things. I'm only 18 years old and am a previous user of xanax and other nerve medications but I find that pain pills affect me in a much different way that I can control myself. However the do control my life. I am a college student..married and a mother. I want help but i just have too much to lose if I go to rehab. Also I don't want to ley my family down since they think I have overcome my previous addiction..which I have.just now am replacing it with something else

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Jennifer In Tulsa, I am on the same page as you right now. I also go through extreme pain all the time. I currently take norco tens, one pill, 4 x times a day. It does not make me loopy, I still function okay but I can relate to the pain and wanting to stop taking the pills. I laso have two girls ages 9 and 4. I have numerous health issues and with out my medication I cant fucntion because the pain is so bad I just want to lay in the dark and try not to move cause it hurts to bad. I hate taking the norco 4 times a day, I used to only take it three times a day until the pain in between doses became to much to bare. Running out is not really an issue for me as I dont more than what is prescribed to me on a daily bases but I have tried to quit many times and the pain is unbareable. I am here to talk or just to listen if you need anyone.

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Just because you found some pills in his room doesn't necessarily mean that he has an addiction problem. I'm not condoning that behavior or saying that he doesn't, just don't freak out, be conscious, be informed and keep your eyes on him. I know a lot of people that used opiates casually and a lot I people that abused.

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Thank you so much for your comment of NOT flushing pills. I am amazed at the people who don't realize how flushing pills are ok! Take pills to your police station. They have bins for pills.

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I myself am an addict by choice for the past 4 years I love them..I say I'm gonna quit but that's only when I can't find any but when I find them I take them again

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Pills dont make it back into the water supply....if they do, so would the s*** we flush.

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Well I'm a mother of 2 lil girls and I have 3 low disks out and degenerative disk disease and scoliosis I was put on 180 a month of lot tab 10's and 2 mg Xanax daily, for 5 yrs now just 2 months ago I decided to just stop because of the withdrawals from running out few days early and being so sick I couldn't get the girls to school I hated that feeling but really liked feeling normal w no pain when I had them, it's so depressing hurting at 36 all day every day if your life especially with girls 5 and 7 yrs old:( I am single raising them on child support only 480.00 month now tell me that is easy cuz it's harder than u can imagine denied disability but can't work cuz the meds make me too loopy I function okay like cooking cleaning house and then helping my kids but these past few months quitting all by my self with no help from doctors has bout killed me and I am really debating going back to pain management because I hurt sooo bad I wanna pull my hair out, wish there was someone going thru this too that wud wanna talk w me cuz I feel so damn alone and helpless I just wanna feel normal!!!!

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Thank you for serving our country . I too suffer from addiction . I broke my back 9 years ago whe I fell off a tractor trailor at the age of 18 . It's so easy to get addicted when they give us them every time we ask. And I like to feel numb life is tuff

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Crap is toxic if you eat it you die and that's flushed. So are you saying don't flush your crap and ruin "our" water? Yummy that sh.. tastes good don't it mmmmm

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I am an opiate addict as well and while I also found suboxine to be useful it is only good to ween you off through the physical part I find that it is just trading drug for drug as soon as I ran out of suboxine I wanted the opiate again my advice is to be careful silicone can turn into it's own addiction very easily especially since you are already an addict

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There are many medications that you CAN'T FLUSH! Several have warning labels about the proper and improper way to dispose of various medications. If you find a pill, check it online. You can then go to dea.gov and find out about free drug take back days. These are specific days that the DEA has set up around the country to "take back" expired, unused and even unknown drugs.

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