2016 Cdc Guidelines For Prescribing Opioids For Chronic Pain (Page 6)


Hey all fellow patients out there, did you know the CDC has published a list of their proposed 2016 guidelines for doctors who prescribe opioids for chronic pain? That includes oxycodone, lortab, percocet, hydrocodone, opana, suboxone, morphine, and any other drug that has an opiate ingredient in it that so many of us count on to lead normal lives!

This affects all of us and the comment period ends on January 13 2016! That's about a week from now! You know the doctors are going to have to follow whatever federal rules pass so if you are worried that you might not get the care you need please go to the gov web site for the office of the Federal Register and submit your comments to them before it's too late!

"The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) announces the opening of a docket to obtain public comment on the draft CDC Guideline for Prescribing Opioids for Chronic Pain (Guideline). The Guideline provides recommendations regarding initiation or continuation of opioids for chronic pain; opioid selection, dosage, duration, follow-up, and discontinuation; and assessment of risk and addressing harms of opioid use. The Guideline is intended to be used by primary care providers (e.g., family physicians or internists) who are treating patients with chronic pain (i.e., pain lasting longer than 3 months or past the time of normal tissue healing) in outpatient settings."


Editor's note: Please note that the above statement "You know the doctors are going to have to follow whatever federal rules pass" is technically correct but may be misleading in this case because the CDC draft says that it is "not a federal regulation" and that "adherence to the Guideline will be voluntary."

Editor's note # 2: The title for this discussion thread has been updated to reflect the topic most effectively.

188 Replies (10 Pages)

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Robert R. Previously known as Robert Raper; wow, your reply to BL's apology really shows another side of you. I think it's amazing that with all our different doctors, conditions and medications we are all still basically going through the same thing. We're all hurting and due to the recent guideline changes, have no idea what may befall us next. Thank you for mentioning the Burpee Seeds. I have been looking for the papaver somniferum for some time now and haven't had much luck. I found some a few years ago and planted them. LOL They got about as big as a dime before aphids got to them. I have found some organic at Walmart and they are a beautiful silvery blue which indicates they haven't been washed as thoroughly as others and have retained a bit of their um, active substance. I sprinkle them along with hemp seeds on anything he'll stick too and I do believe they help. I'm afraid that due to lack of sunshine where I live, poppies won't thrive like they should. I do have relatives in Europe where they grow in everybody's backyard. Unfortunately they need them as much as I do. I've heard that's what grows on our highway's median strips. I'll find out next Spring. I wonder if doctors realized that if their questionnaires were anonymous, the answers would be different? I wonder if they then tallied them up, would they prescribe differently or do they really all just not give a damn about us?

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Jenny I'm on TennCare and got opana...I requested generic Oxymorphone Hydrochloride I think, the generic works like the original blend without any abuse deterrents. Yes doctor needed a prior authorization but if latex is poison to you, you should be okay. They did switch me to Fentany at 50 mcg every 48 hrs, along with oxycodone 30mg, 120 per month. The patch is great for steady release and no more hi's and lows. I do tend to forget about it but that affords me a few extra every month to tuck away for emergencies. If they insist putting you on the patch try cutting the glue edge off and using your own tape (whichever you can tolerate) just don't cut too close in or med will seep out.

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I was on opana for over 10 years and changed to oxymorphone after then made opana plastic that gave me heartburn also oxymorphone was significantly cheaper. This doctor refuses to give me anything else even though the side affects are bad I did not have side effects with oxymorphone or opana until plastic was added. They refuse to increase fast actor dose in lieu of ineffective long actors not sure wth they are thinking they have me on 3 10mg percocet and right now since kadian not stocked nothing. I brought in form for patient assistance for opana they refused to look at it.. they don't care sadly if a primary allowed to fill up to 120mg why am I At a pain specialist if they won't go over?

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BTW I need your doctor sounds like I am getting killed with mine.

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C Lilly, u r one of the reason that the cdc n others think that the people like myself that truly r in pain has to suffer. No one wants to be on meds n no one wants to hurt. The med only takes away 60 percentage of the pain if that. So plz stop u All have done enough damage! Thanks.

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Thanks Dana. I said the same thing. So sick of the addicts manipulating Dr's so they can get their fix

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Jenny, each dr is different. Just because the recommended max is 120 mg doesn't mean that a dr is going to prescribe that high of a dose if they don't believe it is needed. You also may want to look and see if TennCare imposed new restrictions After the date that your pcp prescribed the 120 mg. It is common for drs to say that they can't prescribe certain meds because of Medicaid. Also, there are communications between state medicaid programs and health plans that the public doesn't have access to.

There are several factors that govern what a dr prescribes-
1) A drs professional opinion of what the patient needs.
2) Federal and State Laws
3) Other restrictions and limitations that are imposed by the patient's insurance.

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I was on 3 20 MG oxymorphone for 7 Years due to fact they only last 8 hours then changed to 2 30 MG oxymorphone cause nurse was going by strict 12 hour when they had to change my doctor and 4 10 MG percocet when I lost my job same doctor took away oxymorphone completely and put me on morphine that kills me and took away 1 percocet. Saying they know I need amount I have taken for years without having to increase because it worked but tenncare says 120 max no matter what.. being in Tennessee as well our rules/restrictions should be same.

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Jenny I hear you blaming obamacare when you just said you have tenncare which is medicaid which is free for you. Quit blaming Obama for you not getting the drugs you want. I'm sick of paying for health care for lazy addicts.

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BL this is Robert R I am truely sorry for the things I said and I'm 60 I'm disabled the insurance Made me get the OPONA is taken the oxacotin same size The Optama insurance would Not cover the Floricet w CODINE and the Cash Price is 3328.04 for 540 capsules I wish I could afford it but I cannot so I'm takeing ibuprofen I still have some meds but I have to work through it and GODS going to help this spring and for Spyz try Bonceing Bear Botanicals out of NC all unwashed. I did not have a lot of Education But My Daughter And Her Morher Do both have Degres and GOOD JOBS when I worked I put in 90 Hr weeks to get there books I like to make something from a pice of metal I ALLWAYS had a Blue Collar that never bothered me thank you BL you seem like a Real Nice Person Stay Strong And THRIVE.

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For SomeOne Who Knows you are on the Wrong Thread. This is For People Who Live In Pain if you Hurt you Would Stop All Of the Name Calling it only makes YOU LOOK PATHETIC that's what you'd be where I'm from live a life with Some Love For the Pain Jenny Must Suffer and have You Never Needed Help I hope you are not the way your post says you are GROW UP that's what you need the good ole Govt would get your Taxes and You Are Not The Only Person Who Pays Taxs.

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Dana Do You know You Are Not The Pain Czar BARACK HUSSIAN OBAMA Gave that out already Read The BIBLE IT WILL HELP.

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Dear Some1whoknows absolutely nothing of which you speak. Has your mother ever told you if you have nothing nice to day don't say it. Or you raised to be purely ignorant.. would you like education or would it go over your head? I never used to word Obama first of all and also I have been working longer than you probably been alive.. started at 12 babysitting and only took time off to give birth to my children last job I went from a job I had for 3 years directly to this one for 8 solid years. I doubt you kept a job longer than the summer... I didn't ask to be stuck on thus insurance you fool and to call me lazy? My doctors can't believe I was walking let alone working because people like you wouldn't be able to endure pain I suffer.. you need to learn what the word addict means or is doing actual research to hard for you? I don't wish thus pain on anyone but maybe people like you need a taste of it be careful one day you may have to eat your words and it will be too late

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For Some1whoknows nothing please research before spewing your ignorance on this page. I worked longer than you have been alive I didn't ask for this insurance if your do your research you have no choice I paid more taxes than you probably earned in your life and 4 months of all the working years you need glasses and do research on true addiction and chronic pain tolerate or would that be to hard for you?

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Thank you Robert R., looks like trolls found the website. Fortunately the months I have been on this site that is first one I encountered. Everyone gets heated at times but I am humbled to say it's worked out in adult manner. I wish you well and stay strong.

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I'm not trolling. I'm just sick of the addicts ruining it for real patients. Your comments are only what an addict will say. Just be glad you're getting help for your pain instead of whining that the Dr won't give you what you want

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To Some 1Who Knows, You Are Very Rude. I feel so sorry for u and Dana. Both of u Spew Name calling And it's indicative of a People Who truly Have no clue. I SAID OBAMA DID Not do This BY HIMSELF BUT HE DID HAVE A HAND OR TWO IN the Situation We All Find Ourselfs. I Will Not Judge Yall. I'll Pray That You Both Reflect The Cruel Things U Have Said To JENNY AND LILLY. YOU KNOW NOTHING OF THERE SITUATION. I HAVE BEEN DISABLED SINCE 2000. I have taken OxyContin 40 mg x2day, Valium x3day, Floricet/Codeine x6day as needed. I got 90 day refills 180 270 540. Theses were my pill counts. I'm no Addict. I expect I'm much Older than Both of Yall. till u live in another's shoes Don't Be The Way u Are. It Shows A Mean spirit. I Hope Yall Are not like that. Maybe A Bad Day But Please Stop. You Both Come Off Very Mean. I rode with the HELLS ANGELS IN THE EARLY 70s. I Have Seen Mean. I Don't Think Yall mean to be this. I Pray U don't. Maybe U Say What u Think too Soon. DISCRETION IS THE BETTER PART OF VALOR. I CAN SAY THIS, I KNOW A PERSON IS SCARED SOMETIMES ABOUT OUR SITUATION BUT WE SHOULD BE ABLE TO DIS AGREE AND STILL BE CIVIL AND DONT LAUGH AT A PERSON WHO HAS NO MEDICATION. IF U ARE A DR U HAVE NO RIGHT TO DEGRADE ANOTHER HUMAN. I HOPE AND PRAY FOR BOTH OF YALL that GOD Enters your Hearts. it will make a difference. I search My Words, Deeds And Actions. I No Longer Find Hurting Another Acceptable. When Young I Did not Feel This Way. That's why the Hells Angels I left it and I'm glad I did. Turned My Life Around. So Both of Yall think About The Name Calling And Please STOP IT NOW.

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Robert you riding with the Angels is not impressive to me. I said what I said to jenny because it's typical of an addict to blame blame blame. She blames Obama for her not getting the drugs she wants. She is on public assistance so why complain about Obama care when she's already getting a free ride. She called e a troll so I called her what I called her. And as far as lily I simply stated that's because 1 Dr had you on that any meds doesn't mean the next will. People on this forum complain because they can't seem to get the absurd amount narcotics that they are used to. Complaining hey are allergic to everything except for oxycontons morphine and percocet. Unless you are terminally I'll nothing justifies that many meds. And if it was justified then why are they having so much trouble getting them. Here's an educated guess. The Dr doesn'tthink they are mnecessary. Hells angels are nothing more than drug dealing white trash who tries to intimidate those around them

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Wow there is a lot of anger in these comments. It's safe to say we are all dependent on these meds. Everyone needs to take a xanax and chill.

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P450! Where is P450? Last I saw him or her on here he said something about wanting to die with dignity and only had a few days left--P450 are you still out there???? Let us know please. If not, may you spend eternity in the presence of the one true healer Yahweh!

Ok and folks, everyone here has said it before but I'll repeat it in case you missed it--everyone has a different tolerance and pain level. Doctors do NOT give what you need but only what they are comfortable giving. Line Doctor Robert Cochran said in his book The Opiate Cure-..."it may seem paradoxical but we can solve the addiction problem by prescribing more opiates, not less. That way dealers have less profit, patients needs are met and folks with more pain don't come off as addicts."

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