5 Weeks Viibryd
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i have been on viibryd since the middle of july. my doctor only wanted me on 20mg. gave me the starter pack. was feeling great, but then after time i noticed that my anxiety in the morning when i woke up was enormous. i felt like i had to take the viibryd immediately to get it in my system. the anxiousness was overwhelming. called my doctor and he suggested to take 10mg in the morning and 10mg with dinner. started that today and feel a little better. the nightmares on viibryd have been disturbing. dreams of being in a plane crash seemed so real that when i woke up i was screaming. hoping that this all goes away or i am off this medicine in 2 weeks. i wish i stayed feeling good on it as i did in the beginning. the only medicine that ever worked for me was paxil cr (extended release), however due to my lousy insurance, they will not cover it. anyone else take viibryd 2 times a day?

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I've been following you on the sleep paralysis thread.....I too suffered the horrible feeling of drowning...crying "HELP ME"......Then the nightmare of "seeing" myself without Grace-a demonic "trip".....Brain Zaps-honestly had one "yell" at me! Doc took me off Viibryd cold turkey (Oh yes he did!)....Yeah that was 5 days of non-stop panic attacks. I've been off for 2 1/2 months (since December 18, 2014) and STILL SUFFERING IRRATIONAL FEAR! Waking up every morning with anxiety/fear. My only hope has been earphones during my waking hours of Praise and Worship Music (Kari Jobe) and Pressing into the Word of God! But even this morning....I cried and cried.....afraid that I am what I "saw".... I was NEVER this way before the Viibryd.....only got on it because of a bad family situation that I was very upset about.....Doc said this would help me get passed it.....I do not suffer from depression....never have! First time to take antidepressant.....and only because of a situational sadness. Now I have this unshakeable irrational fear haunting me..... Legal action? I'm in! This medicine is demonic and evil! I was afraid to verbalize that fact before I read these threads, because I thought it sounded too crazy....It has helped me to read that I was not alone in this experience.....almost thought I was maybe going crazy.....but when all these people are having the same exact experiences......um, no I'm not crazy.....this medicine is off the chain crazy!

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Prozac helped me wean off of Viibryd. Then I still had crazy things happen like Essential Tremor diagnosis. Here I am 1.5? yr. later & still feeling emotionally & physically scarred from Viibryd.

My husband has been encouraging me to look into case suits on Viibryd. So this is the starting process. Continued discussions on a potential suit will be on the Viibryd with Sleep Paralysis thread. See you there?

Viibryd warning: Legal action is in the works due to it causing SLEEP PARALYSIS & other serious side effects. Especially a severe form of discontinuation syndrome!!! Forest Labs (now under a new name?) refuses to acknowledge the sleep paralysis, but it is a problem for many. More to come!

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Hi, Sue! How are you doing?

D's experience isn't reflective of what everyone experiences on this medication, since everyone is different.

Learn more Viibryd details here.

The only thing you can really do is try it and see if it works for you, or not.

D, how is it going with the Paxil CR?

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My dr is putting me on it,i am treatment resistant and have tried everything even ketamine injections he thinks this will work for me,i'm afraid now :(

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update: i quit viibryd today. contacted my doctor and am back on paxil cr. woke up again with massive anxiety. this drug does not like me and i do not like it.

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