2014 New Pain Medication Laws Dictating To Doctors That They Cannot Prescribe Anything Equivalent 120 Mg Of Morphine Or Higher A Day Per Patient (Page 34)


I was told Friday by my Pain Management Doctor at my monthly appointment that the DEA was implementing a new law dictating to doctors on how much pain medication they could prescribe per patient per day. It could be equal to no more than 120 mg of Morphine per day per patient and they had to comply within 3 months for all of their patients. I am trying to find out as much information on this as possible. I don't know if my Pain Management Doctor is stating fact or if he is just running scared and if he is stating fact, I don't know if this is federal or state (Alabama) mandated. I spoke directly with the Southeastern division of the DEA in Atlanta this morning and they are not aware of any law of this nature coming into effect and I also contacted another pain clinic locally that has never heard of it either. So I have been trying to reach my Pain Management Clinic and get a copy of the law itself so I will know if it's federal or state and if it is an actual law or just a state regulation and if it's even true but so far no one has called me back so I thought I'd try my luck here and see if anyone has heard of this. This really has me bothered. It looks like either way, true or not, to get adequate pain care I am at least going to have to move out of state if not the entire country. I will ask my questions about that in a different post. But if this is in any way true, and it seems my pain doctor is going to be going by these guidelines whether it is or is not true, it is going to cut my pain meds by almost half. I am on 120 mg of Oxycodone and 8 mg of Dilaudid per day which I was told equals 212 mg of Morphine per day. And before someone decides to tell me that I don't need that much pain medication, I will go ahead and say to you, you don't know me, you don't know what conditions I have that cause me Daily Severe Chronic Pain and other Daily Severe Pain to warrant that much medication, you don't know my tolerance for pain meds, I do NOT take any pain medication to feel high, I ONLY take pain medication to relieve some of the pain as what I am on doesn't even relieve all of my pain, I do NOT drink, I do NOT do street drugs, I see my doctor every 28 days just as I am supposed to, I take my medication as prescribed and the way I am supposed to take it except when I had extreme oral surgery a month ago and I did have to break up my tablets for about a week but they were put on my tongue and NOT up my nose and they were IR tablets so I was fine doing that as I had checked with my pharmacist prior, and you don't feel what I feel or see me lying in bed 24/7 crying from the pain because it is so excruciating and unrelenting so please before anyone starts telling me that I don't need that much pain medicine just stop now before you even start. Those of you that have to live with daily pain will surely understand where I am coming from being this defensive as I'm sure you know you are treated as a drug addict by most doctors even. Thanks in advance for any help with my question.

725 Replies (37 Pages)

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Will pray that you be given something that works for your pain. Chronic pain is torture. When I was working, I was able to take 5 20mg of oxycontin daily, plus Klonopin for bipolar disorder. Now I take 6 30mg oxycodone and my clonazepam plus some serax. I have bad pain in an inguinal hernia, which I am having surgery for this September.

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I too have suffered with long term severe chronic pain. I have been treated like an addict. I have never failed a ua, always take meds as prescribed.
This recent suggestion from the DEA is just that, a suggestion. They are coming down on all doctors to have supported documentation for their patients & their need for the high levels (they deem as high) of pain meds. I've heard that the doctors need to fill out a form(s) supporting the patients need for higher doses. I think a lot of docs are unaware of this or they just don't want to be bothered & are just afraid of ruffling feathers.
It primarily stems from people who have lost a loved one who took pain meds. It's unfortunate that there have been deaths due to overdose.
Especially those from teenagers grabbing pills that were not secured by the family/friends.

These parents who lost their child are angry & heartbroken. I can't begin to imagine their pain.
They have the need to blame someone so now it's focused on the drugs, the pharmaceutical companies, the prescribers etc.
Which among other things has led to the recent events. Now everyone is being made to suffer.

No one should be allowed to set these limitations especially those who are not doctors & have no experience dealing with pain, much less chronic pain.
From what I heard these limitations are a suggestion.
It's not fair to the people who are compliant & are truly suffering.

I think the pain docs should stand together & support their patients.

Med prescribing & doseages should be left up to the physicians discretion.

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Re: Bart (# 19) Expand Referenced Message

Thank YOU BART ! I TOO just posted same response ! They are mere SUGGESTIONS ! I think many people that insist on claiming it's because of the new laws they are being cut down or told to go to PM simply want to believe anything other then they just don't need as,much or they have messed up in some way.....and some simply beleive whst they are told. Regardless every DR has the consent to write pain meds as they see fit ! Dosage amount & quantity !!

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Re: Jbow (# 659) Expand Referenced Message

Jbow, there are no new laws. It is still up to each doctor to prescribe what they believe in the professional judgment each patient needs. But, there is a CDC Guideline Recommendation that most doctors are treating as a law. There is a link below to the CDC Guidelines and a link to Tennessee Chronic Pain Guidelines. If your doctor is not a Pain Management Doctor you need to consider seeing one if you want opiates. Although there is no guarantee a Pain Management Doctor will prescribe the same medication and dosages you have been taking.

CDC Guideline for Prescribing Opioids for Chronic Pain — United States, 2016-

Tennessee Chronic Pain Guidelines-

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Happened to me today. Was cut back last year, now again. What's crazy is the overdose cases are mostly illicit drugs and fentanyl knockoffs! Actual pain patients are too afraid of running out to take extra! I'm going to have to sell my house (or just let the bank have it) because I can't live here in this amount of pain. I'm going to have to move to a dry climate. I hurt less there. I guess I'll be living in my camper. It's all I can do to take care of myself now, but the humidity hurts for some reason. My problems stem from birth defects. I tried to do too much when I was younger. I wish I'd known how badly it would mess me up. Hindsight is 20/20. I just wish I'd kept a copy of everything I've had done. When I was sent to pain management it was the time when they said we have a right to live without extreme pain. Now men in suits say too bad...I wish they had to live in my body a month or two. Then they'd see things differently. I hope my house sells fast. Talk about a motivated seller! AR isn't desirable anyway. Good luck fellow pain patients. Wish me luck...

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Re: Duran Duran 4 life (# 660) Expand Referenced Message

He did cut me down to 90mg a day from 366mg. I have found out that they will make him do insane paperwork to keep me. Also he dropped me as a patient and many others. I will be out of meds in 3 days. I was sent to a possible replacement he just come here from ohio. Told me he did not want a patient that has been chopped up from incompetent doctors in my area. I have seen over 100 doctors. This doctor should have not gotten his license her. I expect to be in hospital in 4 or 5 days. Good luck.

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Its not a law. The state and federal Government is investigating any doctor that prescribes over 90mg. My doctor pushed me down to it. He then dropped me and anyone over that dosage. I will be out of meds in 3 days more than likely hospital in 4 or5 days. If my heart survives. Good luck. Doctors just dont care nor our government.

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Re: GimpyD (# 665) Expand Referenced Message

You can call your previous doctors and hospitals to see if they still have a copy of your medical records. You usually have to pay for the cost of copying medical records. But, if you were on a high dose of opiates it probably won't make any difference.

If a dry climate helps with your pain. It would be best for you to move. You also might want to see other pain doctors before you move. You have no way of knowing what another pain doctor will prescribe you until you see them.

Be sure and get copies of your medical records from your current pain doctor and other doctors before you move. It will help with your new doctors when you move.

Your Medical Records-

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Re: Grace (# 26) Expand Referenced Message

Grace, have you tried Beardon Pain Management Center? I have a relative who started going there after her PCP said he had to wean her off all pain meds, because of new laws, they are putting the squeeze on PCPs. Best, will say a prayer for you.

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He is not being completely honest with you. This is a mere SUGGESTION NOT MANDATORY! Just as they are claiming primary Dr. can no longer write monthly scripts also NOT TRUE. COMPLETELY UP TO EACH DR. Many don't want the ramifications of all the headache that comes with people not being responsible and I believe many Dr.s overprescribed to people that didn't necessarily need such quantities and afraid of losing their license. I'm speaking for NYS laws.

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Re: Grace (# 26) Expand Referenced Message

I used to live in Knoxville I went to one called Omega and there was one right of the interstate you can see the signs. My wife said it is National Pain Institute. I hope this helps.

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Re: Bart (# 19) Expand Referenced Message

You're right... All the DEA did was write a letter to Doctors suggesting those guidelines. The problem now however is Pharmacies like CVS are limiting patients to a seven day supply... In Ca there are doctors sending their patients to Methadone clinics. Problem with that is the clinic by law can only treat addicts, so Chronic Pain sufferers are having to lie and say they are addicts. These new laws aren’t going to help patients at all. There is going to be a huge black market.

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Re: Patrice (# 672) Expand Referenced Message

The seven day limit for CVS is for Acute Pain. It is not for those with Chronic Pain.

Some States have passed laws limiting prescriptions for Acute Pain and first-time opioid prescriptions to seven, five or three days. Laws vary depending on the state.

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Re: BL (# 673) Expand Referenced Message

Yes, and Arkansas passed a law making the limit 100mg of morphine equivalent. Even worse than the federal guidelines. Ugh. It’s gonna be a hard year. What countries can pain patients move to and get quality care without politicians playing Dr?

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Re: GimpyD (# 674) Expand Referenced Message

Please post the link to that Arkansas Law limiting 100 mg Morphine/Morphine Equivalent. Daily Dosage. I have looked for it. But, I can't seem to locate it. Thanks.

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Re: BL (# 668) Expand Referenced Message

I’ve got them, but they were from when I was first sent to pain management and the surgical DuPey disaster. That was 2008. I need new scans and X-rays. Have to try to get them before Jan.

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Suffering Daily from Pain (thread starter) --

Hi suffering... I’m not judging you and I hope no one else does either. You are right, no one but you knows how bad your pain is, so if anyone says anything then that’s their stuff. Ignore them. I went to the AMA.org site today looking for the guidelines for doctors concerning chronic pain sufferers. There is no law telling doctors what or how much they can prescribe. What it is are suggestions... While I’m certain that doctors are scared, that’s all it is. A doctor has nothing to fear if he/she is not overprescribing. I gave you the website so you can read it and hopefully you will feel more at ease. When you get on the site it will be easy to find.

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Re: BL (# 673) Expand Referenced Message

Your correct. I talked to my ex yesterday and he told me the same thing. He’s upset that they won’t write his prescription for one more pill a day. He is in horrible pain. His whole personality and even his looks have changed. You can see the look of pain pills in his eyes. The only thing that’s going to happen is black market sales will soar. The FDA/DEA aren’t helping anyone. This is all about the WOD’s.

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Re: BL (# 675) Expand Referenced Message

It’s what my pain specialist is telling me and other patients. No exceptions. She is young and only does pain patients, so I’m assuming she writes more RX for these meds than most because there are few options in this state. People drive hours to get to the nearest pain specialist. She’s probably still paying off loans. It seems older Dr’s who’ve seen it all are more compassionate and know they can just retire if they have to. That’s just an observation, no proof.

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Here’s what I see going on...Big pharma made tons of money on OxyContin and SubSys (sublingual fentanyl spray) at up to $30,000 a month! They told Dr’s these meds were “abuse proof” and not addictive. Good for all pain from headache to cancer pain. Dr’s wrote prescriptions like crazy thinking it was “safe” (and getting kickbacks) well, they were addictive, and addicts found ways to abuse them. They are now generic so not making big bucks for pharma...But ya know what is? Subutex and drugs that stop withdrawals in addicts. No pain relief at all. Every other commercial is about “addiction is a disease and addicts deserve compassion and dignity"...then they give numbers to call to get off the drugs they abused. Get their lives back. Sunshine and puppies and rainbows...yea, no more addicts, as long as they keep taking the expensive drugs that hold off withdrawal and literally can’t be abused. That’s what gets to me.

Big Pharma and addicts who don’t (or no longer) have pain caused the disaster we're in, and they are taken care of. Pharma gets $$$, addicts get their life back without going through withdrawals. Pain patients on the other hand get no compassion. We are made out to be addicts because we take these meds to live the closest thing we have to a normal life. Cutting my pain meds just means I won’t be able to take care of myself. I’m alone so it looks like a nursing home for me. I get enough to lay in bed If I’m very careful. One wrong move and I’ll be in the ER and they are told not to give any injections, and only enough pain pills to get us through until the next day the pain Dr’s office is open. Not like they’ll be able to see me. Genocide. Get rid of pain patients if big pharma can’t keep making big bucks off us. Opiates are labeled “evil” now. Anyone taking them must be an “addict”. If we can’t function on the reduced levels then we need to go away one way or another. It’s just driving me nuts to watch commercial after commercial about “getting your life back” when mine is going down the toilet. We didn’t ask for this. We didn’t get rich or abuse our meds, but we are being shoved off to side in this circus and it’s not funny. No compassion for us.

Nobody understands this kind of pain unless they live it. What’s ironic is I cut my meds back myself because I know I’m not going to get better. I wanted to save the stronger drugs for when I HAD to have them. I chose to take on more pain so there would be meds that worked later. I was taking the minimum dose I need to just live in my house, not a nursing home. Now they are cut back to an amount where I just can’t do anything. My mom died. She’s all I had. She understood. I’ve been struggling since birth. She knew I don’t lie, and how hard it is for me to ask for help. I learned very young that sometimes I’m just stuck in pain and there’s nothing I can do about it. I wanted to move but now it’s too late. Now I just pray to die. I won’t kill myself. No way. But I see no help on the horizon. I’m tired of surgeries. I’m tired of pain. This body is worn out. But I’m still here. If I were a dog I’d be put down. I wish they’d at least have the decency to do the same for me. It’s beyond cruel. Thanks big pharma and addicts who don’t even have pain that makes doing normal things impossible. Enjoy your lives. You ruined ours. I’m glad I don’t get that karma.

I don’t know what I did in a past life that made me be born with defects, and go through all I did just to be given to pain management when they couldn’t cut on me anymore. Greed. Medicine for money. This is what we’ve sunken to. I hope some intelligence comes soon. If not for me, for crippled children that will be me at 60. To deny such a basic right as the right to use effective pain medicine if it’s proven to allow me to live independently. Nursing homes are going to be over capacity anyway. Putting pain patients there when we could be reading to children in schools, teaching a struggling child to read. I did that 25 years. I miss it. I miss having friends. Going out to eat. Camping, having a family. Beware the precedent this is setting. It’s happened before. I’d hoped it would never happen again. It is. I can’t be the only one who sees it for what it is...I’m much less afraid of dying than I am of what I see this country becoming.

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