30 P10 Round White Pill


I found this pill vacuuming my guest room. What is this for? My cousin was staying in the room for a few days. I want to know what it is used for? He has some health issues and I'm concerned.

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Found a pill after friend left p10 other 80 what is it for

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A round white pill with P10 on one side and 30 on the back is reportedly identified as Pioglitazone hydrochloride (30mg); indicated for use in treating type 2 diabetes.

For verification, the manufacturer is listed as Accord Healthcare and the pill itself carries a National Drug Code of 16729-0021.


I've yet to come across anything with the P10 80 imprint. Is there any chance you may have meant to put P10 30 as stated above? Also, what color is your pill?

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