25 Mg Oxycodone Taper (Top voted first)


First thank u if ur reading this. I have been taking 20-25 mg oxycodone a day for 8 months. I have nobody to talk to. I'm scared. My family is judgemental & would never understand.please somebody help me with what to expect. I'm on clonozepam 1mg. For anxiety & my sister gives me her script cuz she knows I have spinal problems, disc bulge, arthritis from long term lyme disease. I CANNOT tell my dr. & I am known in the community from being a paramedic for years. I saw this site & I pray somebody can help me with how to taper without having to go to my dr.I have 2 children & my husband doesn't even know. Only my best friend who is very supportive. And has no opioid issues.I am starting 20 mg today.which is 2 10/325 of oxycone/aceteminophen. I am 37 years old & no longer work due to physical issues & ptsd..I am ready to b done with this as I see its controlling me.at one point I'd take up to 35-40mg here & there. Please someone respond. I feel so alone cuz nobody knows. I am beside myself. And hope somebody will talk to me.and help me with some kind of tapering schedule especially having only 45 pills left. Ive been at 25mg for a week. Im goin to 20 today 10-14-13.Thank you so much. I hope to god someone is looking at this & will help me. I'm so scared & clueless of what to do,how to do it & how long it takes to be fully out of my system & what to expect. Thank you. Sincerely, carmella

11 Replies

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Dear Carmella,
I am SOOO sorry fir not responding sooner, I has some complications myself and was in the hospital for 2 days/1 night and I JUST found your post. First of all I am so happy you found a doctor to help you with your pain, it will be a great thing for you. The Percocet technically I believe, from what my doctor told me, is out of your system by day 5, however you may suffer from the anxiety for up yo 30 days - (and yes, just 5 mg can make you feel that bad)- BUT it will lessen much more as each days passes, you've made it through the toughest part (I hope, please post though, I hope you didn't feel abandoned by me). Remember to take the Imodium for loose stools, stay hydrated and eat well (I know that can be hard, but it will ease all of your w/d symptoms). Regarding the new RX for your spine, I don't think you need to tell your new doctor unless you are showed as having an RX on record, you NEVER want to appear to hide anything b/c they will drop you, but if this is what you got from your sister than start over girl! You have your eyes wide open and you sound like you really need it. I'm thrilled you were able to tell your mother and husband, support w/such pain (emotional & physical) is very important, and I get you don't want to tell them about the Percocet, that's okay, it's a fresh start everywhere. You really should look up pseudo addiction to see if you fit that description, which is different than addiction. You could have been dependent, for certain tolerant and by allowing the pain to increase past a drug's effectiveness (Percocet was just a fail for me on every level but I stuck w/it b/c I was told it was supposed to be so good, I did better on Norco, so we are all different). Anyway, Norco was no longer even in the same league as my pain so keeping my morphine right on my nightstand actually made it easier for me NOT to take, b/c I wasn't hyper-focused on my pain getting out of control and it kind of sounds to me like you may be having more pain than you could handle so what you did is pretty normal. You didn't take a bunch all at once, you just increased your dose b/c you hurt & it took more to work. If you have around the clock pain and you feel you can handle the responsibility, maybe talk yo your doctor about the extended release version of Morphine (MS Contin 15 mg), this is considered the gold standard in pain relief (morphine in general), and the extended relief has a very low abuse issues b/c it just gets to the pain and lasts but produces no euphoria, most people can take 2 pills a day, but everyday if this IR doesn't give you the relief you need. It's going to be a low dose considering what you've been on so maybe give it 6 mos. if you can, and you just might need to bump it up. Only you will know what relieves your pain, but you now know how not to use your meds and many patients go on to use their RX's responsibly after experiencing the downside. Just go slow b/c you are so young and it sounds like you have health issues that won't go away w/o some type of intervention (try restorative yoga if you can, did wonders for me in conjunction w/meds). Pls keep me posted, if you don't get a response from me than there's usually a reason. It's a complicated time w/my illness and ERs and unexpected hospitalizations are a part of my daily life :(. You are sweet to think about me, I have 2 children too, hate that they have to deal w/this, but what can we do, this is the hand I've been dealt, we all have something my dear, you just keep your chin up and show your children and family the tremendous courage and character you have and you will be giving them the lessen of strength through adversity. Let the rest go, you are to be commended and nothing less than proud! I'm glad you broached the subject of addiction w/your new doctor, that's how it should have been all along, someone to talk openly to w/o judgement. Stay in touch and if you haven't heard from me, I've lost the link, maybe post again but I will never purposely abandon you, just having a rough week myself. Sending you many hugs and I wish you well <3.

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Dear Carmella,
I am SO sorry to just respond, had a doctor's appointment myself. Your response has meant the world to me, I am stuck in my home SO much these days that being of service in any way is wonderful for me. Your taking the time to acknowledge it says so much about you and your character, I feel very blessed today so THANK YOU! I too take Clonazepam and have as long as you so I'm relieved to know more about that one, I may just have missed the name but this is a VERY hard med to ever get off of and this one is VERY DANGEROUS to stop, I am told it's the hardest to ever get off of BUT if you have severe anxiety (which I can tell you do as your post just broke my heart, let's just say I can relate to your emotion and I can feel your pain). The maximum dose of Clonazepam is 3 mg/day so I am very much like you in I take less usually, but I must take at night (prefer to skip afternoon b/c of added sedation/sleepiness), if I were you, I would take 1/2 morning & afternoon if you feel the anxiety getting to you (so few people realize that Percocet makes anxiety much worse, I think esp. true if you deal w/anxiety issues so if you can take as RX'd, which I see you can, I wouldn't try to reduce or get rid of that anytime soon, the anxiety can get pretty bad, I found that I personally got little relief from Percocet but took to stave off anxiety, it just took an error to take a different med, that clued me in so buckle up, it can be rough but the Clonazepam will for sure help you. Now regarding your tapering, I think you are better to half all if your pills b/c it gives you more control over your symptom relief and that alone will help you, AND you won't be taking more than you need and worst thing, it takes 20 min. for a pill to take effect, you just take another half. I didn't realize you had 10's but that's better b/c you are getting less acetaminophen too. So to recap, don't worry about taking the Clonazepam as RX'd, esp. at night, it will help you so much, if you have issues w/sleep due yo anxiety (which I do), for sure consider making part of your regimen, even 1/2, that w/d is MISERABLE, I've run out or forgotten to take and it took me years to figure it out but your skin feels crawling (I now know what people mean by that from the lack of anxiety med for just 2 days) my eyes felt scratchy, and I was beyond anxious and once I got 1 pill into my system I was a different person so I'm convinced some of us are wired differently and I refuse to feel shame over it. This is NOT something you chose to do so you are on the right path, it will probably be really good for you to stop for so many reasons and give it time before you truly judge your pain b/c as Verwon says, it can rebound worse (your brain has stopped producing it's own natural painkillers, so you get a double whammy when you stop but when you get 1 month past it will fe so much better and I think at 2 months (you could be sooner as it's not so long or hardcore like zone of the other pain meds out there) you will be at your best. Please keep checking in as you are very much on my mind, you are going to be just fine b/c YOU are making the decision to stop. Hope it's a smoother transition from here, I am thinking you are thinking the worst and will be pleasantly surprised, sure hope so. Stay strong, sending you many hugs, and please post honestly, we want only the best for you so don't read other peoples comments about pain med use, you do the best that you can and none if us has 20/20 hindsight so just keep moving forward and work on forgiving yourself as I can tell you would easily do for someone you care about. Again, thank you for such a sweet response at this difficult time, you are incredibly thoughtful. Will check back as able.

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Hello, Carmella! How are you doing?

The main problem here is that no one can give you specifics on how you will react to tapering off, how long any withdrawal effects will last for you and etc. because everyone is different. What makes one person horribly miserable for months may not have much of an effect on you, at all.

I was on pain management for years and stopped high doses of Morphine and Oxycodone cold turkey and was miserable with withdrawal effects and rebound pain for about a month, but I never abused them and only took them as prescribed.

The best thing you could do would be to get medical help for yourself and I strongly encourage you to do that. I know it's a daunting and terrifying prospect, but it is the safest choice if you want to make sure you are still around for your husband and children.

Oxycodone is a very dangerous medication, when used improperly.

And I don't know all of the specifics of how much you're taking, but if it's the generic for Percocet that you listed that has the Acetaminophen in it, that makes it even more dangerous, since long-term use of high amounts of Acetaminophen have the potential to cause liver damage or failure, plus overdoses can be fatally toxic. You could already have caused yourself some organ damage and only a doctor is going to be able to find that out.

It takes a lot of strength to face something like this and admit to your problem. You deserve a lot of respect for that….and if your husband and family love you, then they should be able to understand, support you and help you get the help you need.

Learn more Percocet details here.

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Dear Brynn, thank u for the support. I'm very grateful to see that you & Verwon took the time to read my post & respond. There are some good people in this cruel world still:) I am on day 2 of 20mg. I actually had to start it yesterday. I took 1/2 of a 10/325 oxy/ ecetimonophen at 8:30 this a.m. & jus took other half. I will repeat at 3pm then 6pm halfs! Now tomorrow will be day 3 of 20mg. Do u suggest I go to 1-10mg. Then a half to total 15mgs. For 3 days then 10mg 3 days then a 1/2 which is 5mg for 3 days? I'm ready! I'm goin to go get imodium & pottasium today. I have vitamin b12 & clonozepam 1mg. I been on since 2004..never abused. Actually prescribed to take 1mg. Clonozepam in a.m. & p.m. but I chose to jus take 1time daily. I'm ready & I'm gonna do this!:) I appreciate the advice. I don't feel alone anymore. Thank yous for that. I never wanted this to happen. Do you know after I take the last day of it how long will it take to be outta my system? Please keep in touch. I will post my progress & yess I feel that the percocet was makin me more anxious. If I "need to" during tapering I will take an extra clonozepam in evening. Only if I have too. Again I can't thank you enough. Verwon & you Brynn have made me feel much better & have offered me hope! I will never forget your names & words of advice when I'm off these & always remember how you took the time for a complete stranger. You my friend will be blessed.. calmer & grateful, Carmella

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Someone please give me some feedback. I was prescribed 5mg. Every 6 hrs..but my tolerance became higher & my sister gave me her script for oxycodone/Tylenol 10mg. I really need some feedback. I jus wanna be done with the oxys..

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Verwon, should I jus stop cold turkey? I don't wanna die or cause any damage to my liver and jus recently started takin the 10's of oxy/aceteminophen..never at once.spaced..so if I jus quit completely will I be ok? I know its hard for you to tell me but I think I'm more afraid of w/d's than anything. Mentally I'm done with it. I can honestly say I don't want to take them.I'm in physical therapy 3x a week & I wanna just not have to depend on this anymore. I don't know if jus stopping cold turkey or goin to 1-10a day for a couple days which would be better. I am done dealing with this. Sincerely, Carmella t.y. soo much!

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You can taper yourself, like Verwon says even those of us that take our meds as RX'd can have withdrawal BUT everyone is different. I really don't have horrible w/d issues and like Verwon, have taken for years but when I do it's a clammy feeling cod and hot at the same time and the biggest issue for me is ANXIETY (which I think Percocet makes worse). We are all warned about addiction, there's no way to know who will get addicted so don't be so hard on yourself. I'm sorry you can't go to your family, are you sure you can't talk yo your husband, seems like you hold yourself to an impossible standard. I'm glad you have a friend to confide in, I've tapered off of Percocet (pls. let me/us know if you are speaking of a different med), again, I took 10/325's every 4-6 hours but I think most pain patients have taken a few extra on hard days. You might need Imodium for diarrhea, the anxiety meds will help w/everything, anxiety and possible spike in your blood pressure, you can drop down from what you write as (4-5) 5 mg pills/per day correct? You have 40-45 pills left, I would drop to 3 pills a days for 3 days, don't exceed 3 mg of the anxiety meds - VERY IMPORTANT, CHECK YOUR BLOOD PRESSURE FREQUENTLY, YOU DON'T WANT TO HAVE A SEIZURE OR STROKE. See how you feel, pain might rebound even worse but you nay just find you feel better off of these pills and if you can get off of them, "they won't own you" and no matter why we take these meds, they own us, they decide whether I will get out of bed, be of use, for you they have a psychological grip and you can still get help w/pain but this is NOT the route for you as your tolerance is going to be too high to get relief so take a break and if you can find doctor you can confide in, it's much better b/c there is something called pseudo addiction (look it up, only you can answer this, only you will be honest w/yourself). So Imodium just in case, anxiety meds (but font trade one addiction for another, you will have anxiety as a side effect of both taking and stopping this narcotic), hang on and know it's not forever. I have stopped pain meds on tapers (always my choice) and cold turkey (again my choice) and my doctor always says to me no one ever dies from stopping narcotics, it's just uncomfortable but stopping benzos cold turkey can result in death so BE CAREFUL!! Ask yourself, you are a mother, how would you feel if your child didn't come to you out of fear but instead risked death, or worse Carmella? You'd give EVERYTHING to change the outcome so if you are not well, if your blood pressure spikes or you feel you can confide in someone than DO IT PLEASE. Another very important thing is nutrition, get magnesium supplements, potassium if you get keg cramps (or eat bananas), and Vitamin B supplements (sub-lingual is best). Nutrition will be very important for the longer side of withdrawal, stay hydrated and I think you will be so happy to be done w/them. I'm sorry you feel such shame, none go us on narcotics wants to be on them (of course unless they do and don't see the downside, and there are huge downsides addiction or not - DEPRESSION & ANXIETY). I am terminal so they play a bittersweet role in my life, I wish there was something else, but so far this is all that gives me any relief, but don't kid yourself, they own me too. Maybe you won't have w/d's so bad, again I am done, no matter IV, patch or pills, in 5 days of the physical (hate the hot & sweaty feeling most), but apparently other people aren't so "lucky". Keep us posted, I'll try to watch for you
Good luck and best wishes for a good outcome.

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Hello hope you are well today. I jus wanted to say I'm sorry about ur illness Brynn. And I'm happy you responded & that I could make u feel a lil better too:) please feel free to talk to me as well. I am on day 3 (last day of 20mg.) Today. Tomorrow I will be goin to a 1/2 of 10/325 in a.m. then half at afternoon then 1/2 tablet at bout 6pm. For 3 days..then will do 1/2 in a.m. & 1/2 in evening 3 days, then to a half for 3 days & finite!:) my new spine specialist prescribed me 15mg. Of morphine sulfate yesterday. To take as needed for pain.I ddon't know when it'll be safe to do that & I will now have a dr. Who is understanding & I got my insurance reinstated yesterday as well! I will b able to follow her instructiobs & talk to her about my concerns..I WILL NOT TAKE UNLESS I NEED TO! I'm very serious & havnt even filled the script. So I'm not gonna come off one thing to jump to another. I expressed my concerns to her about getting addicted to it. She told me that I can come to her at any time & discuss anything regarding my concerns with it. I couldn't talk to her about the oxycodone matter because she isntbthe one who prescribed it & I want a clean slate. My best friend said she will hold them for me if I needed her too & give to me when need. My body so much worse in winter. I've been in pain 8 years. Never took any meds offered to me until this year. I am having loose stools & been a lol anxious jus from dropping 5 mg. Is this normal? and do you know how long after the last day of 5mg (1/2 tablet) it will take for this to be completely out of my body? I am doin alright so far. Besides some anxiety & loose stools..I took a 1/2 of my clonozepam last nite becuz I was anxious. Dropping 5mg. Will do that?? I never experienced this so I ask a lot of questions. I will not allow myself to take the morphine sulfate unless I must! Its 15mg instant release. I told her I was scared but she assured me to come to her with any issues. I don't know what to expect but I'm overall doin ok. Thanks to the advice & support that has been offered to me. For that I'm so grateful. Thank you! I do not & will not get to this point with the prescription she gave me. No way. And I told my mother & husband about the script my dr. Prescribed me too! So that was a step for me. Please tell me how your doin. And I'd love to know how long this s*** will take to get outta my body after last dose of 5mg. Forever grateful & hugs biggg bear hugs to you! I am goin to let u know how I'm doin each day:) & I'd like to know how you r feeling as well. Sincerely, Carmella

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Best way is to break in half start out reg two next day try 1.5 instead of 2. And then stay on 2 one day then go to 1.5 for a week then stay on 1.5 then go to 1.25 and alternate until you get to a half a day. You half to be diligent no matter what.

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Dear Verwon, thank u for responding.I am scared & alone besides the support of my best friend. I've never had any addiction problems til now. And I was prescribed 5 mg oxcodone 8 months ago for lyme disease damage, disc bulge, arthritis in my spine, fibro..when my dr. Retired is when my new dr. Only prescribed me 20 pills a month. My sister like I said who has multiple medical issues doesn't take her 10/325 of oxy/tylenol..so gave to me. I take 2 a day & was takin with 5mg. Oxycodone. I do not take both 10's together & I am trying to get off this asap. I thought maybe I could do 20mg 4 days then 15mg. 4 days then 1-10mg 4 days then 1/2 of tablet yhat would be 5 mg. 4 days then offf..to stop completely decreasing w/d symptoms.my husband is not the type that would be supportive coming from a father as well as myself who's father was an addict. I don't take them together. I take them 4-6 hours apart & had bloodwork done a month 1/2 ago that showed my liver enzymes were good. So please anything youcan tell me that would help me would be appreciated. I am so grateful that you took the time to respond, & would appreciate if youd check my ptogress. I am down to 1 10mg in a.m. & other 10mg in evening. I plan on goin down more in 3 more days. If i spaced them out then does that make a difference? I want to be ok.i have a lil diareahh & anxiety jus from goin down 5 mg. But ive read that happens.again thank you! Any advice on how long w/d last & how long it takes to get out of my system when i totally stop? Its horrible feeling that i cant tell anyone.my dr.is old school & is type to label. I dont want that. Thanks again Verwon! I appreciate you responding & takin the time for me..Carmella

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Hello! Brynn I'm sorry ur goin thru so much. I thought about you on my bad days & u are in my prayers..I don't want to be nosy or expect u to put ur bussiness on here but u said ur terminal? I pray for you. I do! Today has been 1 week free of oxycodone. Weird I got sick w a stomach flu when I was down to 15mg. & became dehydrated..I couldn't seem to go any lower outta fear. I ended up in hospital for night for dehydration. They sentbme home with zofran & weird thing is that day was the first day without anything. I feel I got the stomach virus for a reason like as if idk maybe god was intervening. I knew I was struggling to get off the 15mg. My plan wasn't goin well. But now its been a week today!! I started my morphine 15mg IR last thursday.it helps with pain but doesn't last very long at all.definitely big difference from oxys..I can now say yess I was in fact addicted & it was scarey. My dr. Prescribede to take these 2 times a day. I jus don't know the exact dosage of when I csn take like every 4 hrs or 6 hrs?? It wears off pretty fast..but I couldn't have done yhis without the support I got here. And for that I'm truly grateful. I am! Itook advantage of the zofran seein I was not only stopping oxycodone but in fact had g.I.bug..so that helped. I will say it was hell thou with the anxiety. But now I'm free from the oxycodone. Please let me know how you are brynn I think about how you're doin. Also if u know anything about the intervals of tjis morphine..my dr. Jus sd 2 x a day. Its 15mg. Instant release..please feel better and let me know that your altight! And thank you for being there when I had nobody thru this. Truly grateful and relieved, carmella hugs to u!!

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