832 93 How Can You Tell If You Are Taking A Placebo Of The Medication You Used To Take (Page 2)
UpdatedMy doctor and I had discussed my quitting taking Clonopin 0.5 mg. as I have taken for so long, so he told me he would submit a placebo at some time without telling me. Got my RX filled and keep sweating and getting headaches. Could this be from the placebo as the pill looks and has the same imprint as the original one I was taking. How can you tell?
Ryanc1324, manufacturers non long are allowed to put more than 325 mg of Tylenol (Acetaminophen) in a prescription dose.
Hey FedUp, I'm taking the same medications and it's been awful, just went to pain management and they refilled my pain meds although taste like sweet and in more pain than ever, they have their own pharmacy, I don't understand why this is happening and I have no idea what to do anymore. Anyone who can help me with how to proceed with this?
I have been taking oxycodone 5 mg for years. Recently, the pharmacy I have been using said they are only distributing generic drugs from Sun PHARMA. I looked this up and saw the plants are in Michigan (which the FDA shut down for 3 years based on subpar drugs). Take note: THESE DRUGS ARE MANUFACTURED IN INDIA, PAKISTAN AND IRAN. Iran??? The people who chant, "Death to America" are making prescription drugs for the U.S.? Oh--I don't think so! I will NEVER get meds from GIANT PHARMACY EVER AGAIN! I've read on the internet where people have taken these generic pills and ended up in the hospital with heart problems, kidney problems, strokes, seizures, and even death. This, I'm sure has EVERYTHING to do with Obamacare. Obama is behind this--thinking opioid use is killing people, because he Assumes everyone taking them are druggies (when there are legit cases as mine for the need--out of severe pain and needing to work and function without going on disability). Every Fed agency is controlled/monitored by Obama (including the FDA and DEA). Even the FDA scientists have seen some generic companies producing low-quality pills and, yet, shutting their mouths for fear of retaliation. Looks like thanks to Obama, I will end up applying for Disability and not being able to walk again. I've missed more and more work. Pharmacists WILL LIE TO YOU saying ALL GENERICS ARE THE SAME! The fact is: They are NOT. One company can give you 80 percent of the active ingredient and another up to 125 percent (according to the FDA allowance). Google search this! While Pharmacists tell you they're all the same, they LIE! Giant Pharmacy should be shut down for even handing a patient drugs made by people who want us DEAD! That's right! I said it. Iranians DO chant about killing Americans every day! What better way than through our much-needed prescriptions? I have already told my family and friends and will put up flyers everywhere to WARN PEOPLE. Giant doesn't care. They're only out to save a few bucks and don't care how many of their patients become hospitalized or die as a result of these subpar pills. LOOK IT UP! See the sanctions against SUN PHARMACEUTICALS! Now, I don't know where to get prescriptions filled. But, if I have to stop working and am unable to walk or do anything anymore, I would rather die anyway. Life isn't worth living when you hurt constantly! Perhaps this is Obama's goal. He doesn't care that some people genuinely need to take opioids. He says and thinks EVERYONE is abusing them and dying. Sorry, Obama! That's NOT THE CASE! I've NEVER abused them or taken more than prescribed. And I have a genuine need for them due to my illness. Either way--Obama--Americans are going to die! If they die because THEY are abusing the drugs, then it's their OWN fault; but, if THEY die because YOU are preventing people from getting their prescriptions, their death is YOUR FAULT! Enough said!
I infact know this does take place. In methadone mmt for sure. I overheard the staff at my clinic talk about it. Two nurses to more specific. One of them telling the other about it. Im sure manufactures are in on it to. If anyone finds fake meds they blame its on counterfit meds. That were switched in rought and then just investigate it as being that instead.
Yer not getting a placebo. Yer having withdraw symptoms of the Klonopine. Yer dr. Is a quack. Abrubptly stopping a benzo causes major withdraw and can lead to seizure. Its extremely mexically dangerous
I find it very disturbing to hear your doctor would do this to you. Anybody taking any medications like yours and long term should ALWAYS be tapered off SLOWLY, NOT playing silly dangerous games like your doctor has using placebos etc. Messing around with you like that is terrible, and YES the side affects you experienced are from missing your usual dosage, those are very obvious signs of medication withdrawal. I suggest you find a NEW Doctor and when you do explain your experience with him/her and ask about taking any further action against your previous doctor, you may have grounds for a malpractice suit if its found to be that serious within the legal system and the code of ethics all doctors take. And the 1st code ALL doctors pledge is: TO DO NO HARM. In your case, harm HAS been done.... I hope you find a new doctor and i hope your future is a safe, balanced and positive one. If i can help in any way further please message me back anytime. Good luck to you!!!
{edited for privacy}
the Canadian health minister is authorizing an illeagal placebo study stocking the placebo narcotics including diazepam all other seditives and opioids in pharmacies in many pharmacies all over Toronto Brampton and Mississauga I wish more people complain about their dr prescribed drug much needed and their dispensed a placebo from the pharmacy. Both the prescribing doctor and pharmacy are unaware of this disgusting placebo dispensing at pharmacies in these cities
I don't usually reply to posts, but this one really hit home for me! Withdrawals from pain meds are excruciatingly painful! This is just plain insanity & not to mention illegal! I take 6 Morphine Sulfate ER tabs daily totaling 180 mg! If my doctor replaced them with a placebo, I'd wind-up in the hospital!!! Treatment of this kind is grounds for malpractice! I'd sue the hell outta this doctor! This is totally repulsive as far as I'm concerned! I suppose you get charged the same price for a placebo as the expensive pain meds??? I'm sure the medical board would love to hear about his unethical ways!
All prescription drugs in the U.S. that you obtain from a pharmacist/pharmacy have on the bottle what the medication is. It is illegal for a prescription to be dispensed without this info or with incorrect info in the U.S.
I'm suspecting the same ....my doctor was reluctant to prescribe my diazapam and this time the pills are bigger but have affect at all on my anxiety ...I feel I've paid for placebos when I needed medicine ..it must be illegal surely !?
Diazapam lessens in effectiveness the longer it is taken- effects the same part of your brain as alcohol. It is only supposed to be a short term drug for severe cases. Consult your doctor about switching to something you can be on long term, withdrawal from diazepram can be painful so make sure you taper properly with your physician
Sorry, diaxepram, clonopin, clonazepram - all designed for short term use!
They only do the placebos and studies. Legally it's not allowed to be in a medical setting
I feel as u do. I haven't had decent health care for 6 yrs. Doctors are s*** now ever since government got involved with our healthcare. I've had numerous doc's and they r all the same, no help. It's bulls***!!!
I have been taking pregabalin for years. I think recently they have been given a dummy drug. I can't sleep, am getting headaches, anxiety and sickness. I am too ill to leave the house.
I take Levitericetum for epilepsy and have done for a number of years. The brand my pharmacy supply the 250mg dose is a blue oval tablet. My last two dosette my tablets have been bigger than usual making me very suspicious about them being placebos. I am on 1500mg twice daily. I have had suspicions leading up to the size change. My carer agrees they look bigger?
MaggiM, if you get it from a regular pharmacy, it is the real thing. Manufacturers can change the physical appearance of a medication.. Look on your prescription bottle. Under Federal Law, the name of the drug has to be listed on your prescription bottle.
Please don't take more than prescribed, it can have negative effects
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