A Lesson Learnt
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Hi all, so it's 5am and I'm wide awake.. last Tuesday I ran out of my tablets (Cymbalta 30mgs) I tried calling my Drs to be told that she wasnt able to see me till this week,so I did something stupid and stopped taking the tablets, by Thursday at work I was starting to get very dizzy and put it down to my sugar levels being low, Friday I was unable to go to work because I couldnt get out of bed! I was so tired! but I kept checking my sugars and thinking what's going on? Saturday night came around and I felt like I couldnt even concentrate, My pupils were tiny! It finally clicked that maybe I'm having side effects from stopping the Cymbalta.. I ended up going to the ER to get a script.. Now one tablet in and I am so awake and feeling very strange.. This is one lesson that I have learnt the hard way .. never stop taking these pills cold turkey ...

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I know I said I would never stop taking cymbalta again but It happened when I had no car to get to the chemist, I missed one pill at night but the next day my husband took me straight to the chemist, in that small time my pupils went tiny again and I went crazy, I cried all the way to the shop.. I was never placed on this pill for depression but for nerve pain in my feet, my dr keeps me on the tablets and I feel like they are making me depressed .. it's crazy but sure they work for my feet but I'm not sure if they do for my head!

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I'm a 53 year old man, I am a Diabetes survivor and i have high blood pressure as well as chronic back , neck pain. I have had them under control for over 2 year. I use to take depression meds like Prozac, and wellbrutron before i had high blood, diabetes under-control only chronic pain started acting up then i got depressed again. i started having major depression problem and anger too. so i went to my drug dealer my pych. and she said that i was craze to leave these meds before. i then told her i was having problems. she said there was no way these drugs gave me these symptoms of high blood, and diabetes. anyway she put me on Prozac again, and guess what my blood pressure went up, and my diabetes is still high. I did get my blood pressure med increased. but i refuse to go on that insluant again. I was thinking about this cymbalta, i am on tramodol, should i quit that and just use cymbalta by it self for both. pain and depression does anyone else have these same problems too. if so what do u take. I have a bad back,an bad neck, and the diabetes. I need some answers Please.

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Based on my research, the side effects you mentioned are a couple of the rare, but more sever side effects of Cymbalta.

Did you end up getting your script for Cymbalta filled? If so, have your side effects dissipated?

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I have been without my Cymbalta for about a week more r less and I have been having heart palpatations and little "zapping" sensations in my head ever since. Has anyone else had these similar symptoms? Needless to say i'm getting it filled today.

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That is very good to hear. I have had 7 major spine operations. My 2-7 cervical vertebrae are mainly titanium screws and wires and other stuff. Well anyway. I take several different medications mainly for pain and depression. My depression comes from not being able to do the things I've done all my life. I am a 35 year old single father or 3 and my oldest that is 10 has cerebral palsy and isn't able to walk, talk, or see, but he is the angel sent from haven just for me. I do have a very good family that is able to help me if needed, but I've never been a person to ever ask someone for help. I take cymbalta for my depression and pain, but mainly for depression. My depression is because I have always been so extremely active all my life. I played baseball and football in college and baseball in the minors for a couple of years. After that I played softball all over the United States until I was married and started having kids, but would play every now and then to stay active. Then I became a high school football referee and started moving up first officiating junior college, then arena league, then smaller division 3 and 2 football. Then I was finally selected for division 1 conference USA football. In between seasons I was having these spine operations and back before the season would start. But the last 2 operations forced me out of that. Now I cannot do 85% of the things I've done all my life. That's where my depression has come from. I'm sorry for rambling like that. But about 2 weeks ago I ran out of my cymbalta and went to pick it up from my pharmacy and was told this or that every time. Either my insurance needed something or they were out of them. Always something. The first week without the cymbalta wasn't that bad, but this week I have noticed I didn't want to do anything. My temper has gotten extremely short and I'm sure as a ex-athletic that's not surprising but for me as that's very unusual. Well since I became a father anyway. Also I haven't wanted to do anything because I have no motivation whatsoever. And as a single father I can't afford to feel like this. I've even dropped my kids of late for school twice in the last week. But to get to my question. I finally just got my cymbalta from the pharmacy a hour ago and took it. I was just curious to know how long did it take before you were back to your old self on cymbalta? Thanks

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