54_411 Vs M 924 (Page 2)
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I've been on Subs for a while and i just received the Mylan 924 for the first time... I've been with Roxanne 54_411 for some time now... Does anyone have an opinion as far as which manufacturer is better. Or what's your opinion personally?

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I have, just like every other person that's been on dope for years, also tried every single subutex and suboxone pill and strip there is. If your like me, you don't like change because it's new and uncomfortable. But I promise that it (924) did the exact same thing the others did (54 411). Obviously I prefer one from the other just because it dissolves faster. I hate the taste with a passion. I use mine like directed. I put it under my tongue because I get more effect that way rather than using it like I used my drug of choice. Anything telling yourself that ones stronger than the other is your addiction talking s***. Yes it's possible that maybe I didn't smoke, eat or drink anything in a certain time frame so I felt it more than before. Either way, like some others have said, use it as directed and it works great. 18 months today for me without a needle in my arm so where I come from its a good day. This medication gave me a jump start to my new life. But now it's time to come off. Only difference now rather than before coming off it, is that im stronger today. I have more support today, and I have more to lose today. Yes I'm going to feel it at the end but the only person that put me here is myself. I've done it before and I'm doing it again. I hope that helps and maybe gives someone some hope that they can do it too. Anything is possible. Only when the pain becomes great enough will be search for a solution by any means necessary.

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You can find the mylan 924 subutex at houston pharmacy in Baldwyn mississippi. The price is about 2 to 3 dollars apiece. I think the reason they made this pill is because it's harder for someone to IV.

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both the 54 411s and the 924s have the same 8.64 mg of buprenorphine base , i have been on subs for 5 years , every kind they make and if taken as directed they all do their job....which is keep you from with drawling and having cravings for opiats.

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I've been on the 54 411s for over a yr now and this month (Sept) I was switched to the M924s. I was very worried about how I would feel with these new ones. A couple of my friends told me that they liked the 924s a lot better and how they gave them more energy. Much to my surprise they were right!! They are actually better than the 411s!! I never thought I would say that but its so true! Also the 924s are cheaper than the 411s.

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Ive taken about every form of sub out there. It has been my exp that other than taste and the a mount of time needed for proper absorption there is NO difference whatsoever.All the pills have 8mg of active ingredient so just cause one pill is smaller doesn't mean there's less dope. Ive heard from several different people several different story's about how one pill is junk and the other is great its all bulls***! So follow these guidelines n you will be fine.Place the tabs under your tongue on the veins and keep it in you mouth till the bitter taste is gone. Bupe tastes bitter so do the math. Don't smoke prior to taking you meds cause smoking constricts your blood vessels and leads to less absorption. When I doubt if its all absorbed I keep it in a little longer. With all that said those arrow 8 pills in my opinion are the best not because their stronger but because there's less pill to dissolve. Thinking one or the other is better is from years of drug abuse and thinking more is better. That's my opinion, take it how you want.

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I have been on the 8mg strips and just changed over to the 924s and they work for me much better than the films.I guess everybodys metabolisim.is different.I love them and for the first time in years I'm not sick

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I get my mylans at Cvs I think they are about just the same as the other generic they give me more energy also.

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I definitely think 54-411 is what I'm sticking to.. Barbie.. You can tell them you don't like em or they give you a headache and your doc can get you another script. I know alot of different ways. You can call me {edited for privacy}.

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i have tried both the roxane 54 411 and mylan 924 both from cvs, cvs recently switched to the mylan ones they seem exactly the same in looks but the mylan seemed to have me a little more energetic

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I just received the m924s at publix my insurance will not cover them any longer. So I have to pay cash I received 60 pills for 108$ with the a discount card. But I'm worried they won't be like the 54s I took the 8arrows and I was taking 5 or 6 and still being sick there GARBAGE I filled my whole script here so now I'm worried if there not good I'm gonna feel like s*** all month so far I haven't had any other live up to my 54s. I get them at cvs. all cvs' down by me in Georgia flordia have them. I'm praying to god I don't feel sick with these.. Has anyone really decided if there the same or good or what?? They were cheaper but if they're garbage i'd rather pay the extra 40$ at cvs.

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Some walmarts have been getting them in.. I didnt know that they have more of the medicine in them. I've been on th 54-411 for 5 yrs. The small round ones didnt do to much bc i felt sick that whole month i got those. Idk if it was from the change or if those have diffrent mg to. But the m924 just came out and my boyfriend got those and he said that their not as good as the 54-411s but everyone is diffrent. I also had the oval orange ones and those worked pretty good for me verses the other ones. But try walmart bc i know thats the 1st place a few ppl got those kind from there.. But it all depends on the warehouse and if walmart has both or just one bc i got the 54-411 & 3 days later my bf got the M924s and im still getting the same ones bc my insurance doesnt cover mine so i get a certain amount out at a time... I hope this was helpful for you..

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I think the m924s are less potent. I've been takin the 54 411 roxanes but it seems as if they vanished from the market. I got stuck wuth the hi tech little white ones with arrow on it but they aren't as good as roxys but seems to be better than the mylans. Igo this weds. And I am hoping the pharmacy has the roxanes 54 411s.

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I have been getting the 54 411 subs and this month i got the M 924. Idk which one is better yet bc i just went to the dr. They also have the orange oval ones now too. And i was wondering the same thing. If u have heard of which ones better pls let me know. I've been on the 54 411 for about 5 years now and i am scared to change bc the small round white subs with an arrow and an 8 on the other side weren't as effective as my usual ones. My email is {edited for privacy} thanx.

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Cvs just changed and they have exact same amount in them the Roxane had 8.whatever too just didn't say it...

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I personally prefer the 54 411 by Roxane..however..I was interested in where to find the Mylan M 924 8mg Tex...as it says it contains about 8.624 mg of buprenorphine.They both seem to be the same size...I would think they are both the 2 best generics out there...as if u think about it the new Mylan has over 8 and a half mg's of buprenorphine...so if u take 2..thats about 17 mg...where as with the 54 411 generic subutex..they contain only 8mg of buprenorphine (subutex).So technically as I never had the new M924 ones..I would say they can be a tad bit stronger..but maybe not enough to notice..I cannot find the new Mylan subutex anywhere..what store carries them??

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Try looking up the inactive ingredients. The fillers are different in the orange ones that Actavis puts out vs. the 54/411. That may help. The way I usually noticed it was the extra filler or two changes the amount you have to take by a little bit. Which may not be a big deal to some but to others it can be a little different. Hope that helps. Just research what you can and you'll eventually find people either b****ing or praising.

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Hey David, I really appreciate your feedback and information. All and everything was said 100% in my opinion. Thank you for your time.

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Hi Strawz,

Although I haven't taken Subutex (buprenorphine), I did want to offer an outsider's opinion when it comes to switching tablets or manufacturers in general.

The truth of the matter is that each tablet can affect each person differently, which would in essence render any feedback null as there's no way to determine if you will experience the same benefits or side effects as someone else, until you take it and know for yourself.

I think this is largely due to the seemingly ever-changing list of inactive ingredients (also referred to as binders/fillers) that each pill is composed of. Some tablets have more or less, while others have a completely different set of fillers altogether.

What I've speculated is that certain binders/fillers that encompass the active ingredient(s) do not always metabolize in an efficient manner that allows the active ingredient(s) to be properly absorbed; resulting in decreased or increased bioavailability, depending on what tablet you get.

At the end of the day it all comes down to trial & error for each and every individual, whereas if you find one that does work, I think it would be a good idea to stick with it as long as possible. And if it doesn't work as intended, you may just have to play the trial & error game until something else correlates better with your own body chemistry and not necessarily based off someone else's.

I hope that makes sense. Just wanted to offer a different perspective on the matter.

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