2090 V Pill (Page 3) (Top voted first)


I found what appears to be a Xanax?? French fry-shaped white pill with four scores and 2090 on front, but NO SCORES ON BACK (there is a cursive "V''). Are these a good brand? They don't taste good. I bit off a little piece and the tip of my tongue tingled and went numb! I'm freaking out! HELP!!

71 Replies (4 Pages)

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Re: Moon ray (# 48) Expand Referenced Message

Your chewing 3 two mg Xanax is insane. Best possible outcome, you've taken 6 mg of weak Xanax that will get you on the rebound...

Worst outcome, you have just taken 6 mg of some unknown POISON

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I was dispensed 2090 v tablets and these things smell and taste bad. I mean it’s terrible and idk if they're the proper brand. I’ve been taking xanax for probably 2-3 years and they have a bitter taste to them. But then idk and it makes me wonder how can I tell if they're bad besides actually getting a test kit?? Thanks in advance. I’d like to try and post a couple pictures of some and let you guys decide.

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Re: Shadychick (# 35) Expand Referenced Message

Does this work for every Xanax / alprazolam manufacturered pills?

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Re: xanax info (# 34) Expand Referenced Message

If you were prescribed them and on them for that long how did you take that long off without getting sick or going through withdrawals?

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Re: 101 (# 33) Expand Referenced Message

Suboxone and Subutex and Xanax are prescribed for two totally different conditions I will not recommend Subutex to anyone I've been on in 5 years and it also gets into your bones and ruins your teeth and you are also going to become addicted to it and go through withdrawals if you don't have it

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Re: Jae (# 51) Expand Referenced Message

Jae, it is posts like the Xanax expert made that must make you realize some here are total mindless drug addicts, Xanax is not a casual on/off drug and you asked a great question!

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Re: EDDY (# 54) Expand Referenced Message

Thx Eddy for the kind reply brother, I used to do the recreational drug use thing when I was on my teens and twenties, and NEVER became dependant on anything other the weed, and it's sad to see people post information that not correct and that can in time really hurt someone if they follow the advice given... I don't drink and barely ever smoke anymore, not against it, but from experience I hope out of all drugs in the world, people should NEVER Use Benzos EVERY day.

A doctor put me on Subutex about 5 years or so ago, I wish I never got on it! If you have long term pain issues, or whatever the case may be, I hope that people choose to do whatever they can, to never get dependant on these meds: Benzos (Xanax, klonopin, ativan, Valium, etc...) Benzos and Alcohol withdrawal are the two withdrawals that can literally cause Death just for not having more to ingest...Benzos withdrawals hurt so bad, it's truely scary. I'm trying to get off them now, I can't go to a detox because I have children and no one to watch them if I went, as well as the fact of how guilty I'd feel if I did have to leave them, they don't deserve to be abandoned because my dumbass got dependant on xanax. It is honestly the only medicine I found that helped me with my PTSD/Panic attacks and Anxiety, but even though it helps me wonderfully I wish more then anything that I just knew not take them every single night! I only took one Xanax bar every night that I did it for around 2 years or so. And a couple weeks ago I didn't have any Xanax and I ended up in the hospital. I honestly don't know what to do and I'm worried. It's a terrible feeling when you might run out of your medicine, because you know that if you do it's going to be terrible when there's nothing you can do about it...

So I just hope someone reads this and this helps someone, going through the withdrawals from the Xanax which I don't even know if I went all the way through them but I know it's the worst thing you can imagine next to death. My experience with this has made me want to never take anything again. I am prescribed the Subutex but I'm not prescribed the Xanax, feeling those withdrawals from the Xanax and the worry every day I go through knowing I may not find more Xanax somewhere has made me want to get off of everything. I don't know why I posted this comment but I just felt like I needed to share my experience with other people.

If anyone has been through Xanax withdrawals I would really appreciate hearing from them of how I can get off of them being and I cannot go to detox I've been trying Benadryl and melatonin... Someone told me to try Kratom. Anyways people that have been addicted to opiates or need pain management are sometimes prescribed Subutex or Suboxone, like I said I've been prescribed it for over 5 years and this medicine along with other medicines for the same reasons are so stupid in my opinion. I know for a fact that medicine literally decays your teeth and weakens your bones and joints in your body and you also become addicted to it in the withdrawals can last a long long time. The best thing to do is to talk to someone and work on yourself mentally instead of becoming dependent on a substance. I would assume that there are cases in this world that people have no choice but to become dependent on a substance but I beg anyone if it's any sort of option at all choose to stay off of the medicine! Everyone dies one day, but these meds, They will kill you much faster! Please believe me! I'm only 35 and since I got on these at 30 my health is f*ing terrible! Excuse my language...

If you are a person that is going to do this regardless, which I hope you don't, but if you do, please, please just make sure you take breaks from this crap, never take them more then I guess 3-4 days straight, take a few days off in between at least, I don't want anyone to go through what I am, everyone different, but it can become your worse nightmare... Being drug free would be ideal, but I'm not a fool or a goody two-shoes or anything, I understand some people are going to take it recreationally regardless, but if you must,. please just take heed to my warnings and I hope that this message find someone and helps them from hurting themselves like I have myself...

Be aware of what you're consuming in your body because if you get sick or your health goes downhill due to long term use it doesn't usually come back up. It either will keep going down and you feel like s*** or older then you should or maintains where it's at, or like me your body doesn't function properly, more days then it does, it takes away your quality of Life! Best case scenario...

I've made many mistakes in my life, spent many years behind bars (about 9 1/2 years) and getting addicted to prescription medication I can with complete confidence say that has by FAR been the worst life decision I have EVER made! I rather be in Prison then to go through Benzos Withdrawals! Or to live the rest of my life stuck on these meds! They're too dangerous, Seriously! Anyways, I hope you all are blessed and don't end up in my situation, or a worse one! (If anyone has knowledge of how I can get off xanax without detox, please send me a msg ... thanks!)

Much love and respect to all, thx for whoever reads this, please take my message to the heart, I'm not some anti-drug fanatic, I'm just a regular person that's done about everything under the sun at least once...I've learned from experience, and from that I wish I would've chosen a better way to learn, like taking advice or researching, as I try to do now in my life. I Hope no one has to go through what I have just to learn not to go this route, because what is done cannot be undone and once your health is ruined, you usually cannot fix it, you can only hope and try to keep it from getting even worse...

SORRY FOR THE BOOK! lmao I'm done with the lecture on life and why NOT to be dumb enough to get addicted to prescription meds and/or hopefully any drug really... Your health is the most important thing you have whether you realize it or not! ... I Swear, posting something like this is the last thing I would have ever thought I would do 10 years ago or even 5 years ago smh life can change overnight with s*** like this...

{edited for privacy}

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Re: mcB (# 8) Expand Referenced Message

I have legit ones of those in California. Not sure. I was a little paranoid when I first got them because of the history and the taste but I'm also on Suboxone so it would take more than usual fentynal to kick in.

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Re: Adam (# 11) Expand Referenced Message

Fentynal can go through methadone and sub and naloxone but it takes a decent amount.

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Re: Jae (# 55) Expand Referenced Message

My suboxone doc gives me klonopin to get me off Xanax but I still get Xanax occasionally and these v 2090s don’t taste right

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Re: Sweetcheaks (# 58) Expand Referenced Message

I've had little problems with the Qualitest V 2090 over the years. The taste of Klonopin and Xanax is different. Switching from Xanax to Klonopin, is like switching from Coke to Pepsi

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Re: Adam (# 11) Expand Referenced Message

I'm on 95mg methadone and I'm prescribed 90 x 1mg xanax a month. I've been prescribed then since I was 18 but I only had 60 .5 at first, then 60 1mg, and recently got 90 1mg - and I'm 25 now. My tolerance to benzos is ridiculous. I can take 4 times my normal dose and barely feel anything. But if I take two bars... It has me feeling supppper out. But I'm not looking to abuse it anymore, been clean for 2 years now.

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Re: Jae (# 55) Expand Referenced Message

Look up private practice addiction psychiatrists and make an appointment. Tell them you are self -pay (max $250) so they take you right away and have that doctor supervise your titration. She or he will write it should- did for me- a prescription and show you a 30-90 day plan to wean

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Re: Littie (# 62) Expand Referenced Message

The people who make counterfeit fentanyl laced Xanax use many popular numbers & shapes. If you just 'found' a pill, the chance of it being legitimate is a chance you can't afford to take?

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Re: Peach0711 (# 61) Expand Referenced Message

Can you write back? I would really love to know where you go. And I need also need to know whether the rectangular tablets with a v on one side and 2090 on the other side are a legitimate brand?

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Re: Tawana (# 64) Expand Referenced Message

"A pill is on the street that looks precisely like Xanax. However, the only difference is that just one of these pills is enough to kill a person in minutes. This fake drug, which has become known as the “Super Pill” and “2090 Pill,” has the police and parents on high alert as it contains lethal doses of Fentanyl, a pain medication often used for cancer treatment. The Super Pill is 50 times stronger than heroin and 100 times stronger than morphine."

Source: What’s the 2090 Pill? Is It Fake Xanax?

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Re: Tana (# 5) Expand Referenced Message

Don’t buy street drugs and you won’t get fake meds. Y’all are lucky they aren’t pressies made from fentanyl.

Why don’t you see a doctor and get real meds from a pharmacy?

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Re: Adam (# 11) Expand Referenced Message

Get a grip on yourself. People on methadone absolutely feel fentanyl, that’s why people who go to the clinic but who want to feel high seek fentanyl. If it was a real xanax, the methadone wouldn’t affect it, except that it would maybe cause an overdose because of the respiratory depression caused by both medications.

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Re: BKNYdogg (# 26) Expand Referenced Message

are they hard to break down?

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I just received 2 not too long ago. They looked legit, they were real sturdy and a little tough to snap. It's weird because the 1st day I took 1 at midnight and felt okay, then took another around 5am and blacked out (probably because my tolerance was low from taking a long break). I took 2 yesterday and felt fine and took 2 this morning with methadone and I don't even feel like I took any. So idk what's up with these. They are hit or miss. I did the taste test and they passed. I've taken just about every brand and these are the worst. Farmas are my favorite followed by the blue bars and then green bars. Qualitest makes the V 2090 bars along with other medications and I've heard nothing but negative reviews. They even had to recall a bunch of their vicodin as it made people sick and have high blood pressure.

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